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bots and jetpacks : 1st test


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kinda impressive in fact.


my simple test was to create a cvar that would give one bot the flag EF_JETPACK. (and set the cvar back to 0 so we don't have flags problems, reseted every frames.)


the bots don't act like dumbass when in jetpack.


the bots runs normally in the level. and when he is jumping

or falling => he flies but wants to continue it's usual way.

he doesn't know how to get back on earth (crouching).

and just continue flying (but slowly cause he is not thrusting).


i think we could create a new bot routes for jetpack and when the bots want to use the jet pack then uses these waypoints.


we could tell the bots to use the jetpack when there is noone around or if an oponent is flying too.


and we should teach the bot to deactivate the jetpack and to crouch for going down.


i'm going to do some more tests and if it's not too bad maybe post a demo .



any suggestions ?

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Hey tchouky, it's great to see you back and messing around with the code! :)


Sounds really good for a start. If you can eventually get them to turn it on and off using some form of logic, then of course that would be phenominal, but just getting them to crouch/land will be great indeed.


best of luck





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i think, you should make the new botroutes for the basic levels of jk II and some populair and current maps, which would be nice for jetpacks.


Maybe the famous Episode I-Level, it is a big level with big rooms!!!


Or the Salacc-Pit, Jabbas Palace wouldn't be so useful, maybe only the big hangar of Jabbas Palace.


But in the level, there have not to be everywhere such a bot-jetpack route!!!

Only in big and high rooms and places, in small rooms of a level it wouldn't be useful!!!

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good stuff ;) i would've written some bot routines for my jetpack code if i had the time, but unfortunately i don't really have any ;)


also i could do some suggestions...



Trace ahead, meaning trace the bot movement to where he's (roughly) gonna be in a few seconds and see if it's in something dangerous, (slime, pit o doom whatever ;)) if he is, simply turn on the bots jetpack movement.


Check the enemy position, if it's > * units away, try to get there using the jetpack, jetpack code can simply be. look at enemy, fire jetpack and move forward until some solid is hit (then try to find a way around it using routes or whatever)


check if the enemy position is < * units (AND not dropping radically (falling to his doom perhaps? ;)) and do the same


Hope this helps your work a little ;) if you have any other questions you can always post them on the team assault forum or someting :p


Good luck with the code,

The Eternal

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Originally posted by Tchouky

here it is ...


you can watch a demo i've done.


jango's animations screwed up in the end but .....


when you create a gamle add only ONE bot


then type in the console tck_jet 1

only once too

and then go fight the bot and when you re near him jump :)


Tchouky !! Good to see you back on the forums M8 !!!


The creative genius of you, Dest, Keo718, darth syrup & others have made some masterpieces that Raven would be proud of.


The mods you guys have done have taken Jedi outcast gameplay to another level. Keep up the good work guys :thumbs1:


Btw ! nice job on bots with jetpacks

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In addition to Tchouky's testing, I also just got the bots to use jetpacks:


I fought Jango Fett in the NarShadda map, and i'd push him off a platform and his pack would pick him up, and bring him back to the platform. When i pulled him off, he staggered in the air and then promptly flew up at me, attacking the whole time!


It'll be in the ForceMod 2.0 beta, with the same restrictions on which bots can wear the pack as players had in ForceMod 1.0.


Thanks for the help, Tchouky - i probably wouldn't have tried to add packs to the bots for awhile without seeing your demo and seeing how well they handle it.

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Originally posted by Darth_Syrup

In addition to Tchouky's testing, I also just got the bots to use jetpacks:


I fought Jango Fett in the NarShadda map, and i'd push him off a platform and his pack would pick him up, and bring him back to the platform. When i pulled him off, he staggered in the air and then promptly flew up at me, attacking the whole time!


It'll be in the ForceMod 2.0 beta, with the same restrictions on which bots can wear the pack as players had in ForceMod 1.0.


Thanks for the help, Tchouky - i probably wouldn't have tried to add packs to the bots for awhile without seeing your demo and seeing how well they handle it.






That`s great to hear ! could you give us any idea when 2.0 could be finished ?


BTW ! I think a site should be set up so people could send you guys a small donation for all the hard work you all have put in to make these mods. Thanx guys for keeping JO alive :thumbs1:

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Could you give us any idea when 2.0 could be finished ?


Hopefully within a month or three. I'm adding a few more things that might take awhile.


BTW ! I think a site should be set up so people could send you guys a small donation for all the hard work you all have put in to make these mods.


LOL, that would be nice wouldn't it? Unfortunately it's not quite legal to receive compensation for doing this stuff. It's a nice thought, though!

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A few more things?


Well...the menu is getting a little boost.


And the emphasis in version 2.0 is the mercs, you could almost call it "MercMod".


Of course, the Jedi will get some additions, but the focus is on making the mercs funner to play, and more accessible, and beefing up the Jedi in parallel so the battles will be more intense, with quick kills.


It's not a huge overhaul, just an enhancement.


Oh...and i'll be fixing any bugs/imbalances that are brought to my attention (i have a small list already)

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