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the f*cking jk2 idiots..


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i am so sick of the idiots out there that screw up their servers by putting a billion mods/models/whatever on there server.. and THEN put it on pure server...even with auto d/l on.. its a bunch of ****! whats realy ticking me off is the fact that every server that hosts the jet pack mod.. put it in their base folder like morrons.. IT GOES IN THE GAMEDATA FOLDER!!! THEN another folder YOU MAKE called JETPACK!! if you are one of the servers that host this mod.. please get a ****ing clue and fix this..!


anyway.. anyone else shair the same feelings towards this as i do?

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if you don't.. then why did you post anything.. jesus you don't play multiplauyer?!? thats a .. ehem.. MAJOR part of the game.. thats just odd.. well yes there is a jet pack mod.. and it came out not too long ago, but noone bothers to read its read me.. and beyond that fact.. thye should think.. MOD? oh that gose in the game data directory...

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1. It is bad that people clog up their servers like that, but coming on here, posting in the completely wrong forum and flaming them is not going to get you no where. No one is forcing you to pick what servers you play on, so if you don't like one, don't use it.


2. A lot of people are much more into SP than MP. Did it ever cross your mind that maybe, just MAYBE, people can have different opinions than you? Do you know what an opinion is? If not, here is an easy and clickable link so you can find out.

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Heh, well it annoys me too. Used to happen A LOT with JediMod 1.1 it seemed. 1.2 people have gained some sense. ;) It kinda ticks me off too when you have to keep cutting and pasting the mod .pk3 files in and out of the base folder. People will learn.

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you guys take things too seriously.. they have their opinion.. and i have mine.. **** you :p .. this is the right forum.. sence this topic is on mods.. and people that don't know wtf they're doing.. hence the name of this topic.. the jk2 f*cking idiots.. now for.. why don't i just not choose to play on their server blah blah blah.. try getting into one.. ok im on gamespy now.. clicking on jk2.. four servers running the mod i want.. now 1 out of 6 has the mod in its right place.. problem? yea! im just an angry person.. could is a word that should replace should.. ya know.. i like to rant..

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No, this is the WRONG FORUM.


General questions, comments, tips and tricks for those destined to expand the world of Jedi Knight II.


The description BLATANTLY says that it is for discussing EDITING, and asking for EDITING help, not to discuss mods or flame people because you don't like them.


I do not understand why people cannot simply READ and COMPREHEND such extremely simple TEXT written in ENGLISH.

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No, this is the RIGHT FORUM.






General questions, comments, tips and tricks for those destined to expand the world of Jedi Knight II.



General question - why the f*ck don't people READ and COMPREHEND such extremely simple INSTRUCTIONS packaged with a MOD (a.k.a) a form of EDITING your game.


Comment - well.. what have i been doing..


Tips and Tricks for those destined to espand the world of Jedi Knight II- well.. as stated in my first post..


"IT GOES IN THE GAMEDATA FOLDER!!! THEN another folder YOU MAKE called JETPACK!! if you are one of the servers that host this mod.. please get a ****ing clue and fix this..! "


hmm.. iv'e seemed to hit all of those dead on.. did it ever cross your mind that maybe, just MAYBE, your heads stuck too far up your ass to UNDERSTAND. but hey.. i respect that.. because people can have different opinions than me.. right..


General Edit: sorry.. iv'e seemed to of forgot your easy and clickable link.. here..

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Dude, your a moron if you think MP is the best part of every game. I enjoy the single player portion of this game more than the multiplayer portion. And if you hate all the servers that have all the mods just make your own. And this doesnt belong here. it belongs in some other jkii forum were people like to bitch about thier problems

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Gram take a quick scan through out this topic.. when.. when did i say that it was.. i found it odd.. that someone who doesn't play the game at all.. post quite abit in this forum.. and that a person.. answers my question, "does anyone else shair the same feelings towards this as i do?" .. "no, because i dont play mp.." ONLY ONE PERSON HERE HAS CORRECTLY POSTED TO THIS TOPIC.. thank you k.o.. the rest of you have just bickered away about how "hardcore players play sp too blah blah blah.. people have opinions ya know.. your a morron if you think something that i don't so blah.." someone i think.. ya someone posted about opinions.. ya.. well im stating mine.. so "Dude".. i suggest you chill out and stop jumping the gun.. I was trying to be persuasive to this person.. when i said "jesus man, thats a major part of the game.." didn't catch that?.. i happen to like the multiplayer alot.. so "Dude".. you're a morron.. learn how to spell you're..

that is all.. close this topic already..

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Yeah know what you mean, I was on a lanparty a couple o weeks ago and we should play JKII,almost everyone had everything in their base folder, it really messed up the lanparty cause whatever I said was wrong and they where right, things like"No way, you should have put it in your base folder" and " you moron, think youre smart well you mess your computer up if you dont put all of it in your base folder" where often said to me, but while playing JKII they soon noticed something was going wrong, everything got messed up every computer had some problems.


and when I said "told you so" and "you should not have put that in your base folder" they said " no we have everything as it should be you don't, thats the problem" and "Its the fault of that cheap hub, I think its to friggin slow are you sure it has 100mbs?"


but now when its to late they see the true source of there mistake

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True, there are people who do not know how to use mods. That's not the reason to flame them, is it? The main cause of this is the late release of the SDK. Till that moment, all mods were for SP, and they were needed to be put in /gamedata/base dir, because they were simple changed content.

Some people are still confused it seems. Because of this, they put the mods into the same folder, regardless of the actual path they need to put them to.


As for the multiple models and skins...well, right now I am in the same situation in Unreal Tournament. And yes, I had to download about 60 mb of addons to the game to play it. You do realize that you only have to download things once....hell, if I with my 56k modem managed to do it, why can't you even try. People like custom content. That's what drives this game on and on (every game in practice). No need to complain, and coming close to flaming others.


As for now:


a) This topic does NOT belong on this board. It belongs in Valley of the Jedi forum.

b) Since this looks like a potential flame war and the topic is still not locked as some mods suggest, I hereby LOCK this topic.

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