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any skin makers here?


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Dragon mate,


What you need is a modeller/skinner, unless you know of an existing model with wild hair its well beyond my capabilities, maybe post in the modelling forum mate but I guess you thought of that already.


On second thoughts perhaps altering the obi wan/ Tyrion model to suit would work, but to get that sort of straggly hair you will need a new model or at least to modify an existing model.



Let me put my thinking cap on if i get any more ideas I'll post them.

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

Dragon mate,


What you need is a modeller/skinner, unless you know of an existing model with wild hair its well beyond my capabilities, maybe post in the modelling forum mate but I guess you thought of that already.


On second thoughts perhaps altering the obi wan/ Tyrion model to suit would work, but to get that sort of straggly hair you will need a new model or at least to modify an existing model.



Let me put my thinking cap on if i get any more ideas I'll post them.

can you modify the hair a little bit

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well to be honest and I'm no expert, the hair on the EP2 obiwan model is like a sort of mullet (cape hair), to get the definition in each lock of hair would require some really advanced modelling.


I'll have a little go and see what I come up with, If I cant get the head right then perhaps talk to a modeller insted, I have no clue whatsoever about modelling.

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

well to be honest and I'm no expert, the hair on the EP2 obiwan model is like a sort of mullet (cape hair), to get the definition in each lock of hair would require some really advanced modelling.


I'll have a little go and see what I come up with, If I cant get the head right then perhaps talk to a modeller insted, I have no clue whatsoever about modelling.

do you know anyone who dose

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ok have a look at this, all i did was change the hair and face colour, obviously the beard will have to go but the shape of the model looks about right, like i say if you want 'locks' of hair you will need a model, but thats not bad for 5 minutes work.






see what you think, if the model looks all wrong then we'll call it quits but I think that this project is possible.

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Originally posted by SivyB




the best you could do is change the hair color, take away the beard and change the clothes a little bit.


if you think that will do you, then i give it a go.

ive got a better idea


i write storys sometimes just for fun and in alot of them i made up this character named john and he sort of looks like tyrion. if you could make him have fingerless gloves, a plain white under shirt, a leather jacket, blue jeans, black boots, and lighten the hair color up a bit, that would be great

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