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Not enough Dueling in Episode 2.


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I am aware that we had lighsabers galore in Episode 2, but IMHO there was not enough, not long enough one on one saber dueling in the film...The Anakin with two sabers thing was way too short and Dooku pretty much wrapped up the fight soon after that. Obi-Wan didn't last very long against Dooku and Yoda just bounced around the room!


It was all good though. ;)

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Everyone's been talking about what the plot twist will be in Episode III... a lot of people think it will concern Palpatine and Darth Sidious... but I think the plot twist will come in the duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan. Really, the EU has been feeding us so much disinformation for almost 20 years now... but many still believe that Anakin will actually fall into a pit of lava (as told in the Return of the Jedi novelization)... the plot twist will come here, I think, when something that a lot of people thought was going to happen doesn't, and is instead replaced by something completely new and incredible.


Avoid spoilers concerning the Obi-Wan/Anakin duel, folks!



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I hope you're right, Jedi Monk. Maybe then people will stop believing EU and the movies exist in the same universe. Sorry, but I'm a Star Wars purist, and I hate seeing the movies ruined by EU crap.


Anyway, back to the topic of the lightsaber duel: If they tried to make a better one than the Duel of the Fates in The Phantom MEnace, it would be a bit silly. Lets think about it. The duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin has to be the best in the whole saga, so if the fights just kept getting better progressively through the prequel movies, it would seem like they're just trying to out-do the last one every time.

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I think in EP3. obi0wan and anakin should steer towards the old trilogy. have a classic dual with amix of cool stuff fomr the prequals....


My favorite fight in the films is still the empires strikes back fight. The fact that luke looked like he had his ass owned by vader made it look like a damn good fight.. plus vader taunting him n stuff made it better.


Ep1 was excelent though. i could watch the final bit over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and again hehehe


Ep2 was good. i liked little yoda who wouldnt. but i think anakin with dooku could have been such a great fight....ya see anakin earlier saying how amazing he was with a lightsaber.. he was almost owning dooku until he got his arm lopped off hahaha..


well. there it goes

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I agree with this thread about ep. 2. The battle with all the jedi was awesome but i think a couple one on one fights would have made the movie alot better....when anakin got the 2 sabers i got really interested and exited about it but it only lasted for like 20 seconds which i was kinda mad about...but thats the movie business, never a PERFECT movie...


Ep. 1 had good saber fights, especially the last one, i can watch that over and over again, never gets old to me :D

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Lightsabers... who needs them?


AT-AT's, TIE fighters, Death Stars, Geonosian fighters, Republic gunships, heavy blaster cannons, Trade Federation AAT's, Droid Starfighters, "Slave One", rocket packs, landspeeders, Rancor's, X, Y, A and B-Wings, Rebel Blockade Runner, Imperial Lambda-class Shuttles, Battle Droids, Stormtroopers, STAP (Single Trooper Ariel Platform)s, AT-ST's, dark side Force powers, Super Star Destroyer "Executor", Bespin Cloud Cars, Z-59 HeadHunters, Star Destroyers, Naboo Starfighters, Trade Federation Battleships, Droidekas, Training Remotes and that little cave with visions inside on Dagobah.


These all make up for short lightsaber duels. Need I say more?



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