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I could really use some help.

Kyle Katarn__4

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Well I need someones help with two projects models actually I am doing Vampire Raziel and JC Denton JC is just about done Raz has a long way to go and with both of them I have hit snags and I was wondering if someone would be willing to help me finish both of these I could send the files and referance pictures for Raziel cause I really wanna get these two done but I am not gonna be able to do this on my own no way no how so if someone could help me out here I would appreciate it.

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first of all, could you please use comma's and periods in your post, it makes you look plain dumb. It looks even more rediculous in your sig.

secondly, i suggest you post what problems you are having so we can help you without doing the work for you, its better if you learn how to fix things yourself.

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Ok first of all I don't really care how my intelligence quota seems to people online you wanna think I'm stupid thats your bussinuss. Nor am I saying you said that secondly ok first of all I am finding it to be a bit to dificult to model Raziel alone.http://www.nosgoth.net/Soul_Reaver/galleries/Raziel/Raziel_p2.htm


Those are the pictures I am using to make Raziel and since its not an all sides view its extremely difficult. Second of JC has many bugs when I open it with md3view, it cannot find the skin.tgas and when I try to export JC as Glm it says that it has 30 frames when it should have one. I need help modeling Raziel. JC is just about done.

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well, if you were really intent on helping him you would take the time to actually post what you know (which even if you glanced over it "quickly" *hint hint* you should have got the general idea). Something like this would have done nicely:


While I can't understand what you actually typed (because of bad grammar) I do have one question: what program are you using/have you done this/did you try ____?


See how much better that sounds, instead of just point out the obvious (which everyone can see that he has bad punctuation).


Top that off with a moderator even ridiculing him, and you get the #1 reason no one likes posting here.

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yea i think thats his problem, you hit the nail on the head there Darth Vigrid. Kyle Katarn 4, i suggest you d/l the JKO tools and read the tutorial provided, it will give you an understanding of how to get a player model ingame.


Now if you people noticed i not only pointed out his grammar problem but tried to help him out by asking for more info. i would have thought that was enough but then you guys continue to criticize him and offer little help, i wish i got here sooner.

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What do you need to be done exactly?


i find the pics pretty good. Ive made some 3D models with crappier reference than that...(not JKII related).


Do you have a specific question about weighting, uvw mapping or glm compiling? (i predict u will have problems with carcass, like pretty much everyone else at first...)


I suggest reading spacemonkey's tutorial, some experimentation on your own, and then ask questions.

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