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The unban GEEZus! thread had overwhelming support 19 posts and the admins closed the thread immediately to cover more of this up.

You think I'm GEEZus!? I'm in another clan and WHY would I want him to be unbanned if I were him I'd already have the freedom of posting!

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Originally posted by whm.Maynard

The unban GEEZus! thread had overwhelming support 19 posts and the admins closed the thread immediately to cover more of this up.

You think I'm GEEZus!? I'm in another clan and WHY would I want him to be unbanned if I were him I'd already have the freedom of posting!


"overwhelming support" HA! about half of those posts were against him,and the other half had only his clan and you trying to ub-ban the troll so he could flame more.



Nice try,but not good enough.

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Post any sort of reply if you think he should be unbanned

"overwhelming support" HA! about half of those posts were against him,and the other half had only his clan and you trying to ub-ban the troll so he could flame more.


Maybe you should look at the posts more carefully. I'm glad to see you were giving support too.

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Originally posted by whm.Maynard



Maybe you should look at the posts more carefully. I'm glad to

see you were giving support too.


Nice trick.Thankfully,the mods and admins know that you were trying to trick us and will ignore it.

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Originally posted by whm.Maynard

you made it sound like there wasn't anything wrong with the posts you didn't say anything about a warning.

anyway even if you were the one that banned GEEZus! your cool I like your sig :p


Huh? I'm the only one with the sig,and I cant ban anyone,since I am not a mod or admin.

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Originally posted by whm.Maynard



Maybe you should look at the posts more carefully. I'm glad to see you were giving support too.



Sigh...If you thought that any admin would care just because you say that anyone that posts supports you, you're wrong. You broke the rules and you need to either leave and save what little grace you ever had or you can countinue with this struggle with inevitablity. Its pointless, moralless, and annoying.



And another thing! (Yes I'm ranting)


Calling the admins nazis is possibly the most pointless and dim witted thing to say. They let you post here for free. They don't care if you post or not. They only want you to follow the rules.


Boohoo! Why should I have to follow their rules?


They put the time and effort to get this site together. They run it and they (Some of them) sometimes even have to take money from they're own pocket to keep it running. Its up to them what they want on their site or not. If you put the time to create a great and high quality site you too should be able to deside what you want on that site.



Hell, if it was my site anyone that even tried to cross my rules would be banned. No questions.


They were EXTREMELY lenient with you geezus. A one week ban? Bleh. But here you have to go and make a big deal about it because you say so. You were an troll. Pure and simple. You served no other function and provided no other insite. I suggest you either change, but since I doubt you will I'm save my fingers the time typing more.






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Originally posted by whm.Maynard

Kind of proves my point how biased admins are here. The newbies can say whatever they want and not get banned, but say **** to the forum newbs and you'll get banned right away.


Live with it. Hey,you caused the flaming which leads to me flaming. I am very friendly unless someone is trying to flame someone(I.E. you) then I get defensive and try to flame the flamers. And guess what, you dont just waltz in and cuss and flame at everybody like you own the place(which you dont,you dont even help in paying or adding to the contribution) without consquences.Heck, Geezus was even warned and didnt change his way.

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Kind of proves my point how biased admins are here. The newbies can say whatever they want and not get banned, but say **** to the forum newbs and you'll get banned right away.


You have obviously not understood the grounds upon which you were banned, much less that you continue to act in a way that brought the ban upon you in the first place.


-Your flaming of people on this board was not based on any grounds but your own selfishness and self-appeasement


-You would interrupt a discussion with a cogs statement which did not belong. FACE IT, THERE ARE NO COGS IN JKO! Makes me want to throw up my Donald Southerland picture real quick.


-You have not followed the forum rules AFTER your banning... what number was that, 11 or 12?


-You verbally assault higher powers which do not deem merit after your own pathetic actions


Now, the list could go on an on, making this sound like the Declaration of Independance. But to make it short and brief... Leave now, and let the door hit your ass on the way out.

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Why don't you just drop it. I'm sure the mods and admins have better things to do then to read your insults. Even if the admins were biased if you don't like it start your own forums and go there. Stop wasting everyones time with your useless bouts of hatred. So I think this conversation is over. Go cause trouble elsewhere.

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What do dotty pinheads, birdbrained individuals, and TK Geezus have in common? If you answered, "They all waste everyone else's time," then pat yourself on the back. For starters, the last time I told TK Geezus's comrades that I want to tell you things that TK Geezus doesn't want you to know, they declared in response, "But all literature which opposes immoralism was forged by the worst kinds of depraved, wishy-washy gits there are." Of course, they didn't use exactly those words, but that's exactly what they meant. I want to make this clear, so that those who do not understand deeper messages embedded within sarcastic irony -- and you know who I'm referring to -- can process my point. The two things I just mentioned -- the way that TK Geezus tries to make his stances more palatable by wrapping them in rhetoric about the need to protect the interests of the disadvantaged and the downtrodden and the fact that there is blood on his hands -- may sound like they're completely unrelated, but they're not. The common link is that if the people generally are relying on false information sown by cynical doofuses, then correcting that situation becomes a priority for the defense of our nation.


It's irritating to see that half the new posts on this forum is more about forum ethics than JK2 gaming ;/

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