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ROTJ Boba Fett skin COMPLETE:) what do you thinkg guys?


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here is a pic of my Boba Fett skin.:fett: Boba Fett is the coolest bounty hunter ever to be created!:fett: tell me what you think. in some of the earlier pictures there is no orange lines on the helmet but i fixed that as u can see in the shots of the CTF/CTY and TFFA blue and red skins. this skin looks awsome with the Jetpack mod! i think it looks exactly like boba fett what do u think?(its also has bot capabilities:)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I love the skins. Awsome detail! Good luck with your clan. You will need it. Its hard to start clans out. Especially now since, most good players are already in other clans or are solo.


Plus, alot of people are leaving JO for diff games. I.E. unreal tournament 2k3, and soon SWG.


But good luck anyhow. And keep up the good work!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ya, i had several pics for reference from websites such as

http://www.bobafett.com , http://www.starwars.com but i also had pics from the Star Wars insider magazine. I had many different colours show up (why, i dont know) so i decided to make it green. But ive been looking at more and more pics and most pf them show the back pack u r showing me. So for version 2 get ready for a new Jetpack! Sound Good Squater?

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Well Im gonna work on it pretty much tomorow, so well.... The Skin might be done in 2days (maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less). but I have some problems with making sounds. I got a good sound file wich I wanna use as a taunt but its a .wav and I really have no idea how to make it to a .mp3 (wich I think it has to be). So I will need some help with the sounds.

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