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would like to join a clan

Bilbo Skywalker

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Hi, im interested in joining a clan, mainly for these reasons


I enjoy the game much more when good teamwork is used,

I work better when backed up by good players.

I have been playing for five months.

I mostly play CTF and FFA, but can hold my own in duels.


Enjoy playing defence in CTF most though.


I am from Scotland so my times will be GMT, usually online every night other than monday. (because i work).


I would never claim to be 'amazing' at this game, but i am good and understand team tactics and am always willing to learn.


I also have a few tactics for the standard maps which i know work, and others dont seem to use.


Any one interested, please email me at




or post here.





Bilbo :wavey:

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There are several good clans out there, dear Bilbo. ;)


I am going to let the other representatives of different clans post before I speak about the academy. (Which accepts anyone who wants in, and is all about having fun, and has over 30 members)






(See sig for details)

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Originally posted by Dath Maximus

yes and no


originally it was just for the forums mainly at yodas swamp, but we all play jo, so it became a clan


Good job Dath!


*slaps Dath's back*


*Forgot he had his lightsaber on in that hand*


er...need a bandaid Dath?:D


oh and I am the captain of the infantry and co-web designer for the academy. Any questions or anything can go to me :)

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well obi-wan13, tyrion, i'd be realy interested in joining the game clan (no poison needed tyrion!).


i have seen a lot of the members online already and have decided these are the people for me :D


if you could let me know, where and when i could come try out


i've also applied for a few other clans too, but im all for fun so can i be in?







Bilbo. :wavey:

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Yep :D



When you play, just have the nice little [LFJA] tag in the front, and bind a taunt about the academy. :D


If you choose to do double clans, you can just play [LFJA] and [Whatever clan this is] part time ;)

also, if you like, yo can visit our chat.






There is usually somone in there. They are all from the forums. ;)


I go by the name of Gandalf in the chat. :D

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