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My server doesn't show up in Game Spy or the Game Browser, can anyone help???

Greywolf 6

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Man out of 8 views I can't get 1 reply with maybe a suggestion. I messed around with this game and even went into a couple of servers and asked, no one knows. Someone has to have had this problem before. And no I don't have a firewall up and I am not running background programs like Zone Alarm, I can host all the other MP games I play, this is the only game I am having issues hosting.:confused:

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Check the dedicated server forum, there are plenty of threads about this subject, alo if you are on a LAN connected to your server check the LAN section of the in game browser, it show up as (your server name) followed by [uDP] if you need it verifying by someone else lemme know and I'll have a look for your server if you give us the name.

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if you are running a dedicated server, usually you would have to switch the port number in the server config file you are using (e.g. server.cfg) from say 28070 to 28072 or something... why, I don't know. but I had the same problem, but as soon as I switched, it fixed itself.. and to Think I had it worse because i was using the dreaded LINKSYS ROUTER.... (boo hiss...lol)

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