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some thoughts on attacking Iraq (long)


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Of course we are attacking Iraq because it is in our nation's interest to have a stable middle east. Or else we wouldn't try and get peace between Israel and Palistine. In all likely hood it won't stablize the Middle East, it will remove a mad man from the world though. Everything is done in National Interest, to think otherwise would be foolish.


If the suicide bombers attacked only military targets, instead of innocent civilians, their cause would be entirely justified in my opinion.


Except they don't, they target civilians, and are terrorist. The US is waging a war against terror. It would look extermly bad if we told Israel that it is Ok for us to go after terrorist, but you can't. Arafat is not doing anything to stop it, so Israel has to. That and if we didn't support Israel then it would no longer exist.


Finally the Europeans have done more to screw up the middle east then anyone else on the planet. The US is trying to stablize it. Why because stable countries that produce oil is in the national interest of America

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray


this helps out how? Israel isn't Britian or China or Russia or some country that actually matters.


So Britain is important to americans


Thanx :D




We have to attack Iraq cause if saddam builds a weapon of mass destruction and then use's it he could wipe out a whole city. Just think of the reaction when two buildings were taken down, what happens if he takes out a whole city. Seriously, everyone thought 3000 dead was a lot but a city would mean 100's of thousands innocent lives lost. In my opinion we have to attack Iraq quickly to stop anything close to this from occuring.

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I saw some pics of the Pakistani nukes the other day, and i'm not scared of what iraq can produce. The Pakistani nukes, that had indirect US assistance and 35 years of research behind them can barely put out more destruction than a conventional bombing by a lone B-52. The crater from the largest Pakistani nuke was only 30 meters deep. THIRTY METERS. The Trinity device, Little Boy, and Fat Man were ALL more powerful than ANY of the Pakistani weapons.

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Not only indirect US assistance, also indirect Dutch assistance. :D Abdul Qadeer Khan, the brain behind the Pakistani nuclear programme, did a M.Sc. study at my university in Delft. After his promotion in Leuven, Belgium, he went to a subsidiary company of Urenco, an uranium enrichment factory from Almelo, Holland. There he committed industrial espionage, studied and copied the blueprints of german ultra centrifuges. He left in 1975 for Pakistan where he in 1986 announced that Pakistan was able to produce an A bomb.

The Dutch authorities neglected to inform NATO allies of the activities of Khan. :snear: He was sentenced for his espionage in his absence, though.

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Originally posted by MadPilot


I personally believe that the US have done enough damage there already. I find it quite possible America are taking the 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' reasoning with Israel. They support Israel over the Palestinians to guarantee their support for war on Iraq. I know this is a somewhat contravesial view, but I can't think of any other reason why the US would support Israel's illigal occupation of Palestinian territory.


We started becuase Lyndon B Johnson wanted assurrance of the Jewish vote so he could get re-elected. You do realize that we have a huge rich jewish population in the states right?


What illegal occupation? I didn't realize taking land was illegal in war?

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They didn't even technicaly "take" it, as in "Give me that land or I'll shoot you". The WB and Gaza were declared Terra Nullius by Jordan and Egypt, respectively. In other words, land owned by no country and up for grabs. Even if it was an illegal occupation, it's an illegal occupation of Jordanian and Egyptian land, NOT Palestinian.

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but nute, your forget that a kilogram nukes is FAR more useful as a terrorist weapons. Throw that into the back of your car, set the timer, and walk away from it and you got instant disitigration of any evidance., as well as fallout and massive collateral damage in a population dense area

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