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ProMod Beta 2 -- Released!


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After playing some duels with the Promod ffa, they didnt seem as short as they thought they would, because with the full damage, players seem to take less risks than with your server, i found my matches to be a little faster than yours but good none the less.


Anyway maybe it's just your playstyle,i am not usually so outclassed in duels, probably because i've been playing with the same lot i developed a diff playstyle than the play style that all you HP server do, either way i'll try and test out red more in NF enviroments, as far i see Red is still ok with regular damage.



Anyway, good fights, and maybe i can change your mind about FFA's, the lightning-drain-backbedal throw you are thinking of isnt really what happins in all servers

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Originally posted by zerowingzero

Anyway, good fights, and maybe i can change your mind about FFA's, the lightning-drain-backbedal throw you are thinking of isnt really what happins in all servers


I hope so, its just that its a pain in the arse to change keyconfigs, perhaps i'll make a cfg file for that when i get the time.

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FFA'ers tend to be more agressive than duelists. On my servers we duel quite a bit. We also do big bad brawls too. True enough none of us are too worried about dying and not playing the game till we're up again, thus we have no need to be quite as safe.


I think you'll find ffa duelers at least the ones fostered on my server to be a par above the rest. Most of them have focused mainly on they're saber skills, but being a force filled environment the usual grip whores don't get in they're way much. :)


I'm sure you regular duelers would find my ffa duelers to be a handfull.



As far as force powers go in general. After having played 2 weeks with full force powers enabled. I have yet to see anyone really successfully whore anything. Lightning - drain - backpedal... I've seen a few try, but they usually don't get much traction with us. As soon as lightning gets busted out they become everyones center of attention. And have they're asses handed to them accordingly. The biggest whore I've seen is pull/kick, and even that isn't usefull enough to matter. Or grip/blue lunge. This can be very deadly, but its far from unblockable or unavoidable. Experienced players hand me my ass every try of that, non experienced players get they're asses handed to them. :)


Also no longer in FFA does fighting a darksider = absorb. Play NS_STREETS, you know the push/pull/grip whore map. hehe.... With promod getting pushed/pulled/or gripped off. Is no easy whore to do. It finally takes skill to rack up so many skills with that tactic. Push/pull can be so easy to block as long as your paying attention to who's doing the pushing.


The known whores I did have, do nothing but bitch moan and complain about how much this mod sucks. :)



What force power FFA is like now I can only describe as a bitchin experience. I've had some damn good almost force only battles before, and I have to say it really feels good now. Somehow the force powers always seemed to be buggy, or overtly advantagous. Such as being able to push/pull others with impunity. Not anymore is that the case. Now if you can do it, it's because made a good solid well aimed, well timed force attack. You can now feel safe going into a server full of darksiders with nothing but push/pull and feel relatively safe from them. Sure there are the lightning/drain whores, but just remember if you got the health, then you got plenty of time to just take the lightning and run after them and chop they're vunerable lightning whoring butts to oblivion. :)


They will either have to stop using lightning or die... it's that simple anymore. No absorb required. :)


Now in my duels its not uncommon to throw a few force attacks at each other have each player counter and dodge accordingly and then follow up with saber strikes. This is the kind of fighting I see all the time now with promod. No more force only people running around. Cuz it's simple they learned hte saber is one badass weapon in ProMod.


Reminds me of another whore who would come on my server before equip very little other than darkside powers and own quite a few... As of lastnight watching him play he got owned outright. In a server full of saber loving players, and being the only force only guy is not a good thing. :)



Hoorah for promod. "It's what the game should of been".

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Originally posted by zerowingzero


Lol if i remember correctly, i got you better, if only i had some reference pics....




Please Note that you were there longer and since this was my FIRST match of the night I spent some time adjusting my force powers. Also please note that out of my 6 kills YOU were 3 of them. I think you may have killed me once. But whatever keep thinking you own.


Also I was only reffering to our last little meeting of the night in which we had a sort of duel and you lost. It was a joke, since I thought you were cool with it. Didn't know you kept an index of meaningless screenshots or that you'd get all bent out of shape.


My bad!!




Originally posted by zerowingzero

And by the way, hate you avatar and your arguing like it's JBF here...


Sorry Angel boy, didn't mean to annoy you with the avatar my 12 year old cousin sent me. But I put my familly before losers that take cheap shots, like remarks about avatars, such as yourself.


Can't wait to see you on-line champ. :D

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Originally posted by KnightHawk420


As far as force powers go in general. After having played 2 weeks with full force powers enabled. I have yet to see anyone really successfully whore anything. Lightning - drain - backpedal... I've seen a few try, but they usually don't get much traction with us...


Hoorah for promod. "It's what the game should of been".


Good comments. Good to see that my adjustments are turning out to be balanced in the long term. I really think that the range decrease in Lightning and Drain, and the increased saber damage have gone for miles to even out the gameplay.


Stay tuned. Next step is to equalize sabers vs. guns...and from what I've got on paper, it's gonna rock!

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Originally posted by ArtifeX



Stay tuned. Next step is to equalize sabers vs. guns...and from what I've got on paper, it's gonna rock!




Do you realize what you are getting yourself into? Gunners will go rabid if you find a way to make sabers equal. Heck, they are already mad at you for upping saber throw damage against gunners.


You are a marked man Artifex, no telling what could happen to you.




Then again I already gave you my thoughts on how to help balance things out. Give'em Hell Artifex!!:devsmoke:

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I am going to put up a Promod duel server very soon to go along with my Jediplus FFA server. One question - what am I supposed to set for the blocking variables? (you know ghoul2 and sabertraces) I probably doesn't matter. I'm guessing that Promod doesn't pay attention to that but I want to make sure. Thanks.

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Originally posted by crazyplaya73

I am going to put up a Promod duel server very soon to go along with my Jediplus FFA server. One question - what am I supposed to set for the blocking variables? (you know ghoul2 and sabertraces) I probably doesn't matter. I'm guessing that Promod doesn't pay attention to that but I want to make sure. Thanks.


Glad to hear it. All you need to do is leave the server set to its 1.04 defaults. ghoul2 off and sabertrace 0 (i think). None of the extra blocking or attacking stuff that ProMod does is affected too much by either of these though. Most of the ProMod collision code is "instead of" rather than "in addition to" ghoul2 and sabertrace.

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Originally posted by FatalStrike

Do you realize what you are getting yourself into? Gunners will go rabid if you find a way to make sabers equal. Heck, they are already mad at you for upping saber throw damage against gunners.


You are a marked man Artifex, no telling what could happen to you.


Then again I already gave you my thoughts on how to help balance things out. Give'em Hell Artifex!!


Gunners take note:


I hereby solemnly swear that I will not in any way nerf, cripple or otherwise make sh1tty any gun, saber style/swing, or Force Power. Yet, I will bring Guns vs. Sabers into balance.


As to how I'm going to do that...I'll keep that to myself for a bit.

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Aww, come on! Let us in on the secret! I'm getting tired of going through your trash looking for scribbles/notes on promod! :p


Honestly though, you might want to let your ideas marinate in the forums for a bit. There may be some collective wisdom around here to be taken advantage of. Or maybe we're all whiny instant gratification junkies who just wanna know NOW!!! :)


Keep it up, eh?

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Originally posted by TheLiberator34

I haven't gotten a chance to download the Promod yet, but one thing i was wondering about is if you modyfied strong style. I think it should have less of a windup, but should have a chance of overswing if you miss your target.


The major change i made to Strong was that I upped the footspeed during a swing. I think you'll find that change alone makes the Strong stance much more effective in combat. Most people have commented that it is a little riskier to use, but has a satisfying result for taking the risk.

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Originally posted by taboo

Aww, come on! Let us in on the secret! I'm getting tired of going through your trash looking for scribbles/notes on promod! :p


Honestly though, you might want to let your ideas marinate in the forums for a bit. There may be some collective wisdom around here to be taken advantage of. Or maybe we're all whiny instant gratification junkies who just wanna know NOW!!! :)


Keep it up, eh?


I generally like to keep conceptual stuff under my hat until i've tested the feasibility in the code. Once I've got the lion's share of it working, I'll let you guys know about it.


Really though, if this works out, none of you will be disappointed I think.

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Lol i just like posting pics, anyway i'd say i'm pretty good in ffa's, not to sound ****y but i usually do get high scores without guns with promodv2



Anyway i'll just have to focus on you next time i see you in arti's server ;)



Anyway there is something i must bring up with absorb, since promod beta 1 i've never used it, it is pretty useless to my with the increased useage and the delay before it activates, it's only usefull if someone just holds down lightning or if that's the only force power your gonna use. Any other time it seems more economical to just run from lightning-ers that don't hold it down, as by the time i activate absorb they've stoped and i've got less force with no benifit

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Do you realize what you are getting yourself into? Gunners will go rabid if you find a way to make sabers equal. Heck, they are already mad at you for upping saber throw damage against gunners.


Oh, I dunno. Sabre throw hasnt bothered me much in promod. I did rather well with my guns against FatalStrike and PsionicJedi. ;)



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Originally posted by ShockV1.89


Oh, I dunno. Sabre throw hasnt bothered me much in promod. I did rather well with my guns against FatalStrike and PsionicJedi. ;)




Arrr that you did Shock, even owned me with the saber in a duel :o


At least I have two duel kills on FatalStrike under me belt :D

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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

I dunno, this one feels kinda spammy. I just spent 15 minutes playing another two guys, and this one fella would just spam yellow slashes. No specials or anything, just run at you swinging yellow, and I found it very hard to counter. Yellow did decent damage, and it would break defenses as well? Hmmm....




I had to deal with this kind of fighting lastnight myself. It does seem somehow Medium is more effective at this than it should be... but...


Blue stance is good against it. Blue lunge works like a charm.


Block, parry, strike with blue...


If you can get some distance from him, switch to red and at least make his incoming strikes dangerous as hell.


Mostly though blue stance worked best against this kind of player. Keep calm, block the hits and counter. It's as simple as that.. Sorta..

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Generally the way things go is that Blue beats Yellow (used in the proper reactive rather than proactive manner), Yellow beats Red, and Red beats Blue (it busts Blue's defenses pretty well).


So KnightHawk's right, Blue does counter Yellow. You just wait for their attack, then block it, and use the block to chain a counterattack while the Yellow user is still recovering.


There's a great Blue combo that I've pointed out before that's difficult to do, but it's the fastest combo in the game, and can kill a player outright if you do it correctly. Goes like this:


attack(hold)+left, forward+right, left, forward+right, left,...ad infinitum.


One cycle of this combo will hit six times is just over 1 second. With the new damages, you'll be doing 180 points if you land all six. Hell, if you land just half of them you'll do the equivalent of a Strong swing at 90 points. If somebody sees me in a server and wants a demonstration of this, i can demonstrate.


This will chew up an unwary Yellow user.


Also, Yellow is seeming to be the best style for most people, but remember, most of the servers out there are FFA, so that's where most people's experience lies. If you do more private duels, I think you'll find that the advantages of Blue over Yellow start to become more apparent. I'm actually getting quite good at using Blue in duels, myself. Just as ZeroWingZero about the priv. duel we had on the death star map last night. :p

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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

Oh, I dunno. Sabre throw hasnt bothered me much in promod. I did rather well with my guns against FatalStrike and PsionicJedi.






Yeah yeah yeah I got my @ss handed to me by Shock, and so what!! :D


I did put in some Promod training hours last night and have gotten better. So I look forward to running into all of you on-line. I need the practice so I will be at arti's server more often.


By the way Arti the new mind trick works wonders on gunners! Great job!!





Originally posted by Psionic Jedi


Arrr that you did Shock, even owned me with the saber in a duel :o


At least I have two duel kills on FatalStrike under me belt :D


:D Me and you were pretty even, I got you good a few times and you got me back.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

ZeroWingZero about the priv. duel we had on the death star map last night. :p


What the?! Yellow lost to blue without a lunge! this isnt right! ahh!



Blue is fine if your patient, or not playing FFA, yellow will do more damage in less time and most likely steal your kills if you arent fast enough. I gotta learn to use blue :(

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Originally posted by zerowingzero


What the?! Yellow lost to blue without a lunge! this isnt right! ahh!


Blue is fine if your patient, or not playing FFA, yellow will do more damage in less time and most likely steal your kills if you arent fast enough. I gotta learn to use blue :(


Exactly why more people are going for Yellow these days: they think that Medium's uses in FFA transfer to a closed duel. Closed duels are MUCH different than full FFA now.

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I am learning blue a little bit, I kept losing duels to this one guy and finally stuck with blue for most of the duels and end up winning the next 4. It's not that blue does a lot of damage but it throws them off their game plan. They can't fight the way they like to fight and you end up opening them up to a later in the duel red or yellow hit.


That what makes Promod cool, all the stances seem to be very useful.


The footspeed change finally made red useful again but despite all the cry's of "oh no red is going to be uber again" it isn't. Well done Artifex!!

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Originally posted by ArtifeX


Exactly why more people are going for Yellow these days: they think that Medium's uses in FFA transfer to a closed duel. Closed duels are MUCH different than full FFA now.


Just like they were in 1.02.


In 1.02 FFA was a DFA orgy. Everyone DFA'd all day and those of us who were better at it won.


But 1.02 duels have medium stance masters crushing heavy users.


Duels are about small calculated attacks and a very mindful defensive posture. You can't be reckless in a duel in 1.02 or Promod. The hit points are high and one false step and its bye bye Jedi. I love it!!

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