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wip: watto model


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Well at this point its not really in progress. I've looked around the net, gatherd some info and am drawing concept sketches to kind of get a feel for what the model is gonna look like. I'll post those here asap. In the mean time I could still use good pics so if you know of any post them here. I'm really hoping to get at least 2 profile and 1 back shots before I can finalize my sketches.

Getting it ingame is gonna be a problem since he doesnt run :p but we'll look at that later. As always I'd apreciate any advise comments.

If all goes well this model should be funny at least and if something goes horribly wrong well I'll blame it on the JK2 engine.


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Hahaha.... What, do you think you're some kind of Jedi waving your hand like that? :p


That is a great model idea! I think Watto is one of the better, more underrated characters. About the running... I personally thought the Hutt model was probably about the best animated that it could have been, given the Raven skeleton, but I still didn't like it. I'm not sure how to attach models to the skeleton, but this doesn't seem like it should be too dificult... if anything, you can have his real legs as part of the torso, and have a placeholder to fill out the humanoid legs and turn off those surfaces in the surf file. The only problem I see is getting wing movement... not even sure if you can do that.


I hope you can figure out a way to get this guy in-game!

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Yeah, I doubt you'd be able to make the wings look like they're moving unless you.

A. make an animated shader/image

B. make an entirely new skeleton. Not sure if it's possible, but it probably wouldn't be a good idea anyways, since it would alter the skeleton for all other models as well.


That's the trouble with the JK2 engine. You can only have one skeleton for all characters. If they make a JK3, they should definitely use a new engine (preferably one of their own). The newer engines are much more customizable than the old Q3 engine, although they also tend to be harder to create mods for.

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Idea for animating the wings. Use two sets of planar wings that you will have the wing image spread over with it's alpha. Then in the shader have it fade in/out using a square output at a fast rate for both sets, then have the other set be offset enough so that they alternate between visibility states.

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hmm ill try what kman said hopefully itll look fine. If only we could just make custom animations I could do what I did for some models in half life.

one thing that really pisses me off though is that theres only pictures of watto from the front!! anyone seen any OTHER part of this guy

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Originally posted by hansmoleman

hi all, im not dead :)

And despite what most of you may think i have done some work on the watto model.

go to my website to check it out: http://hansmoleman.cjb.net

So far i havent thought about how to get it ingame, too much thinking, too soon :p . So tell me shat you think of the pics and ill do my best to handly the "constructive" criticism :)

it looks good so far. don't forget to model those extra wings so you can use a shader to give the illusion of beating wings. :)

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yo dude on ur site can u make that simpson character into a pk3 file so we can use it in the game

I guess i could if you really want me to, i dont really feel like it, too lazy i am.


it looks good so far. don't forget to model those extra wings so you can use a shader to give the illusion of beating wings. :)

To tell the truth im not all 100% sure as to how to what kman said. To me is sounds like something inbetween something that could work and just a bunch of random words on the monitor. So when i get there ill need someone to "translate" what he said into words that I can understand, no offence kman, im just still a n00b :)

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