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Storm Troopers.----- Bad eyesight, or Lousy aim??????

<|DLS|>Darth Fett

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:fett: Who really playes single player?? I do.... well not any more :p heh heh heh.(multiplayer rulz) But if u do, then why the f*** do thosa storm troopers have suck crappy aim. The officers dont seem to have a problem at hittining you (orat least shooting in the area where u can deflect it :D ). but its not jus this hame where they suck at shooting. In the movies (Episode4-6[new hope and so on]) they also have such crappy aim, ut in the prequiles the clonetroopers(wich i think are storm trooper) they kick ass. WTF. anyways i pretty much jus wanted to start a post and i couldn't think of **** so this popped up. Lets see your opinion on this wheather or not they jus suck, or its a problem with the eyes. :fett:
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Well in the movies they have no problem shooting characters that really don't matter. You know what I'm talking about those dude that get film credits like this "Rebel #17" But when they have to shoot a lead character they seem to forget how to aim. I think its just part of movie magic, because if you had storm troopers that could aim fighting for the bad guys the rebels would of gotten their asses handed to them very quickly.


By the way whats up with rebels getting on a emperial ship that has thousands of troops on board but only being chased by maybe a dozen. Do you think if Osam bin Laden went onto a Aircraft carrier the captian/admiral would send 6 dudes to get him? Hells no!! I think if they made JKII more like a Metal Gear in the sense that if you didn't kill them right away you got screwed the single player would be a hell of a lot more fun.


Just my opinion you are more then welcome to prove me wrong.

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Its taht the guns are innactuarte, right? When we shoot um, its also hard to hit people.


Yeah the Imp Officers and Workers are using blaster pistols similar to the Bryar Pistol, so they are alot more accurate than the E11.


Maybe cause those huge helmets limit trooper vision o.O


Anyways you don't need super aim to fire a Flechette, as those high troopers do in Bespin :o.

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Sure, the troopers aren't very smart, but I think it has more to do with the guns they use. Ever try to use one of those Blaster Rifles in SP? Utter crap for aim and damage against troopers.


Now check out the one in MP.... now there's a decent weapon.


Go figure!


According to the EU, Stormtroopers have elite training (and/or are specially bred clones) so I doubt its a genetic problem. Their helmets are supposed to have computer systems and HUDs so that shouldn't be it either. I guess for gameplay purposes, the Raven devs felt that making the ST Rifle crappier for SP would make it more challenging and movie-like (I guess).

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I've noticed that on the Tantive IV the stormtroopers shot with much higher accuracy. Darth Vader was with them then. Perhaps they decided to aim otherwise Vader would Force-grip them to death.


Well, either that or they normally slack-off but couldn't because the boss was there...


:trooper: "Hey! You there!"

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:fett: WTF?? the blasters that stormtroopers use suck?!? What are u talkin aboot (CANADIAN heh heh heh)! Those rifles are all i used when i didnt have the saber! Except for long shots cuz then it sucked. I would enter a room with tons of Storm Troopers and jus shot them all in the head one shot. Enter a roon with 10 storm troopers and fire like maybe 13 shots (i missed... damn alchool.) ya so i think its cuz they were engineered wrong i say well wateva. :fett:
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im so crap in single player


im only in the mine eheh


when you go out of a control room and 20 stormies run in


killed 18 of them


while shooting the one in front that i thought was the last,the other stormtrooper ran up behind and shot me in te back


...hmmm grrr next time they wont be so lucky!!!

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1) In ANH the stormies on the Death Star miss everybody because they were under orders to let everyone escape.


2) In ESB the stormies were also supposed to let Luke's friends escape, so they could save him.


3) In RotJ the stormies were overconfident and got their asses kicked by teddy bears (and a stolen AT-ST, but still)




Raven decides to make stormtrooper AI crap because "stormtroopers miss in the movies". Is there much logic to that? NO. But it doesn't matter, because Raven thought it would be cool (just like how they decided sabers shouldn't cast shadows).



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The reason why storm troopers and most antagonists can't hit squat with a blaster is because of one simple movie rule: "Bad guys have bad aim." No matter how many storm troopers or rotten bounty hunters shoot one guy, even at point blank range, they'll miss unless the director or the story calls for a hit. A great example of "Bad guys have bad aim" is the scene in Special Edition: A New Hope where Greedo confronts Han Solo in the cantina and tries to shoot him in the head. Greedo missed a few inches from Solo's head at point blank range! How is that really possible? Well, either Han Solo has Jedi reflexes or Greedo just plain sucks with a blaster. I guess Solo got lucky! So you see "Bad guys have bad aim" does apply to this situation unless you count in the exception like Rebel soldiers because those guys were just made to die. Another good example would be the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi! How many of those little guys died in the battle compared to storm troopers? Not many, because storm troopers had bad aim especially in the hover bike scenes with the scout troopers! So, anyway I hope the "Bad guys have bad aim" movie rule came in handy in explaining this subject.





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Originally posted by FatalStrike

By the way whats up with rebels getting on a emperial ship that has thousands of troops on board but only being chased by maybe a dozen. Do you think if Osam bin Laden went onto a Aircraft carrier the captian/admiral would send 6 dudes to get him? Hells no!! I think if they made JKII more like a Metal Gear in the sense that if you didn't kill them right away you got screwed the single player would be a hell of a lot more fun.


Just my opinion you are more then welcome to prove me wrong.


Well that is a good idea however i think sp jk2 is fun because its very cinematic - u can sneak past the storm troopers but that just wouldnt be very much fun :) and how much fun would the starwars films be if they didnt have a laser battle or two? :p

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Its true that Stormtroopers are considered to be elite troops according to EU. However, I suspect that in this case 'elite' means that they are supposed to be fanatically loyal and fearless. Most of their training could actually be indoctrination.


Just being a no life SW apologist here :D

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