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WIP: Cloud Strife (FF VII)

Midgit Yoda

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Originally posted by Tyrion




with my Final Fantasy VII battle theme music,a cloud model,and a buster sword,I WILL KILL ALL!!!!




my buster sword that takes place of sabers is funky in-game, when i hold up sword the saber blade comes out to the direct right side of the sword. any suggestions

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Originally posted by MysticSpade


my buster sword that takes place of sabers is funky in-game, when i hold up sword the saber blade comes out to the direct right side of the sword. any suggestions

Suggestion: Don't use the buster sword lol.

Okay here's the latest newsie! I've decided that I'm going to make a Custom Cloud which is from my head :). It's going pretty kewl. So far the differences are hair, and bulkiness. I'll post a pic in a few days.

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Okay guys, here is the render I promised of Custom Cloud. Now remember that I am makin this up and not goin from pictures because this is a custom version. I will still of course release the Regular Cloud and KH cloud I just really am achin for some creativity here lol.

Custom Cloud 001

Custom Cloud 002

Well I hope you like him, (I'm having a bitch of a time UVMappin him).

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I expect to finish UVMapping it and Meshing it in a couple of days. I won't get to do more than an hour of work on it today because I have band Practice (oh yeah, did I mention that I am Midgit yoda lol). Custom Cloud is probably going to be the first one released. Chrono, do you wanna skin Custom cloud, FFVII cloud, KH cloud, or all of em? You can skin em all if u wanna lol.

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