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Many Problems Solved Read!!!


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I was using JK2 Radiant a while back. I tried over and over to make a small map ... you could call everything I came out with a GLITCH. So I figured caulk would solve my problems. Well not exactly. I didn't have ne caulk. The system textures wouldn't load! Then I heard of GTK Radiant. So I figured I'd give it a spin. Wow what an amazement ... works like a charm ... solved all my problems ... a must get for mappers.

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I would say use gtkradient, if you are new to mapping you have no preference so you may aswell learn gtk as it will allow you to maps for numerous other games aswell:


q3/team arena

Return to castle wolfenstein

Half life

Jediknight 2

elite force

soldier of fortune 2


Not only that but jk2radient is inferior in almost every aspect, there is no reason to ever choose jk2radiant over gtk:



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Hmmm cant say ive ever had any trouble with Vertices in Jk2radiant :confused:

All the maps ive made were made using it and it seems fine


I was going to get the GTK but a fellow mapper had tried it and said no dont its a pile of (censored)

i think it might be the fact that Raven kindly helped me set up my radiant properley with system textures and all :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree. JK2Radiant works fine if you set it up properly. I have not had one problem with is functionality. Not quite sure about the patch bending problems cause I dont use patches much. But I tried gtk and it has crashed on me constantly. I dont know about all you ungratefull B**STAR*S who complain about raven's hard work all the time (i'l stop there, thats a whole different rant) but I am sticking with JK2Radiant.

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1. Raven hardly made JK2Radiant. It's based on Q3Radiant, made by id, which quite frankly, sucks. They just modified it a bit to work with JO.


2. If GTKRadiant is crashing, it's YOUR fault or YOUR system, NOT the programming of the editor. GTKRadiant does A LOT of things much better than JK2Radiant, and it's much faster.

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Just use whichever Radiant you're most comfortable with. I like GTK Radiant but I wouldn't go as far as saying it's vastly superior, it's got some issues too. We can argue all day about which editor is better but the bottom line is it's up to you to make a good map, not the editor.

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Well, I'm not one to argue with Emon, but the very reason I rejected GTKRadiant is the fact that, for me, it seemed a lot slower than JK2Radiant. I mean the general editing. But then, I only used it for a shortest of period, and maybe with tightening some screws it would have shown it's true nature.

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ooo this is a easy one

it all start when i was in ef i installed the efradiant and after a while it would not load

cough from the bak of the crowed GET TO THE POINT!!

Well any way i started to detel pk3

and i noticed i got one called mapextras (or sumthing close to that)

and if u wouldnt blive it it was all the commom textuers (clip, orginal ect)

well any way jk2 has the same pk3 but under a different name called systems

so somereson u anit got a pk3 called mapextras.pk3 in ur base folder

so u need to ask some one to lend it you

then u will have system texter :D



god i thuoght u new that ppl!!

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I am using JK2 Radiant simply for the reason that the entity list is not complete on my GtkRadiant. It is missing all of the NPC's and a few other things. Also it lists single and multi-player entities in the same list. I have installed Gtk 1.2.9 JK2 and Gtk 1.2.10 update. Is there any way to correct this problem, because prior to my discovery that I was missing NPC's I prefered GtkRadiant.

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Archimech: who know why but in GTKRadiant in the Projects settings there is Single Player Mapping Mode but the program uses the Multiplayer Mapping Mode.


So youhave to switch to Multiplayer, restart the program, and switch back to single player and restart the program.


The NPC menu is so long in SP mode that it doesn't fit on the screen, but the guys are working on 1.2.11 already solved that like the textures menu.

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1. I run in 1280x1024, so I don't have that problem... Even after 1.2.11, you should try editing in that res if your monitor supports it, the extra screen space is VERY nice for editing.


2. Does 1.2.11 fix the patch texture problems? E.g. cap hardly works on bevels correctly, some vertex manipulated patches have zig-zag like textures, etc.

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I am having a problem making an elevator that uses call buttons and has intermediate stops. I am using a trigger_multiple to fire a target_scriptrunner which has a usescript to move a func_static between two ref_tags. For a while I was getting diagonal movement through the walls instead of vertical movement like an elevator.


Then I looked more closely at cairn_dock1.map and found that there was also a func_static with the same targetname as the floor piece, but it was the exact size and position as one of the ref_tags. So I copied my func_static and resized it and repositioned it. But now there is no movement at all, and the trigger multiple isnt even firing.


Any ideas what's wrong?

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