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Fun N Games

Darth Eggplant

Fun N Games. Name the Company you dig the most.  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Fun N Games. Name the Company you dig the most.

    • Lucasarts
    • Cyan
    • Blizzard
    • Dream Catcher
    • Sierra
    • EA Games
    • Psygnosis
    • Westwood Studios
    • Electronic Arts
    • Other

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games are fun, we buy them,

play them, fanatically obssess

over them, sometimes dislike them,

so cast your vote for your fav game

and game maker here and share some

thoughts on what you think makes

you, and a good game tick.


*I have listed some companies,

there are many more,

so if your favourite game

or game maker is not

listed in my poll,

please choose the other vote option

and tell the forum all about it.

also if you are torn between

gaming companies and wish to express

an appreciation and prefference

for several companies; again please

use the other polling option.*


*I chose other.

I really love Lucasarts.

so far I have played

2 of their games

and found both to be

extremely top notch.

but I have also played

other games too,

and I really dig them as well.

for instance Blizzard

makes excellent games.

'Star Craft' was so cool!

and Cyan was responsible for

'MYST' also so very cool!

and EA Games made

'American McGee's Alice'

which was also cool!

Psygnosis made the

'Discworld' games

and for that I salute them.

and even Microsoft made

'Age of Empires'

which is amazing!


there are so many great games

out there and many go nowhere

due to lack of media hype,

marketing, and fan support.

an old favourite of mine

was now defunk company Inscape.

they were beginning to show real

promise I still love to play

'Drowned God'

anyway that is my two cents worth

so let the game naming commence!

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I own Sierra's Pharoah's game.

neat fun watching them

walk like little egyptians.


but what about Cyan?

are you enjoying MYST,

Riven and Exile?

what's the scoop there?

I thought you might

chime in with Cyan,

I almost did.


*and shame:eek:so far

no one has picked Lucasarts.

what will George think.*

(Ooops someone did,

ignore that last

bold purple comment.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by DarthEggplant

...but what about Cyan?

are you enjoying MYST,

Riven and Exile?

what's the scoop there?

I thought you might

chime in with Cyan,

I almost did...

to be honest i've not played em an awful lot. I started to play Myst and got quite far before college caught up with me again. Im off for a week now so i might resume myst, i have all my save games stored.

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