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when your good...your a cheater????

Goddess In Allo

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Next time do a condump, lol i can make a site deticated to that much like the Lamerkatz one, except dealing with JK2.


For those who don't know, a condump is a txt file with all the console messages, you can do it in game by typeing "/condump whatever.txt" and the whatever will show up in your base folder.



I have never been accused of cheating, maybe because i am playing duels latley and most don't realize duelists cant hear the spectators

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This is nothing new. It's the old "Sore Loser" syndrome that seems to infect certain segments of any gaming community's population.


Don't take it to heart, these are folks who, while admitting to themselves that the possibility of cheating exists, would rather delude themselves into thinking that they lost to somebody because that person was breaking the rules, rather than they themselves were lacking in some area of skill or ping.


These are the folks who give gaming a bad name, sadly. Perhaps they've been scarred for life by cheaters of some manner or another, but that's no excuse to accuse everyone of cheating just because they're tough to beat.


Almost everybody who's been beaten badly is tempted to whine or maybe feels let down. But the thing to do is to suck it up and try to learn from your mistakes and get better. Otherwise you're stuck in a downward spiral of complacency and mediocrity.


My advice? Keep on playing, and ignore those guys. You know you're not cheating, so just avoid them. If they insist on playing you, maybe they'll get beaten so bad they'll just leave and take their whines someplace else.


This didn't start with JK2, it's been around at least as long as games have been around (and sore losers). Take for example the old "I don't want to play anymore (intentionally knocks over board)" excuse when somebody loses at checkers. ; p

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Heh, personally i prefer the old 'Oops seems my computer mysteriously disconnected/crashed/got abducted by aliens .... When it looked like i was gonna lose'' move .


I mean seriously, if you can't lose with some measure of grace & dignity, theres something wrong somewhere.



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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

Welcome to the internet, where people can insult anyone they want without fear of getting punched in the nose.




Hee Hee


Well said!!


But I prefer the throat punch followed by a hook to the soft part between the ear and jaw and a knee to the mid section. I fight dirty :evil1:

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Ive never been called a 'cheater' but I'm called a scripter all the time. After about 2 months of practice I can deliver a wide amount of combos almost flawlessly time after time (but I'm not perfect, of course). After 15min in a JediMod1.2 server I'm usually kicked or banned for scripting. It's such a shame when good players (as most of them are on that server) turn into whiny little girls the second they lose to someone with a little more skill than them.

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