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New Patch


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I think that raven should release a new patch that enhances gameplay some. For one thing, if you shoot someone with a killing blow when trhey are in the air, they'll have the regular falling motion, but they're already "laying down" in the air before they hit the ground. Also, if you pull a corpse off the ground, they'll fly around stiff as a board (then make a nice WHOMP noise when they hit the ground, but that's not the point). I think the in-air animations should be improved, like if they just kinda fliped around when they fell. It probably seems kinda picky of me to be annoyed by this, but I think that if the lifeless stormtrooper corpses are going to fly through the air, they should do it with style!!!

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Why are people so against another patch when there are still bugs that need to be fixed?


With nearly every other game, a patch doesn't involve gameplay changes they just fix bugs. JK2 is some bizarre exception to this rule.


What I'm proposing is a REAL patch. I've actually compiled a list of suggestions, some are bug-fixes whilst the others are MINOR gameplay tweaks.


Here is my list of suggestions:


1) Prevent Saber from blocking sniper shots aimed at feet, its far too easy for anyone to evade snipers simply by switching to saber. Anywhere else on the body is fine, but a decent sniper should still be able to make a shot from the front if aimed well.


2) Fix the animation bugs associated with the various "throwables", purely aesthetic, but its rediculous that this is still present after TWO patches, despite being complained about with the original release.


3) Have the Toogle/Timed force power icons start flashing 5 seconds before they are due to turn off, this should make force managament a bit easier, especially in CTF where EVERYTHING is about timing.


4) Prevent the Toogle/Timed force power icons from being hidden when using the zoom mode of the disrupter, if there is a lot of firefighting around you its hard to tell if seeing has turned itself off.


5) Find some way to stop the Forcefield pickup from causing so much lag, it makes ANY game literally unplayable for anyone above about 100 ping.


6) Make it so that if you cancel dark rage early, the recovery time is proportionally less


7) Fix the bug that makes the red tint of dark rage remain for a few moments after respawning


8) Make the blue tint of Absorb a client-side option, using absorb makes it quite difficul to judge player colours, especially if people are using rage and absorb as well. Whose idea was it to make the Rage and Absorb colours the same as the team colours anyway?


9) Put the speed and saber trails on/off option in the actual menu instead of just being a little-known cvar


10) Give the player choice over the crosshairs without having to use the console, its mentioned in the manual so I don't know why it was removed from the final version...


11) More netcode optimization, many people have said to me that the new protocol in 1.04 has made lag a lot worse


12) Make it possible to wall-walk whilst holding a gun. Neo does it in The Matrix, so why can't our Jedi?


13) Make Force Speed and Dark Rage less laggy, its practically impossible to use them in any map featuring pits. On Bespin Exhaust Shafts I can make a flag run in 12 seconds from home base (when i'm playing offline), in Warring Factions about 30 seconds. It is practically impossible to use these techniques realiably with anything above about 150 ping.

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With nearly every other game, a patch doesn't involve gameplay changes they just fix bugs. JK2 is some bizarre exception to this rule.


Well I'm not too sure that's correct Det. At the very least, gameplay-changing patches are on the increase, and have been for the past two-to-three years. Tribes 2, CS, UT, they've all been changed at least as much as JO has.


Most of your suggestions are innoffensive enough, I don't think anyone of sound mind would be opposed to their implementation... But there are no "problems" per-se. Nothing that imbalances the game the way the overpowered DFA did in 1.02, and the overpowered backswing did in 1.03.


Re: Snipers and Wall-walking with a gun, there is currently a very good incentive for people to carry the lightsabre, because it blocks energy weapons and sniper shots from the front, and it's light enough for your character to perform acrobatics with. I think the sabre-lovers (which I am, as well as being a gunner) would be dissapointed by any tweak which made sniper rifles more powerful and/or acrobatics usable with guns. Frankly I consider it to be an unjustified gameplay tweak idea.


And re: your force speed = lag suggestion you have to take into account that an increase in speed will naturally make players appear to move in a choppier fashion. This has as much to do with FPS as with connection speed. The same can be said of (and observed in) the new "adrenal speed" ability in Unreal Tournament 2K3.


With my big monster-PC and my hosepipe of a connection however, such drops in relative FPS don't affect me as much. But that's just one of the crosses that HPBs have to bear.


So I'd stick with bug-fixes and additions to menus and icons-on-screen... But gameplay changes, no matter how "minor" will have vast repercussions. Best to leave them alone I think.

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It would just give snipers a little extra edge when attacking saberists.


Whether you'd have to be a good sniper to foot-shoot someone is irrelevant, what is relevant is the question: Why would you want to give snipers any more of an "edge" in the first place? It's that kind of thinking that resulted in 1.03.

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Originally posted by Spider AL


Whether you'd have to be a good sniper to foot-shoot someone is irrelevant, what is relevant is the question: Why would you want to give snipers any more of an "edge" in the first place? It's that kind of thinking that resulted in 1.03.




The snipe suggestion is you have to do more to avoid snipers when approaching the base then simply having your saber up. Also people carrying the flag can run backwards and you can't touch them with a snipe. Having snipers that easily avoided makes them useless when playing good teams.


You should be able to hit certain hard to hit vulnerable spots, it would be very hard to hit a moving player on the foot unless they are stupid and run in straight lines.


The kind of thinking that led to 1.03 was useless whining by fools that couldn't play the game or wanted to be "real Jedi." Not by snipers who wanted to have a useful function in CTF.

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It's clear to me many of you have lost the pupose of this game. It wasn't to give people another first person shooter where they can snipe and spam splash weapons. It was for the lightsaber and the force powers. 1.04 has already made the saber nearly non-existent in CTF games. And now you want to make it easier for a sniper to hit someone with the saber out. Why? Go play CS, or MOHAA. I hate to burst your bubbles, but this is Star Wars. And taking that into account, on a Full Force server, no sniper SHOULD be able to hit a Jedi with his blade out, who has level 3 saber defense and atleast level 2 seeing (even though it says in the manual you can dodge sniper shots with level 3 seeing).


I'm sorry but whenever anyone complains that any of the guns in this game need to be amped up, it irks me. I stick to saber only servers now because the guns in this game are just so ridiculously spammable. I know the Tenloss isn't, but so what. You show me in the SW Universe anywhere a jedi was sniped by a lone sniper and I'll concede your point. Guns need no more tweaking, unless they nerf them. The point of this game was for the sabering. People whined and moaned that the saber was too powerful. I remember playing on 1.02 servers in the beginning and actually hearing kids call people "saber whores". It was ridiculous. If you want guns there are plenty of FPS's out there with much better weapons then JK2. Pick up the saber and play this game the way it was designed to be played. Oh wait you can't, because all the whiners had 1.02 patched twice!

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Originally posted by -=Lord Oz=-

It's clear to me many of you have lost the pupose of this game. It wasn't to give people another first person shooter where they can snipe and spam splash weapons. It was for the lightsaber and the force powers. 1.04 has already made the saber nearly non-existent in CTF games. And now you want to make it easier for a sniper to hit someone with the saber out. Why? Go play CS, or MOHAA. I hate to burst your bubbles, but this is Star Wars. And taking that into account, on a Full Force server, no sniper SHOULD be able to hit a Jedi with his blade out, who has level 3 saber defense and atleast level 2 seeing (even though it says in the manual you can dodge sniper shots with level 3 seeing).


I'm sorry but whenever anyone complains that any of the guns in this game need to be amped up, it irks me. I stick to saber only servers now because the guns in this game are just so ridiculously spammable. I know the Tenloss isn't, but so what. You show me in the SW Universe anywhere a jedi was sniped by a lone sniper and I'll concede your point. Guns need no more tweaking, unless they nerf them. The point of this game was for the sabering. People whined and moaned that the saber was too powerful. I remember playing on 1.02 servers in the beginning and actually hearing kids call people "saber whores". It was ridiculous. If you want guns there are plenty of FPS's out there with much better weapons then JK2. Pick up the saber and play this game the way it was designed to be played. Oh wait you can't, because all the whiners had 1.02 patched twice!



I thought 1.02 was the best version by far as far as sabers go. But snipers are too easy to avoid compared to the pain it is to use them. You can't move and you have to charge them up in order to get a real shot off. You should be rewarded for an excellent shot.


You should see the things ProMod is doing for Sabers v guns.

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Originally posted by FatalStrike



I thought 1.02 was the best version by far as far as sabers go. But snipers are too easy to avoid compared to the pain it is to use them. You can't move and you have to charge them up in order to get a real shot off. You should be rewarded for an excellent shot.


You should see the things ProMod is doing for Sabers v guns.


Can't move with Sniper? *giggles*


You would think by now people on these forums would know how to snipe.


Play [JA]-HooDWinKeR, Nova SkyGod or NCG Cannon and you'll find out just how effective a sniper rifle can be.


My only complaint is that the sniper is a "no-brain no-skill" solution to being sniped, people should at least have to evade a bit if they don't want burnt toes.

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ


Can't move with Sniper? *giggles*


You would think by now people on these forums would know how to snipe.


Play [JA]-HooDWinKeR, Nova SkyGod or NCG Cannon and you'll find out just how effective a sniper rifle can be.


LoL I do just find with a sniper, by not moving I meant when you are charging for a shot, not as in stay in one place to snipe.


I am not the best sniper in the world but I have driven some of the best CTF players on TWL crazy by sniping.


Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

My only complaint is that the sniper is a "no-brain no-skill" solution to being sniped, people should at least have to evade a bit if they don't want burnt toes.


I agree

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