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WIP: Optimus Prime, By Sithlordii and me...


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Right well me and mike (sithlordii) have been busy on a new project. i thought I would pimp it here as it is going to be put in jk2. Well the thread title alone sugests what it is. So here are some pics...


the DW comic varient-



the hand of the beast-



and here he is in all his cartoon glory-



We will be making a high end version of the model with a cell shading effect and then one for peeps with not so good computers taht will not have the cell shading effect but will have a detailed comic stlye skin by me (wip)


I will update as soon as we do anything new. Enjoy and all crit is more than welcome... I want him to be PERFECT.


All prise should go to sithlord for such an AMAZINGLY acurate mesh. It rocks!




ps: Transformers rock my world!

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It's a technique for making 3d models appear to be hand drawn. Check out Jet Grind Radio for Dreamcast for a good example, or the upcoming Robotech game for the X-Box


A quick example



More extensive info, the tuts are for lightwave, but this can be accomplished in Max


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wow, seems like there are a lot of transformers fans around here!

the model looks really great... and the cartoon skin is almost perfect!!

but i think the head on the first pic could use some modifications!

in my opinion the "chin" (the rifled metal) makes him look more like the optimus from "beast wars" and looks a little bit stupid.

and the left and right side should also be blue without the metal on it.

but that's just my opinion, it looks really great, just my 2 cents

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good looking WIP. By the way, when you say SithlordII, do you mean the Darth Vader modeler Sithlord-II. If so, its great to see him back in action, if not.. sniffle sniffle... But keep up the good work. Can't wait to see Optimus Prime in action.


[edit: Its good to hear Sith is back. JO just wasn't the same. ]

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i'll be around for a bit yet


i was never really gone before... just taking a break, mostly -stress is not fun. And i never deleted any of my old work, nor would i have...

Optimus is nearing completion, i still need to work him into the game. There will be others...

and i have something helpful in the works as well for you guys, i've shown it around a bit to a few people and i have received some good feedback on it.



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Wooo! Transformers rock! Optimus looks great! Planning a Transformers Mod or TC at all? I sure hope so, of all the non-SW TCs or Mods that could be done for JKII, that would interest me the most! :D


Who's next on your list? I'd love to see the original Prowl :D Now you've got me all excited, maybe I'll try my hand at doing some Transformers models :)

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to get the cartoon cell shaded effect it will firstly have an inverted version of the model that will give it a black outline (and double the polycount). And then I have made a shader that will give it that two tone manga cartoon stlye. A bit like a specular shader only different.



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VERY NICE. But, since I was the world's biggest Transformers fan when I was a kid (and a huge Optimus booster) I have one rant...his fingers need to be more rounded. They look too human, and other than the hands the rest of the model is PERFECTLY accurate. So uh...when do you think you'll be starting on Galvatron? He kicked so much more ass than megatron (ooh ooh and maybe do Rodimus or even Goldbug/Bumblebee).

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Yeah, this model kick ass. :D Recently I watched all Transformers episodes from 1984 to 1987, oh man, this was my childhood. And now I see this great Optimus model, which just makes me wanting MORE Transformers. :p

Galvatron, Rodimus, Megatron, Starscream is cool, Cyclonus, Springer, Runabout and Runamuck... there are so many of them I like. :)

Erm, where was I?!? Did I say I love your Optimus?!

If someone is planning a Transformers TC....I join the team! ;)

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