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The Coliseum


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I am not quite sure if any of this will be at all possible with in the game, so hold me to none of this until more is established about the game.


I noticed that it was mentioned in the merchant class that you can run "venues". What that means im not sure, however I do have a pseudo-grandiose, and rather un-original idea :)


My grand scheme is to have a stadium of sorts, or maybe a small to large arena of some sort. I along with others will setup a very supervised setup of matches and all out fights to the death between various competitors. There will be of course prizes (either credits or Items, or what have you). I don’t know how entertaining this will be to others, but if it is fun to see the best of the best duke it out (ala pay-per-view :)) we can have a cover charge to let ppl in, possibly have a bar also. I’m thinking some other incentive for ppl to come such as random prizes given out to audience members.


I think there will be 4 classes I will divide up the tournys into. Melee, ranged, anything goes 1v1, and Battle Royal (that would rock with like 8 guys going at it)


Of course you will also be able to take on various creatures also (i.e. rancors, and bunny rabbits)


This whole idea is half-baked, however I think with the proper motivation and skills, could actually come together.


Also, because I recognize this is a half-baked idea, I don’t really give a damn about anyone whom says this is "stupid".


I will of course be in need of various peoples of certain professions.


Here is a short list of all the peoples I may or may not need:

(Numbers will be released if necessary)


Commandos (security)

Chef (if bar)

Architect (creative, large scale)

Squad leader or Combat Engineer (head of security)


Creature handler


I think a lot of this will be run off of a website, unless an ingame forum will be available.


I will of course be taking names and email addys down now of people who wish to Combat in this series of "battles to the death". The prizes will be great, and the honor, well, maybe not so much, its just a game :p


If you are at all interested in this please email me at LuceAppassente@Hotmail.com


Have fun making fun of this idea, as I know you will...

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sound intresting, but would need a lot of coordination to pul off well. count me in, i'm going to try to be a arcetect so let me know if you could use my help. oh and

Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Welcome to the boards!!! :)


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will enjoy your stay.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D

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Well, I would like to have Entertainment such as dancers strewn about the place :)


I think that a bar is order also.


hahahaha, this would be great.


Get a comedian to come in. Like, somone who is a comedian in real life, and we all sit in the arena, and he is down in the pit area and just does an act as if it where him in real life. With the Physical emotes we could even laugh back.


That would be awsome to see some Over-weight wookie comedian standing in front of a crowd telling jokes.



hehe ---- "Comedy at The Coliseum"

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Great idea!


I'm considering the Entertainment route, or even, ahem, Politics (that is as soon as I find out I didn't get force sensitivity for my Jedi! :D ) !


In either case...


If I go Entertainer, would be glad to offer my services (we can negotiate my fee later :D )


or If I become a politician...well...let's say I'm a man who knows how to take care of his constituents! :D


Racing is a must too...Pod or otherwise...wagering on those kind of events is commonplace in SW lore...!





See ya in the Galaxy!



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LuceAppassente and Rryanh,


Welcome to



I believe i havent welcomed you here... so i did it now :D

Your idea sounds good....

I hope you will be able to pull it off... and if you need suplies... please contact me in game or here.... cause the Associates would like to help you ship them to you :D

*Gives a large box full of small, chocolate covered gnorts.*


@ Ewok: you are going to ask for money arent you? :D The Associates gets a percentage right? :p


Anyhow.. i hope your idea gets busy :D


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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Thanks very much, Wraith!


I really feel that the game will be great. But what the players do with it will take it to the next level!


Luce and many others have had some great ideas, I hope we can follow-up in-game...





See you in the Galaxy!





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I must agree, this idea could have some serious potential. As wraith said, the associates wcan help out....we're planning on setting up a neutral town, and I'll have to run it by everyone, but if you are interested maybe we could set up a spot for this collisium in our town. After all guys, we do want people to come to our town....

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Originally posted by Gaalgoth

I must agree, this idea could have some serious potential. As wraith said, the associates wcan help out....we're planning on setting up a neutral town, and I'll have to run it by everyone, but if you are interested maybe we could set up a spot for this collisium in our town. After all guys, we do want people to come to our town....

aint he a speaker? :D
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