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new blasters!!!!!!!!!!!


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Dont get me wrong i like the mods for the sabers Anakin's saber is really well done, now i would like to see someone make a DL-44 yes thats right Han's blaster i have been trying to find the sound for the gun but im having no luck, im no good a making things like that oh oh and Jango Fetts blaster with sound would be soooo kool :)


if you know of anyone making these thing could you let me know where to find them ???

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someone's making a Han Solo player model (it looks very good)

the guy/girl is making his blaster to (its gonna replace the bryar)

there was an article or something over at JediKnightii.net about it

there is a forum on the Modeling forum, there you can check the most rescent updates and info's

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I don't know who t3rr0r even is...I'm in charge of MotF.


I'm not sure about blaster ammo yet. Remember, while the ammo is the same, the clip shape and size maybe different based on the type of gun. A .45 hand pistol uses a different clip than a .45 rifle.


And, no, it's not going to be compatible with jedimod/forcemod/jediplus. It's a "realism" mod so it's not condustive to jedimod/forcemod/jediplus's gameplay. The idea is to make the game more like the movies in general (saber combat, gameplay, etc.)


Razor Ace

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