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wip: watto model


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hi all, im back from the dead.


been working on a skin for the model, just a quick one, im not that good at skinning. ive posted new pics on my site. if yer willing to do some skinning for it post here or pm or e-mail me and well talk.


you'll notice the 2nd pair of wings :) ive also been doing research on shaders and hopefully the wings will flap, anymore info on this would be GREATLY appreciated

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thx all for the kind words, looks like the finish line is just over the horizon :)


madjai those pics are excellent, finally some shots of his back, ill get to work right away finishing that up, also i didnt realize he had a little tail, gonna have to add that as well. thx man u saved me a lot of time and effort


edit: oh btw, madjai what happened to watto leg there? dog accident, or were u just hungry ;)

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lol madjai :)

anyway i started on the back and threw a skin on the wings, new pics are posted.


also i have a question, whenever i do a render is 3dsmax and my stextured are of tga format everything in reall light, but under jpg or bmp theyre normal, how do i fix dis?


i have no clue as to how to make him flap his wings while jumping i WILL however make him float

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Originally posted by t3rr0r

about floating, is there any way to have the legs stay stationary (or minimal movement) so it doesn't look like he's running in the air? i love how the model is turning out, btw. :)


I think it was suggested at some point that he could weight the bones in such a way that the legs didn't move (so he doesn't "run" in mid air).

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t3rr0r i believe it is quite possible to make the legs stationary, you just weight them to the pelvis or one of the torso bones, so their movements will match the bodys.


however i have one question, should the legs be their own objects (name being l_leg,..etc) or should they be "attachments" to the torso (name being torso_l_leg,..etc)? Im guessing it would be the second one but im not sure

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ok i got 2 more questions:


should when i will wieght wattos bones i will naturally weigh his chest to the chest bones, but should i weight his belly, and lower half of his body to the pelvis bones or should i also put them on the chest bones? im thinking chest bones since with him being so short it would look funny if just half his body turned when looking and strafeing.


this question is to madjai, i asume for your maw model since you had no legs or feet you had to make stand ins. how did you go about making them and their caps and all?


i hope you guys can help me with this, its rather important :)

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Originally posted by hansmoleman

ok i got 2 more questions:


should when i will wieght wattos bones i will naturally weigh his chest to the chest bones, but should i weight his belly, and lower half of his body to the pelvis bones or should i also put them on the chest bones? im thinking chest bones since with him being so short it would look funny if just half his body turned when looking and strafeing.


this question is to madjai, i asume for your maw model since you had no legs or feet you had to make stand ins. how did you go about making them and their caps and all?


i hope you guys can help me with this, its rather important :)


I think it'd look even weirder if his whole torso turned when looking and strafing. Try it by weighting the lower half to his pelvis bones and seeing how it looks in-game. If it looks too funny, just weight them to his chest and see how that looks. Then go with whatever one looks better.

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the only reason you would make his legs attachments to his body is if you dont want people to be able to chop his legs off.


when youre first starting off, i stronly suggest you weight everything part of his body to a single bone, so you can test and see if assimilate lets him work and there arent any problems ingame. ex. weight all of his r_hand to the r_hand bone, all of his torso to the pelvis, etc etc.


then when everything works, delete the old weights and begin weighting him for real.


for the question about the chest weighting, just try one way, and if it doesnt look right, try another.


for the legs and cap question, i make single polygon legs for Maw and make them transparent with a .surf file. so all the tags for the legs still went where they were supposed to.


so again, if you make his legs part of his torso they will not be chopable and therefore have no caps.

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very impressed with your model so far. hopefully you can get the shader to work on the wings ... give watto a more 'authentic' feel.


and maybe for a little more variety you could do another skin to include with the model. who would this skin be of you ask? none other than rozatta. aww, come on, you don't know who she is, do you?




just a suggestion ...

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Simply Amazing Hans i wish i could learn to model ( in the process) i will help u and other modelers my friend {BK} Supremepain is making a model everyone knows about ....

FREDDY KRUGER! and If u wuold help him im sure he would be greatly happy he will need most likly a uv-mapper and someone to help him with the whole thing pritty much the skeleton and other stuff he wil need help with and skinning (maybe) he is getting photoshop 7.0 to skin but may be a noob at it so help will be ablidged sorry if im annoying people about this little off topic thing but PM me or him if u would be interested in helping Thanks For hearing me out

Good Luck on this watto!!

Bye Bye

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