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The Lucasarts Survey ...


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Has anyone gotten the LucasArts survey about JO? They are asking expansion and 'addition to the series' types of questions ... and most of it seems to be things we've been talking about here for months (well, since I've now been here almost 1.5 years, I guess years would be correct). It even asks what you think about NPC's.


I've been thinking about the expansion possibilities recently ... in my head I call it "Tavion's Revenge" ... while I'm at it I'll talk about some thoughts ...


JKII Expansion Pack

Title: Tavion's Revenge


Setup: In the months since the defeat of Galak Fyyar and Dessann, the dark apprentice Tavion has grown powerful in her hate and seeks revenge on the source of her hatred - Kyle Katarn. She has continued training the Reborn warriors and ShadowTroopers that accompanied her retreat from Bespin, and has taken control of the remaining legions of Fyyars Remnant troops, stationed on the planet ????. There she waits for the opportunity to strike. Meanwhile, Kyle and Jan have returned from their vacation, with Kyle spending time on Yavin working with new Jedi apprentices, and Jan taking command of a wing of Rogue Squadron.


Setting the scene: The game begins with a small band Tavion's troops over-running a New Republic outpost in a remote system. The New Republic calls Luke, looking for a Jedi to investigate why the small outpost has suddenly gone silent. Cut to a scene of Kyle training a Jedi apprentice, and Luke asking the apprentice to handle the mission. As the apprentice departs, Kyle asks why he doesn't have Kyle handle it. Luke replies that it is critical for Jedi to not only train apprentices, but also to let them go. Kyle ... I have a bad feeling about this. Luke ... me too, make sure your apprentice is ready, then come talk to me ...


Beginning: a ship approaches the planet, Kyle appears in holo form, saying that their is possible danger and the apprentice is to land in a hidden area on the other side of the planet. From there, he should proceed through the fields to an remote transport center, where he will be able to get a tram to the outpost relatively undetected.


The game starts: we play the apprentice, and start with a saber and a blaster, and level 1 of Jump, Push, Pull, Heal and Mind trick. We start in the jungle beside our ship, and need to find the remote transport station. Unfortunately, the ship was detected, and we are quickly dealing with Stormtroopers. Getting to the transport center is a simple enough deal, but two problems arise - opening the outer door, and starting the tram.


From there:

- I envision that there will be problems along the way, and the apprentice will have to move to the front, perhaps get off.

- When the tram arrives, there will be a stealth need - perhaps they'll show more than 5 imperials ...

- (s)He'll have to work his way through indoor and outdoor situations, with hostiles and friendlies (to rescue) and innocents.

- This will all take ~ 5 levels, and will be going very well - the outpost is freed, the enemies vanquished, until it ends up with a semi-scripted / semi-live battle with Tavion. The outcome is clear - the apprentice dies, jarring Kyle and Luke from discussions ... time for some Kyle action, they both agree.

- I'd love to have a small section where Kyle plays gunner for Jan, kind of like in SotE ...

- When Kyle leaves, he heads to the Imperial base – but he has the full powers from the end of JO at his disposal….



Now, beyond that I can see further possibilities, I would love to see you have the 'role playing' ability with Kyle - he could have Level 2 grip, but would use 1/3 less mana and recharge 2x faster than if you assign him Level 3. And so on ...


I just envision that *that* would take a new game, although integrating new powers in a way that your apprentice could take a light or dark path, and you may end up facing your apprentice rather than Tavion.


Hmmm ...



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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1

wait a tic, what the hell is this "survey" sh...stuff? plase post more info, this makes no sence, beyond a xpack wishlist(btw, your story is far from new... :))


As for my story - can you tell I like MotS but want to tweak it? OK, fine ... there is a reason I'm not on the story development credits for LA!!


... BTW - is there a good expansion idea thread somewhere? I remember some early discussions several months ago after most of us played through, but not much since.


Today I got an email as a 'demo downloader' from LucasArts, and it asked my to participate in a ~10 minute survey that would enter me into a drawing for some random console stuff or a GF4. I don't really want the consoles, already have a GF4, but never miss an opportunity to mouth to LA about JKII! I think this is 'by invite only'



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She has continued training the Reborn warriors and ShadowTroopers that accompanied her retreat from Bespin


Problem was that Tavion had no ShadowTroopers under her command. They went down with Desaan/Fyyar.


Also, Jan commanding a flight team in Rogue Squadron? Definetly a no go there. Once a merc, always a merc.


As for this survey, the first question better be "What did we do wrong with this game?"


Half of this board should know my answer by now.

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Okay so i did it.......But some of the ideas they had on it were really. well. what i wanted to see in a sequal.


I put:


- Somthing Prequal Based

- Features Anakin, Obi-Wan, Mace

- New Multiplayer modes

- That a sequal would be defiinatly yes!


Anyone else put the same or similar.... casuse i really hope they make an prequal trilogy type game......

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose


Problem was that Tavion had no ShadowTroopers under her command. They went down with Desaan/Fyyar.


Also, Jan commanding a flight team in Rogue Squadron? Definetly a no go there. Once a merc, always a merc.


As for this survey, the first question better be "What did we do wrong with this game?"


Half of this board should know my answer by now.


As for Jan ... yeah, you're right ... I'd just like to see her have a role other than (a) getaway car driver or (b) hostage.


For Tavion, it would be more believeable plot twist that a ship of Reborn/ShadowTrooper got diverted and Tavion has them ...then say Morgan appearing at the Valley of the Jedi without either being a Jedi or having died there ...


OK ... I guess I'm part of the 'other' half - what do you think they did wrong with this game? From a SP perspective?



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I have no idea whether I'm in the minority or not ...


But I don't really care whether they make a game in the Trilogy or Prequel timeline. My reasoning is that tends to place greater limits on what you can do in terms of characters and scenarios (as it would have to get LFL's stamp of approval). I mean, I just played through the 'doom_shield' level again last night, and was grip-tossing people left and right ... I just couldn't picture my man ObiWan doing that ...not to mention the level 3 lightning I whipped out in the start of yavin_courtyard ...


I like the evolving original storyline of Kyle Katarn, despite it's bumps and discontinuities.



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Originally posted by txa1265

I have no idea whether I'm in the minority or not ...


But I don't really care whether they make a game in the Trilogy or Prequel timeline. My reasoning is that tends to place greater limits on what you can do in terms of characters and scenarios (as it would have to get LFL's stamp of approval). I mean, I just played through the 'doom_shield' level again last night, and was grip-tossing people left and right ... I just couldn't picture my man ObiWan doing that ...not to mention the level 3 lightning I whipped out in the start of yavin_courtyard ...


I like the evolving original storyline of Kyle Katarn, despite it's bumps and discontinuities.




Of course, having said that - I was one of the people who had pre-ordered Epi1:ObiWan for PC, and was so disappointed ... and I'd do it again. What I am saying is that I want JK to continue to evolve as it has - post RotJ by some years, Kyle as the main dude, etc. I would love a JK-*LIKE* (i.e. FPS) game based on ObiWan (prequel) or somewhere in the trilogy ...



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i chose


Greater control over Force powers - allowing player to assign powers similar to a role-playing game


Ability to modify/customize main playable character (character look, attire, lightsaber style/colors, other weapons, etc.)


and a


Compelling new original storyline (with LOTS of action)


Jedi action (Force powers, lightsaber)

Compelling storyline and central character

Support for user created mods, extensions, skins

if i had a 4th choice it would be authenticity


the character i chose are kyle jan and han solo

the one that is not on that i would have chosen is Kir Kanos (maybe a mission with him)


i did not choose prequel because i was not really interested plus there are prequel TCs coming out for JKII

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Originally posted by X_Wing_Pilot

i chose

Ability to modify/customize main playable character (character look, attire, lightsaber style/colors, other weapons, etc.)


Well, I wish they added "Ease of Modification" or something similar for that question. Don't get me wrong, making custom models, and Editing the MP source code is fun and all, but what would really make this game, or any subsequent Jedi Knight game SHINE would be to expand the editing options. Look at the tools included in UT2k3 this week if you guys pick it up, that's what LA should be shooting for

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Greater control over Force powers - allowing player to assign powers similar to a role-playing game


Ability to modify/customize main playable character (character look, attire, lightsaber style/colors, other weapons, etc.)


Innovative and varied new multiplayer gameplay modes







Balance of improvements to current multiplayer modes AND completely new multiplayer modes






Kyle JAn and MAra

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Let's see:


- Play as the villians (check)

- More multiplayer enhancements and squad based modes (check)

- Kyle, Mara, Jan (check)

- Keep the addon support rolling in (check)

- Sabers, Force and Blasters!


Hope they take it to heart! ; )


Imagine having the choice at the beginning of an expansion pack to play either Kyle (starting full-power) or Tavion (again, full power) or maybe even a Jedi Apprentice (level 1). Everything would change based on your choice - as Kyle you'd be in pursuit of Tavion, as Tavion in pusuit of power - and the destruction of Katarn. As the apprentice you'd be working at the temple, on small missions, and you would grow and ... choose to pursue light or dark ... it'd be like 4 games ...


Maybe THAT'S a thought for JK3.



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Imagine having the choice at the beginning of an expansion pack to play either Kyle (starting full-power) or Tavion (again, full power) or maybe even a Jedi Apprentice (level 1). Everything would change based on your choice - as Kyle you'd be in pursuit of Tavion, as Tavion in pusuit of power - and the destruction of Katarn. As the apprentice you'd be working at the temple, on small missions, and you would grow and ... choose to pursue light or dark ... it'd be like 4 games ...


That is a ok idea but this is more of a expansion idea JK3 Should still be about Kyle


another thing the should be a saber choosing for the apprentic like a sp jedimod where you download custom sabers and use those sabers in Single Player

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