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Sherack Nhar

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I was serious. Why not? Turning the question "why?" around is many times the only way to sigure it out. Although it may soulnd harsh, why wouldn't she? Why not? Because if she really love you and you loved here then this would not have happened. I've never been in your situation with a girlfriend, but its happened several times my regular "friends." That is, if they will stab you in the back and throw you out the window then they never were your friends, as harsh as that sounds. This year, and the last, i realized who my real friends are, the ones who respect me for who i am, do what is right because it is right, and don't abandon me. It may leave me with fewer people i can call "friends", but at least they all truly are my friends. I'd imagine its the same way with women. As hard as it is to accept, if they will throw you away and break your heart then they never truly were your friend, and they are ony a bad thing for you. Its better now that you are out of what you now see was oppressive and harmful.


But you can't always look at just the bad side of things (though its my nature to), there must have been lots of positive things that y ou can take away from your relationship, otehrwise you wouldn't have stayed in it for so long. Focus on the positive and the negative is drowned out, though it certainly takes time and is easier said than done, i know. Pain always fades over time. A scar may always be present to remind you, but when you've fully healed that scar is painless.


Just always remember: a friend is a friend forever. Anyone who is not your friend will not stay with you forever, and anyone who does not stay with you forever is not your friend.



BTW, i wrote this last night but was exasperated to find that when i clicked post the boards were down for maintenance. Oh well, i'm sorry for ya, its hard to loose someone you were close to, i should know.

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I will answer :D



That's why!

Why does pain exist?

Thanks to Pandora

Why can't there be joy without pain?

Thank Pandora

Why IS there joy if we must endure such suffering?

Thank God

Why is it that when you hurt so deeply, you get the feeling that you're going to puke?

Sh it happens

Why is it that some questions have no answers?

We're still finding them

Why is it that some of your most beloved friends can lie to you and betray you?

Sh it happens

Why is it that they can suddenly disappoint you?

Not everyone is perfect

Why is it that sometimes you get the feeling that the pain will never end?

Because you're being pessimistic

Why is it that the pain is so great that you don't want to commit suicide because there might be a chance this is all a misunderstanding?

Because you're being smart in not doing it


Why is it that the love of my life threw me away in a matter of minutes?


I'm very sorry to hear this, Sherakh, but as Havoc said, this is just sorta like your "childhood," and life has only better things to return to you for the pain one feels. When one goes through the pain they get returned with joy...someday, it will happen....

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Originally posted by STTCT



The reason your uncle is probably like that is because he sat and wallowed in WHY for a long long time. You gotta get yourself out there and go have fun! There are plenty of women out there. you get yourself out there, have fun and pretty soon someone will come along.




one word- EXACTLY!


And i would say your uncle still has quite a while to live...40 isn't the end of the road for most people ;)

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Sherack, if it's any help: i had the exact same thing (apart from the 'considering to keep in touch' part; that was a no-no) happen to me, and i was going into a lousy year.

so i thought.

right now i'm feeling like the experience has made me stronger than i ever thought possible, and it's benefitting my girlfriend and me immensely (and yeah, i didn't see HER coming as well !).

this is not meant as a 'I'm sure you'll find a girl eventually' goody-goody answer.. it's just that i've been there and don't want to dismiss it offhand. I want to tell you what happened further on down the line to me. Even if i hadn't met my girl, i'd be stronger than before.


Use time for grief. You'll find that, when you look back later, you've grown. Think of the tears as watering your own plant.

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