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Blizzard Announces A New Starcraft Game!

Link Antilles

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Tuanting us with a console only FPS....BAD BLIZZARD! BAD!!!


why make an FPS? The FPS genre is alread overloaded as it is. Plus it's made off of STARCRAFT! One of the legendary RTS games. I'd say it's higher up there then AoE and AoK mainly because it didn't have a sequel to take away it's glory (i.e.-AoE->AoK)

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ok, first off, it's a tactical action, not an fps....which to me means, 3rd person adventure a la Metal Gear. strike one (so I'm not a fan of that style, sue me...on second thought, don't)


they've also gone the route of female lead character a la Lara Croft. ball one(neutral)

stereotypical skin-tight outfit and randomly assigned name (Nova) for said female strike two


they're basically trying to recreate the feeling of C&C Renegade in a 3rd person environment. strike three


consoles only. strike four


possible use of lots of stealth missions. strike five


I might rent it when it comes out, but otherwise I'll wait until reviews praise it's creation before I think about buying it. Just my opinion, though...

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