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Hi im new to the scene. Ive been wondering...what is blocking really? trying to learn how to use the light saber properly.


in the single player un patched game...sometimes it might block a blow if i leave the saber at the ready position. other times it will be knocked one side when the opponent swings...leaving my chest area open. so whats blocking? can i press a button to block? ive read the various um whining per se over patches. what is the best most fun version for a fan to play on? unpatched- 1.01 1.02 or 1.03...? or 1.04?


in the duels with the reborn jedi, i seem to get hit quite often...though i am doing best not to swing wildly...how could it be fun to make one touch from a light saber kill me? when ya get hit often.

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?In the current version (1.04) blocking is automatic and very rookie friendly. 1.02 is the best

version where players are threatened with several versions of the one hit one kill move.


Best to start out on 1.04 and once you get better move to 1.02 or better yet find a Pro Mod

server. Pro Mod probably offers the best feel and difficulty for veteran players right now.

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so the death from above move is the one where you flip over the enemy attacking downwards? or is that the jump in the air downward hack which is an "unblockable" finishing move?


so blocking wasn't automatic before? whats the difference between 1.04 and 1.02 that you said...start 104 and move to 102?

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Start with 1.04 and then go to 1.02?!?!? Why on earth would anyone do that :confused:


My advice is: Use Promod. If you can't find any Promod servers, use 1.04. If you're lucky, you'll find 1.04 servers with upped saber damage.



Here's what happened:


The game started out with 1.02.


There were many things wrong with 1.02. Not just bugs, but many balancing issues too. Sabers were deadly, though, which IMHO is a good thing compared to the following patches.


The community started bitching and whining. :violin: :violin:

"Waahhh Waahh Waaaaaahhh!! I can't counter grip grip is too powerful sabers are too powerful I get killed by the flechette over and over again I can't deal with drain DFA get's me every time 'cause I can't get out of the way Waahh wwwaaaahhhwaahh.." (You get the idea.)




Raven changes the game totally with patch 1.03.


Suddenly we have automatic Uber-blocking. The damage is reduced to a fraction of what it used to be. Just about *everything* is nerfed. No more spinning with medium stance, no more turning DFA's etc. etc.


The only thing that was left untouched was the backstab. (Turn your back to your opponent and press back+attack) Naturally, since the backstab was an unblockable one-hit-kill, "everyone" started using it exclusively.


The era of Assfighters began. No more face to face battles. It was all about who gets to jam the buttocks in your lap first. These were also the times of the l337 scirpters/binders, who used to do combos like "pull + turn your ass in the opponents face + execute a wildly spinning (a basic backstab, except it spins around & hits 10 times, because they tamper with Yawspeed) backstab with a press of a single button. Yay, much fun. :rolleyes:


There were many cool things that came with the patch though.. but it was all overshadowed by the ludicrous Assfighting.


Oh yeah, and:


The community continued bitching and whining. :violin:

"Waahhh Waahh Waaaaaahhh!! I can't counter.... (You get the idea.)




Raven gives us patch 1.04


Not much seems to have changed. Assfighting was ended by nerfing the backstabs and pull. The game is playable again.



The community is still bitching and whining. :violin: :violin: :violin: )


It's a fact however, that when an official patch comes out, most servers switch to that one. You don't see many 1.02 servers or 1.03 servers anymore. They're mostly running 1.04 or mods.


ArtifeX's promod changes things a lot. One can only hope that more servers pic it up. "Getting kills 'cause you're skilled and dying 'cause you screwed up" sounds pretty good to me. :)

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It'd be nice if there would be a couple of these...


1000 hp (yes, that's right, no more one hit kills for you or at least you have to land them a couple of times)

No force powers.

Full saber ranks.

ProMod with whatever saber settings seem to work best.

This would be good for the wild-swinging newbs because they would be able to have a real (nice & long) fight against another newb and maybe improve their skills before moving up to force powers.



Again, just a suggestion...

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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

WAAH WAAH WAAAH I cant kill you because you're better than me WAAH No fair!!! WAAH!! :violin: :violin: :violin::newbie:


Who ever said life was fair, Shock? ;)


Thank god you're like 30.000 miles away. I could always blame my ping if we were to meet on the battlefield (=I'd get my ass kicked). :p


So...j00 all ph34r my 1337 skillZ now! Ur OwnT!






Shadow Sith - what do you mean "1000hp"? In JO you die and respawn almost immediately. Just go back and continue what you were doing...right?

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1.02 is like a two knights fightins with HUGE swords and a shield the size a a spoon. The only blocks you get are almost purely luck, and just about every hit kills you, or come close to killing you.


1.03 is like having someone let you in a room full of weapons and saying "pick anyone you want." At first you are thrilled but on closer inspection you realize that all the weapons are made of rubber except for one. That one weapon is called "pull + backstab"


1.04 is like dirty movie with all the nude scenes cut out. It still looks like it will be good, but it leaves you frustrated and annoyed when you realize that all the good stuff is gone.

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ive found that if i just leave the saber at the ready...(fighting 2 dark jedi) it'll block alot of their hits. so in a patched version it blocks a lot more now? so 1.03 i take it is the best of the bad worlds?


cant spin anymore on medium? that sucks.


There were many cool things that came with the patch though.. but it was all overshadowed by the ludicrous Assfighting


what cool things?

is the blocking prefered as it makes it more fun and realistic light saber battling? or is it prefered to be outted?


fatal: your 1.03 analogy means to say that all the other moves did hardly any damage but backstab did the world of damage right?


in your summation of 1.02 i figure that you prefer blocking.


seems all they had to do to 1.03 was dumb down backstab or put back death from one blow...

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If your saber gets knocked away but is not followed up with a hit, consider yourself lucky... :D


You should try changing stances. Blue presumably has the best defense but worse defense penetration. Red has the worse defense but best defense penetration. Medium is a little bit of both. Choose your flavor, and choose wisely.


Sidenote though, isn't the un-patched version = 1.02?

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psionic jedi, yeah Ive noticed blue seems to have best defense.

in my unpatched game...i turn to blue when fighting 2 reborn...


actually blue just seems the most stylish to me. your character does a lot of cool twisting n turning that i dont see on the other modes when you have on the blue attack mode. i mean in terms of how he swings the light sabre if a particular enemy is near or how he counteracts one of their blows or how your two sabers meet if u strike at the same time.


since when do developers listen to people whine?? they should only have changed issues which affected balance.

yeah some people want to feel more like they're in the movie...with all the various settings etc......but hey...the settings are perfect without ever having changed them. ive found that its all your style...how you choose to fight is what will determine if it feels fun like the movie. most of us are starwars fans right? or have maybe seen the show.....who knows whatever.....no matter the settings...the way i play always gives me the fun as if im watching right out of the show.



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sp stances and combat system is different to mp and im not exactly sure their exact defence capacities, but in multiplayer 1.02-1.04, the bluestance gotta be the weakest defence against other sabres, your sabre gets knocked all over the place and sometimes, they bypass your sabre all together.with red, the sabre gets knocked around much less often.

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Originally posted by lilJedi

ive found that if i just leave the saber at the ready...(fighting 2 dark jedi) it'll block alot of their hits. so in a patched version it blocks a lot more now? so 1.03 i take it is the best of the bad worlds?


In 1.03 and 1.04, you are virtually untouchable is you go standing in a corner with you saber on. Normal hits won't touch you. Some people claim that they lasted 20 minutes (AFK) with 3 people swinging at them non stop only suffering some minor shield damage...thanks to the blocking. Special moves do get through though.. and that makes 1.03 & 1.04 a spamming contest in FFA:s >>> since powerups are littered all over the maps, the only moves that kill are specials :(


So, yeah...there is *way* too much blocking considering the damage that sabers do.


What Promod does is this: Blocking is not random as in 1.03 & 1.04. You need to focus on the attacker, and whether or not he hits you depends on how well you "focused" (=aimed) on him, how well he hit you,what stances you were using plus some other things like movement.. No luck, pure skill.


Anyways: single player is a totally different world. In multiplayer everything changes, no matter what patch you're running.



Originally posted by lilJedi

what cool things?

is the blocking prefered as it makes it more fun and realistic light saber battling? or is it prefered to be outted?



1.03 had cool things like invisible absorb, blocking (though they went overboard with that) balancing of many issues (dark side powers mostly) and lots of bug fixes. IMHO blocking is an important part of "real" saberfights, but having a RANDOM blocking mechanism is kinda lame.


1.04: Blocking = good, random blocking = not so good, Random Uberblocking + weak sabers = bad. ;)



fatal: your 1.03 analogy means to say that all the other moves did hardly any damage but backstab did the world of damage right?"



That's what he's saying. Backstabs were one hit kills while almost all other attacks were a) blocked b) did only minor damage.



"seems all they had to do to 1.03 was dumb down backstab or put back death from one blow... "




Ummm.....hey why don't you go work at Raven? They could use that sort of thinking. :D


You're absolutely right: deadly sabers alone would have helped counter assfighting a lot. 1.04 took away the backstab, but sabers are still weak. Promod, however, changes the whole system. Deadly sabers, manual blocking, no randomness. It's better than any future patch could be.

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