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Jack the Black

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I believe the current background was done by Bill Tiller.


The previous background (the one used here), I know less about. However, pressumably there have been nine versions since this posting board loads parch9.jpg, and the first time it was used (30th December 1997!), it's called parch3.jpg. I'm guessing that parch one and two just weren't good enough! :) Or maybe the number has nothing to do with the versions. It most likely doesn't, seeing as it doesn't look too different.

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But why do ye want a new background anyways, matey? Ye've got ye olde bamboo.gif!


That was the first verison of the website. Since then there has been two other verisons.


This is the current third verison.




However I have lost all contact with my webmaster thus meaning that I will have to produce a new site. Ye olde bamboo.gif isn't really up to the task in my view.

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Originally posted by Jack the Black

This is the current third verison.




Ye olde bamboo.gif isn't really up to the task in my view.


Oooh, nice design. I think you might be right, bamboo.gif wouldn't look too good in there. But it's a quality background! It was used on The Monkey Island Monkey Center for a brief spell before the site shut down.

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