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getting wooped on!!!!!!


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Originally posted by freek50

Why is it no matter what mod i use it only takes one hit to kill me?


If im missing something(mod) please fill me in so i can at least keep up with the other players.


any help would be appreciated.



Yes you can get creamed in this game quite bad when you first start out. Practice a few days with bots to get the basics down then ask lots of questions while online. If you want some free training come over to Crazy Yoda ((jmod v.12) and ask for -=rUUk=- or -=DarthMaXiMuS=-. You will need jedimod v1.2 to play, but the basics are the same.

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Heh, if your talking about promod, Artifex's server has a lot of vets so it may seem you suck, while in reality others are real good.


For promod try learning blue style, it's blocking really helps againsed yellow and if you use it correctly (counter style) you can beat most yellow users 1v1. Also, heal and drain help when your geting hit from left and right in FFA's.

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You guys should try the FES Public Servers. The back stab seems to be in full effect there. It's a Jedi Adept force level, so you basically get to specialize in one (two if you split your points) force ability. I usually turn on throw with 4 points and max saber defend/attack with 0 in jump.


I dunno why, but backstab seems to have the effect it did in 1.03. Most players aren't aware of this when the come on, but some of the regulars will occasionally spam it. Saber throw is a great counter for this! Overall, it's a great server, if someone puts points in pull, they have to sacrifice somewhere else (like saber defend/attack/throw).


Cya There most nights after 10:30 pm CST!


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