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this ones for dmuk

bill r

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hey dude..im a fan of the game so i came here..looked at the forums..and i said to myself..that dmuk is a major dork..uhm like i really care if u ban me from here please do it..i just come and make fun of peope(namely u) because i have nothing better to do ok..so go ahead and ban me..oh and move out of your parents house...DORK......

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Yarg. What they said.

Are you like that guy in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy who just goes around the universe with a list and insults every single person living? Now that would be odd. Fun, maybe. Uhh... I'm rambling. But anyway...

If that is what you do, I have a suggestion. Don't take offense, but, um, get a life.

Ouch. That sounded harsh. Well, if you don't like it, go jump off something high.

Oh. Now that was harsh....

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Lets this one thing straight bill.


This is a community website and as such, I will NOT have people 'flaming' at each other. One thing that I will wont have is people starting a thread with flaming in the title, aimed at a forum member.


Me a dork? In your dreams. Maybe you are just jealous of what I have managed to achieve for this website and the joy to those who use it.


So. One more out burst and you WILL be gone.



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