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September 11th. Where were you?

Guest DarthMaulUK

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I was in my first class that morning, automata theroy, when the towers were struck. I had no idea, none of us did. As I left class I saw a friend of mine on campus and he told me that the US was under attack and they had shot down a plane and the twin towers had been hit, with one of them colapsing. (Yeah, his info was not complete and slightly miss leading, but the situation was still early) I did not believe him in full, just kinda humored him and was shocked in my second class, discrete mathematics, when the students were all talking about it. That's when I learned that the second building was destroyed also. It was the first time some of the students had heard about it also. We conducted class and disscussed the happening at the same time. All other classe were canceled and there were several activities on campus to help students. I went home and watched the news and internet for the rest of the day and participated in events on campus to aide students.

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I was is class, happy and cheerful, until the principal went over the intercom, saying that a plane flew into one of the World Trade Towers. Then a little bit after the first announcement, the second place hit, and we all listened to the radio for quite some time, hearing what was going on.


The next day, practically no one was at the school. They remained home and watch the news and what happened at that time. Truly, it was a day when time stood still.


One of my fathers cousins and his daughter worked inside the Pentegon for Nuclear Reaserch during the time of the attacks. We don't know what happened to them still.


I hope Osama can still run, cause we are not stopping until we have him. America will always remember. The local C.A.P. called saying to remain alert for any attacks here for us to help. Thankfully, the second call was never made.


Long live the USA :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa:

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I'd been asleep when the first plane hit the WTC. My mother called me and told me about it. I remember my wife and I getting up to watch it and wondering whether it was just some bizarre pilot (or mechanical error) that had resulted in the crash--the news didn't seem to be quite sure what was happening at the time. Then I remember the second plane hitting and things just going all downhill from there...



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I was asleep because for once I didn't have class or work to go to, so I figured I'd take advantage. I was awoken at about 9:30 by my brother, who was working in Hackensack, New Jersey at the time, where the twin towers are quite visible. I answered the phone and he asked if I was awake, I said no, the he proceeded to tell me that the Twin Towers had been hit. I was shocked with disbelief, as I am sure anyone else was that had been awoken to that message. I turned on the TV and I couldn't beleive it. At that point I became worried, because I have a few friends who work down in that area, luckily, they all got out more or less safe and soun, as I later found out after a flurry of calls that I made to their cell phones.

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I keep posting, I know this thread is supposed to be about where I was when I heard, but this sticks in my mind.


I stated earlier that i went to classes as normal. Well, I was sitting in one of the buildings when a friend I hadn't seen in a while came up to me and cheerfully asked how things were going. He hadn't heard yet.....I had to tell him as I listened to the news on my cd-player/radio. He was as shocked as I was. He maybe more than me....he is a German exchange student and had been at the WTC at the beginning of the semester.

It was hard for me to impart to him exactly what had happened...by the time I told him, the second tower had just collapsed...I was reeling from the blows already...It was a tough day for us all.


I have seen the videos. I have viewed the pictures. I have heard the stories of the heroes and the survivors and listened to some of the families of the slain...I refuse to call them "victims" for some reason known only to God...maybe because that word is associated with weakness and those people were some of the strongest I have heard of.


The people who did this wanted to strike fear into us, wanted to show us that we aren't invincible. Well, they did that. Thing is, they also made us come together and stand as one. We became stronger when they wanted us to become weak, THAT is the true Spirit of America...THAT is why immigrants flock to our shores...THAT is what made those men and women run to and into those buildings knowing that they may not come back alive.


On that worst of days for so many, we upheld what makes us the greatest nation in the world. It is scary that such evil exists in this world, but it does. Though, it cannot truely hurt us unless we let them. I have been watching some of the programs on and that is probably where this comes from.


In all of this talk of the WTC and the Pentagon, some may have overlooked the courage and bravery of the men and women on flight 93, supposedly headed for the White House. They displayed a level of courage and bravery that I could only hope to have. I still remember seeing an editorial cartoon about that flight...it sowed the interior of an airplane w/ serveral people, one was standing, rolling up his sleeve, the only text was what that man was saying, "Not without a fight." That stuck with me, too (also, I've been searching for that one with no luck, if you find it, please let me know).


I....WE are all still haunted by that day, nothing will ever make it better. This is one wound that time will not heal.


I think I've gone on long enough...frankly, I'd be surprised if anyone read this whole thing, but I had to get it off my chest.


Thanks go to everyone who has made this place possible, my life would be that much more boring without it.


E pluribus Unum

out of many one

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I heard about it first in 1st period...but nobody believed it. It was just something random thron into the conversation going on in English. Nobody really gave it much notice. Then in second period, my teacher was pulled out of class and ran back in and turned on CNN. We saw the tower burning and then all of the sudden we saw the second plane hit. Dang. After a while the tower started comming down. We watched coverage of the attack from 2-4th period and then in 6th. None of us could believe it. Who could be next? We were all freacked out. I don't think I'll ever forget seeing people jumping off the towers...and I wasn't even there.


One of the worst things about 9/11 is that it was so overemphasised in everything that I just lost any interest in it. It really seems inhumane to me, but it's how I feel. I didn't even watch a single minute of 9/11 memorial service. I'm just tired of it. When you get constantly reminded about 9/11 in a casual report like, "It's been 4 months since 9/11 and many are going into memorial for the victims." or, "It's been 7months since 9/11 and our nation has changed..." I don't think I will ever feel the same way about 9/11 that I did early on. It has just been suppressed so much that nothing beyond seeing the damage first hand would make me feel all that emotional about it again. At this I feel shocked at myself considering that many people I know have rebuked others for feeling the same way. It just seems wrong, but I can't help it. I get mad whenever I see any casual remark about 9/11 or another fireman from some odd state who wasn't even there recieving an award for dedication, etc.

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