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ProMod gameplay question:


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Regarding the CSC:


Is it important to have the CSC well aimed when you initate the swing (press the button)... or for the CSC to be well aimed at the point the swing makes contact with the opponent / opponent's saber?


The ProMod website is unclear about this.

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This is a very good question... *BUMP* :cool:



I usually try to keep my xhair on the opponent during a swing.


Before a swing, there's a windup that requires you to aim a little to the side of the opponent, which means you have to manuever your xhair a little bit.


It would be vital information if we knew that the CSC's effects started at the swing instead of contact with an opponent's saber.


Artifex, where are joo? :confused:

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Yes, I think the specific mechanics of the bonus / skill system need to be explained.


Wouldnt it be interesting if timing the button press with a good CSC... and timing of the actual strike hitting the opponent with a good CSC... had a cumulative effect on bonuses?



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from the ProMod site:


"For the best results in combat, attack only when your CSC is strong and your opponent's is weak. Resist the urge to swing blindly when your opponent isn't within view, or is cloaked by Mind Trick. Constantly circle your opponent, and switch directions often to prevent them from getting a strong lock on you with their crosshair."


This would lead me to believe that timing of the button press is what determines bonuses... yet cjais says it is the moment of contact.


Rather than having us speculate, could the ProMod author simply explain the mechanics?

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I see the reason for the confusion. Let me explain:


The CSC score for a player is checked at the instant his saber comes into contact with another player's saber or body.


In the case that a player's saber comes into contact with another player's saber, both players' CSC scores are checked and several things can happen. If the attacking player's CSC score is lower than the defender's by a significant amount, then the defender will knockaway the attacker's saber. If the attacker has a moderately lower CSC score, then the defender will deflect the attacker's saber. If the attacker has a slightly lower score to slightly higher (the defender always has a slight advantage), then the defender will simply block the strike. If the attacker has a moderate to significant advantage over the defender, then the attack will break through the defenders saber, and likely strike them in the process (will not hit if you don't connect with their body).


If the attacker's saber comes into contact with the opponent's body without hitting their saber, then both player's CSC's are checked on contact and the higher of the two wins. If the attacker wins, then a hit is scored and damage accrued. If the defender wins, then they manage to block the strike.


That clear everything up?


I'm going to try adding a "flash" effect to the CSC that will execute when either your attack or defense strength is being checked. It'll essentially turn white and opaque briefly to illustrate what your CSC score was when it was checked.

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