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I Think It's Time For Another Story...

Boba Rhett

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Example Star Wars story: This may help people to decide which genre of story they want. They can read LotS to get a feel of Medieval, so here's an example of Star Wars.


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...






It is a period of galactic war.

Thousands of Sith warriors, under the leadership of the evil Sith Lord Darth Viper, have openly declared war against the Jedi, the keepers of peace and justice throughout the galaxy. Even now, battles rage in dozens of planet systems. Very few have been fortunate enough to remain untouched by the turmoil.


The Dark Eye, an organization of smugglers and mercenaries, are one of those few. Operating from a space platform in the outer rim, they have continued their tradition of working for everybody and anybody who could afford their price. So far they have remained neutral in the galactic conflict and have had only heard of the fierce battles that raged elsewhere in the galaxy, but their luck was about to run out...




All around was deep space, dark and frigid, the only real light that could be seen came from the space platform, Dark Eye 1, headquarters and base of operations for the Dark Eye crime organization. Generally, Dark Eye 1 was not very busy, but on some mornings some of the more restless pilots could be found "practicing" their piloting skills in their small star fighters. It was one of those mornings.


The dark backdrop of space was suddenly interrupted by the scream of two fighters racing by, nearly clipping each other as they did.


"Hey Kylilin, watch it! You almost tagged me back there!", yelled the first pilot over the comm line.


"What's the matter, Silenthunter, getting too intense for you?!", laughed the second pilot in response.


"Ha! I've been in more intense dogfights with a flock of mynocks!", Silenthunter retorted, "You just watch it, I don't want to have to explain to the boss why we have two less fighters than we should!"


"well, if we did, it would be your fault, not mine!", Kylilin replied as he rolled his fighter to the right just over the nose of Silenthunter's fighter. Grinning as he did so.


"Showoff!", muttered Silenthunter, half to himself. "Grump!", came the reply over the comm line.


Before the two pilots could continue their debate further, a third voice came over the comm line, "I thought I'd find you two out there. Arguing as usual I see.", chuckled the voice.


"Hey boss, we were just working the kinks out of the fighters for Havoc. he just reset the vertical stabilizing gyros on 'em.", replied Silenthunter hoping the boss would buy it.


"Sure you were, and doing a real bang-up job too!", you could hear the smile on the Boss's face, "Listen, those couple of rookies just got in last night, and I was hoping you two could show them the ropes today."


"Not a babysitting job!", it was Kylilin, "I had big plans for today!"


"Yeah, like polishing your hydro-spanner!", laughed Silenthunter. "Real funny, Hunter, your ass is..."


"Alright, enough you two", Kylilin was cut short by the boss's voice, "It's not a babysitting job. They look pretty green, and there's nobody I'd rather have teaching them how we do things around here than you two. Got it?", before the pilots could get a word in the boss added, "That's not a question! Now get those fighters back here. I'll have the rookies meet you in the hangar. Their names are NL Ackbar, Jatt 13 and Jediduo." He switched his comm line off before he could hear the pilots' responses, and turned around from the comm board to see Havoc Standing there in the control room.


"Pretty green, huh?", asked Havoc. "The greenest.", the boss replied, "Ever since the Sith War began, business has slowed to a crawl, and our recruits are have been getting younger and younger. I don't know how much longer we can keep doing this.", his voice trailed off as he looked out the view port to the right. His gaze lost in the endless sea of stars.


Havoc's face drew tight with concern for his friend, "You know Tie, you've been working pretty hard lately, maybe you should just take a break. I can hold the fort down while you're gone."


Tie turned his eyes back towards his old friend and for the first time realized they both weren't getting any younger. Havoc was the older, in his mid thirties, but only by a few years. He was pretty dirty, which was the norm for the Dark Eye's primary Technician/Engineer, but despite the years and the grease, his blue eyes still shone brightly beneath the tuff of blonde hair hanging beneath the goggles resting on the top of his brow. And in those eyes, Tie saw concern and worry, which was something the rest of the organization rarely saw through Havoc's gruff demeanor.


Finally Tie spoke, "Well old friend, I've never taken a vacation since we started the Dark Eye, and I'm not going to start now, but", He continued before Havoc could argue, "I think I will go down to my quarters and take a quick nap. I am feeling a little tired today."


"I guess that's a start.", replied Havoc, "Go ahead, and I'll make sure the crew doesn't burn the place down while you're gone!", he added with a smile.


Tie smiled, "Well, if that's the best you can do, than it's good enough for me." He turned to leave the control room.


He had gotten no further than the door when he heard Kylilin's voice across the comm line, "What the hell?" Before Tie could get back the comm board and yell at the pilots for not being back yet, Havoc's voice chimed in, "Screen is showing a small ship exiting Hyperspace about 130 Km from Dark Eye 1, it's not one of ours!" The beeping red light from the control panel telling the same story.


By this time, Tie had reached the comm board, "Hunter, Kylilin what do you see?"


"I don't know sir", it was Silenthunter who spoke first, "but whatever it is, it's pretty beat up! She looks like she's dead in space, sir"


"I'm going in for a closer look.", it was Kylilin. "Just be careful, no stunts Kylilin!", Tie responded. "Roger that", came Kylilin's reply.


As they waited for Kylilin's report, Tie suddenly got a very strange feeling about the craft. It seemed like it was inside him, a voice stirring up, almost as if...


"It looks like it's a starfighter, or at least what's left of one", Kylilin's voice over the comm line interrupted Tie's thoughts. "Is there anyone on board?", Tie asked shaking off the odd feeling.


"Hold on, I'm trying to get closer.", Kylilin replied as he skillfully maneuvered his J-Type Fighter slowly over top the derelict vessel, Silenthunter was now flying patrol around the Space platform's perimeter. "Okay, my sensors are reading a life form on board, but just barely.", Kylilin continued, "But I would hazard a guess and say his life support systems have been damaged and/or are off-line."


"Roger that, I'm sending Havoc out in the Tug to tow it back to Dark Eye 1", Tie Guy stated as he nodded to Havoc who started to get up from his chair.


"Wait! I can see in the cokpit.", it was Kylilin, "Oh man..", his voice trailed off.


"What? What is it?", came a concerned Tie Guy's response. "I think it's Jedi!", replied Kylilin.


"What do you mean, "I think it's a Jedi"?", came the voice of Silenthunter over the comm line, "How can you tell?"


"Look! I see the robes, and well, I just have a gut feeling about it, ok?!", snapped Kylilin


"Oh, well then, if you have a gut feeling then it must be.", came the sarcastic reply from Silenthunter, but before he could continue Tie interrupted him, "I think Kylilin's right. Don't ask he me how, but I just... know it."


Bet before Tie could elaborate, he was interrupted by a voice from the other side of the control room, "Sir, I'm receiving a subspace message for you!"


"Not now, Compa! I've kind of got my hands full!", snapped a frustrated Tie guy. "But sir, I really think you should take this one!", replied a frightened Compa.


"And why is that?!", asked a intrigued Tie Guy. "Because it's from someone calling them self Darth Homer!", came the hurried reply from Compa.


"Great, just what we needed a visit from a Sith with a Jedi fighter parked out front our base!", growled Tie Guy.


"What are you going to do?", asked Havoc even though he already knew the answer. "I'll think of something, but first things first! You need to get out there and tow that fighter so we can save that pilot and discard the evidence before Sithy arrives! Then we’ll go from there!", came his friends reply.


Havoc was already out the door before Tie's last word was spoken. Tie grimaced as he stepped to the Subspace Comm panel, leaned over an anxious Compa and whispered under his breath, "Well, here goes nothing!", as he took a deep breath and pressed the flashing button...



AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is only an example, of how a Star Wars story may start off. We don't have to use it, or you can. It doesn't matter to me. Something like this is good though, because it gives a lot of freedom to character. For example, being neutral anyone who wants to be a smuggler/mercenary can lean to either side. Good or evil. The next chapter could decide if the Smugglers will choose to help the Sith Darth Homer and become bad guys. Or help the Jedi escape the Sith lord and become good guys. Again, a lot of freedom there.


Also, the "Jedi" in the trashed ship could be anybody who wants a character that is inherently good. And we can meet other Jedi as well, though I would recommend a cut off of two or three because it would be very imbalanced. We could meet many plain everyday people and aliens along the way, becuase this journey will take us across the galaxy.


Also as Tie Guy suggested, being set during the Sith Wars means there can be multiple Sith and multiple Jedi, and since Homer said he like to be evil I just inserted him into the side he likes. This way, somebody can be evil, while somebody can still be good, and anyone can be just semi-good, semi-bad or just plain neutral all with ease in this type of storyline.


Let me know what you guys think. Oh, Fergie, don't worry, my storyline would involve the meeting of a certain Jawa Jedi later on! ;)

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

wow, Havoc...that's pretty cool...plus, I get to be the feared Darth...hehehe!! I just hope it doesn't turn into a Sith hunt...oh well, I'd 0wnz0r all j00 anyway... :D


Yeah, I figured you'd like that! ;)


By the way, if you guys want to use the storyline, but some of you would rather different positions or characters (Like Tie or Kylilin) We could just reprint it with different names. So speak your minds! Like I sadi earlier, we don't have to use it either, it can be just an example! :D

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I'd actually like a different story altogether ... more a SW spoof ...


Something like SW, but not exactly ... because it leaves much more openings ...


One that spoofs the ep4-6 era ... an emperor, a spam-lord, the last of the moderators, fighter squadrons, SSD's (super spam destroyers) and the likes ... and a chick.

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Sounds great, Havoc.


Anyways, i'd actually prefer something at least a little serious after the insane contest story and satiristic LotS.


Of course, a SW parody would be amusing as well...


I guess i'm up for either.



Oh, and Havoc, why would i want to change my position, i'm like one of the leaders. :D We'd just have to fill out the task force with all the other oldbies.


Oh, and if we don't use Havoc's idea we could do a geebee squadron one, kinda like rogue squadron or wraith squadron. That would be cool for a serious one.

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This sounds awesome. The two stories idea is really good. I would like to be in both. If it isn't too much trouble, I would like my character to be in the middle of things, but not the main character. I don't want to b****, but I got no face time in second contest story, save the florida chapter. Also, try to make my character quiet, like Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy 8.


I dunno.... maybe I'm asking too much. Do whatever you want with my character in the spoof story.;)

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