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What can i say im a newb until i get the game


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Now i have a question concerning Jedi (what can i say im a newb until i get the game) exactly how duz the oppurtunity arise to become a jedi, or do u have to find a jedi knight/master to train u or what??

btw i am not goin to spend my SWG life trying to become a jedi, i was in fact thinkin of bein a teri-kasi artist or creature handler. Zabrak bein my race of course.:p


Any info is appreciated however:)

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OK nvm a description of the profession was put up a couple of days ago on the official site, but i still have a question about the prerequisite of bein force sensitive, does this mean i have to earn it or sumthin? or maybe i choose it during character generation?

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Hi im Wraith 8 and i just want to say to you that ANY question can be asked. the answer may not be known to some of us but we cab sertainly try :D


About your question. The Devs have been very sneaky on the subject of Jedi's. we know very little about them. but many of us here believe that Jedi will be a random happening. with this we mean the fiorce sensitivaty thing. we believe that it is different for every person and not the same FOR ANY. some say it will be a combanation of skills you happen to take. others say it will just come to you in some sort of dream.

we all joke about it that it will be a big button on you charachter creation screen that says: DO YOU WANT TO BE A JEDI?

or that you will find out in game when a huge sign comes down with a host that says: CONGRATULATIONS, YOUR A JEDI!


i hope this answeres a bit of your question :D


C ya around


-Wraith 8-

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for the record it has not been verified in the least....AT ALL the way to become force sensitive! SO THERE!...who am i yelling at? o yea RICHARD SIMONS....



its like a ...its like a..its like..O whats it like...its like a big,fraulty,fruity drink FUll of variety! damn i hate that add....


ina gay richard simons voice....grrrrr

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