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Dark Tides

Havoc Stryphe

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: It’s All in the Cards


Renowned the galaxy over as a place for fun and excitement, Young David’s Casino didn’t fail to live up to both accounts this evening as the Dark Eyes put their recent pasts and their immediate futures out of their minds and enjoyed one last night of fun. Havoc glanced up from his Sabacc game long enough to see the fly-boys at the bar, telling tales and drinking ale. Havoc realized that Redwing and Chase weren’t present at the bar, but Havoc paid it little mind. “Probably in the hanger swapping more pirate’s stories.”, he thought to himself. As his gaze settled back towards his card game, out of the corner of his eye he noticed Leon, across the room, occupied with his own card game of Pazak.


Havoc never acquired a taste for Pazak, even though the game was older then most of the galaxy itself. It was to civilized, to honest. Sabacc, however, was a different story. The game was relatively new and few spacers had made the move from Pazak to Sabacc, but Havoc found the game both strategic and lucrative, which fit his lifestyle perfectly. Havoc had even been heard stating that Sabacc will eventually become the gambler’s game of choice in the future, to which many just laughed. The thought of Pazak being replaced by anything was too ridiculous to entertain. Havoc just smiled to himself as he placed his last card down winning the hand and as he reached out to take his winnings he whispered to himself, “Their loss!”


That was Havoc’s tenth winning hand tonight, “Things were looking up for a change”, Havoc thought to himself, “Maybe that feeling of dread was for nothing.” Havoc excused himself from the card table and made his way towards the bar to have himself a celebratory drink, he knew he shouldn’t, but after the round of Sabacc he just had, it only seemed right.


But he never made it to the bar, just as he was about to sit down, Young David tapped him on the shoulder, “Havoc, can I see you and Leon in my office I need to discuss the final preparations for your departure tomorrow morning? I’ll be waiting in my office.”


Havoc nodded his answer as he looked at the bar one last time, knowing it was for the best anyways. He then made his way over to the Pazak table Leon was seated at, whispered in his ear, and was shortly joined by the would be gambler.


“Man, I took a beating tonight!”, Leon groaned as he walked next to Havoc, “The cards were all against me, I swear!”


“Maybe you should give Sabacc a try next time.”, Havoc replied with a smirk, “I did quite well myself.”


“Sabacc, that game lacks the finesse and elegance of Pazak. Mark my words, Sabacc will be dead within ten years!”


The discussion was cut short by their arrival at Young David’s office. Leon pressed the door panel and the door opened with a quick hiss and the two men entered the business man’s office. Havoc’s first thought was that the office was very dark, but before he could dismiss the thought, the feeling of dread returned a moment too late as he heard an all too familiar voice.


“Ah, if it isn’t the old man Havoc, and his old friend Leon. Please, we’ve been expecting you.”, the deep voice teased dripping with sarcasm.


Havoc and Leon instinctively reached for their blasters, but were cut short by a dozen Crimson Blades stepping out of the shadows with blaster rifles raised.


“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”, the deep voice threatened as a giant figure stepped from behind YD’s desk.


“Hannibalscipio!”, Havoc blurted out letting the situation get the best of him, “YD, what’s going on here?”


Young David only looked away.


“You can’t be too upset with Young David, Havoc. The Sith can be very persuasive.”, Hannibalscipio chuckled as he was thoroughly enjoying the look on the two Dark Eyes’ faces.


“I don’t understand.”, it was Leon, “If the Sith wanted us then why are you here?”


Hannibalscipio laughed, “It would seem that revenge can be a very lucrative endeavor. Apparently your friend here, informed the Sith of your recent escapades and future plans. He must have also informed them of our hatred for the Dark Eyes, and since the Sith are preparing for a giant battle with the Jedi, they could ill afford to send a Sith Lord to deal with you, so they hired us to capture you… alive, against my better judgment.”


It was Havoc’s turn to ask questions, “Why would the Sith want us alive?”


“You know, I asked the very same question. It would seem they have plans for you.” Hannibalscipio leaned into Havoc’s face, “All I know, is I wouldn’t want to be you!” Again, the man burst into sinister laughter.


Suddenly a light lit up on Young David’s desk accompanied by a soft beeping. Young David approached his desk and pressed a button, “Young David here.”


From the speaker came a menacing voice, “Young David, your time is up. Have you and the Crimson Blades acquired the Jedi’s friends as promised?”


“Yes, Darth Fergie they are in my custody as we speak.”, Young David replied, struggling not to make eye contact with his two prisoners.


“Excellent, Darth Homer will be most pleased to hear that. I trust our mutual friends performed adequately?” the Sith inquired.


Before Young David could reply Hannibalscipio butted in, “Yes, we performed adequately, when do we get paid?”


“You shall bring the prisoners to Korriban. When you arrive with the cargo, then you will receive your payment.”, The voice replied.


“My lord”, It was Young David again, “What should be done with the rest of the Dark Eyes?”


“They are useless to us. Darth Homer wishes them destroyed… all of them!”


Hannibalscipio was quick to jump on that, “My boys will be happy to dispatch them for you, at no extra cost!”


There was a slight pause at the other end followed by a short response, “very well then.”


“But that wasn’t part of the deal?”, Young David blurted out, “You never said they had to be killed!”


“Perhaps you would like your casino made into a Sith training facility?”, the voice sneered over the com line.


Young David looked at Havoc who only shook his head. Havoc’s anger quickly turned to pity for the man. Young David actually thought he could control the situation but was only finding out now, too late, that he never had a chance to.


“Well?”, the Sith questioned again.


“I understand.”, came Young David’s response as he hung his head.


“Then we shall see you on Korriban, Hannibalscipio, with the cargo.” With that the voice vanished as quickly as the light on the desk blinked out.


Young David slammed his fist down on his desk as he silently cursed to himself. He briefly made eye contact with Havoc, then turned and stormed out his office door leaving the two Dark Eyes to Hannibalscipio and the Crimson Blades.


Hannibalscipio smiled as he turned to Havoc and Leon, “Well, good news! You’re still going to Korriban!”


Leon turned to Havoc, “Well at least they have to keep us alive until we get there.”


Hannibalscipio replied before Havoc could say anything, “Yes, we have to keep you alive, but he said nothing about what condition you have to be in, and I’ve been dying to try out my new cybergenic arm!”


Young David could still here the cyborg’s evil laughter ringing through the corridor as he made his way towards the gambling floor.

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Ooooh. Awesome Havoc, i definately wasn't expecting that so soon, but its perfect.


This is a time when i wish we weren't posting every chapter as we did it. Then i could go back and change one little detail to make it all very cool. But that's ok, it'll still work well....i think.


Anyways, should have the chapter up tonight....or at least tomorrow afternoon.




Hmmm...something just came up tonight, so i definately won't have it finsihed, sorry. But i will have it up tomorrow.

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Ok, learning a lession from last time, i'm not going to post this as an edit, even though its a double post. So, here it is:



Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Brink of Collapse



Tie Guy raised his green practice lightsaber in a form unique to himself. He grasped the saber the same as the others, but instead of bringing his hands to his waist and extending the blade vertically he raised his hands even with head and just above and to the right of his shoulder, stretching the blade out parallel to the ground and pointing it directly at his opponent. Tie saw no strategically advantages to using the style, but instead it gave him a solemn sense of separation from the Jedi, to whom he never wanted to belong.


Kvan and Tie slowly approached each other, taking small steps, waiting for each other to strike. Tie made the first move. He dropped his elbows and flicked his wrists, swinging the blade in an uppercut, but Kvan easily anticipated it caught it on his own green saber. With another quick flick of his wrist Tie swung the blade in a semicircle to his right in a blow that would have struck Kvan across the neck. But the Jedi master was too fast. He inverted his blade and turned his hips to the right, catching the blade harmlessly on his own.


Tie pressed the attack. Taking a step forward, he shifted his now inverted blade behind his back and then came down in a cleaving blow. Kvan merely sidestepped the attack to his right and then landing a powerful kick to Tie’s exposed midsection, sending him staggering back steps, doubled over in pain. But Tie let the Force flow into him and strengthen him. He lunged back at Kvan, bringing saber a horizontal cut from the right. Kvan blocked it, and then brought his blade around to intercept Tie’s blow to his left. But Tie swung hard, knocking his brother’s saber to the side. Kvan recovered just in time to parry a lunge from his opponent, but he then shut off his blade.


Tie was at first confused, but then he sensed the man who had just entered the chamber. He too, shut off his blade and turned to see who the man was. It was Rhett. “Master Rhett,” Kvan started, but then remained silent as he saw the man’s face and perhaps sensed something Tie had not.


“Master Kvan, I need to speak with you. Now,” Rhett said, getting straight to the point.


Kvan nodded, as if he knew what was coming. Tie certainly did not; he simply stood there, confused. “Tie, I’ll be back shortly,” Kvan said, and without further instructions, both Kvan and Rhett walked out, leaving Tie standing alone in the chamber, panting deeply from his exercise.


Tie took a moment to catch his breath, then reached out with the Force and opened the secret compartment in the wall that housed the tiny practice remotes. With the Force he gently guided three of them out into the middle of the lonely chamber. He activated them one by one and then brought his saber up in preparation for the exercise.


Recently he had thrown himself at his lightsaber training. He practiced every waking minute that Kvan did not use teaching him about the other aspects of the Force. He felt he had honed his technique perfectly, and he could even hold off several remotes at once. It was true that Tie spent so much time training with his saber because that was the most important thing in getting revenge, but it wasn't the only reason he did so. The real reason, though he would never admit it, was that while he was fighting, he wasn’t thinking about Havoc.




Kvan and Rhett traveled quietly through the hallways of the Jedi Temple until they at last came upon the council chamber. Both men silently stepped through the door and it shut tightly behind them.


“Now,” Kvan started, “What did you want to see me about?”


“As you may have heard, there have been reports of Sith activities on the remote world of Ossus.” Rhett said.


“The world where the Jedi Order was founded?” Kvan asked, a bit confused.


“Supposedly, yes. Ironic, isn’t it? Nevertheless, we believe it may have an important connection with Korriban.”


“So why are you telling me this?” Kvan said, knowing the answer but not wanting to accept it.


“We need you to go out there and investigate it.”


“No.” Kvan said flatly.


“What?” Rhett responded, a little shocked.


“No, I can’t do it.”


“Well why not?”


“He’s not ready.”


“What do you mean? He’s shown tremendous talent, more than any student here in a quite some time. He is ready.”


“Master, this isn’t about his talent, he’s not ready to face the Sith.”


“We don’t expect any resistance, the reports say that the base there was abandoned a while ago.”


“Well then why not send Master Nhar, or perhaps Master Dagobahn. Surely they could accomplish this mission just as well as I.”


“No, Kvan, we need you. Perhaps you don’t understand how important this is. You must have realized it by now; the Sith War is tearing the galaxy apart. We are losing, Kvan. The council has authorized an assault on Korriban; it is our only hope. But in order to do this we need more information on the system. One cannot simply walk into Korriban; you must know that. This mission is of the utmost importance, and you are the only one I trust with it.”


“But Master.” Kvan paused. “I can’t. He can’t.”


“I’ve heard quite enough of that, Master Kvan. Now tell me one good reason why he is not ready or I’m sending you right now.”


Kvan hesitated a moment before answering. “He’s reckless! He doesn’t care about the Jedi or anyone here, not even me! He’s only doing this to get revenge on the Sith for ruining his life.”


Rhett sighed. “These are desperate times, Kvan. The Sith gain victory after victory, the Republic is on the brink of collapse. We cannot refuse anyone’s help, no matter how unpredictable.”


Kvan started to object but knew any argument he could make would not change the Jedi Master’s mind. “He doesn’t even have a lightsaber.”


“We have plenty of extras here, he can use it until he has time to make his own.”


“Yes.” Kvan paused, still frustrated at his defeat. “When do we leave?”


“As soon as possible, I have a ship waiting for you in the hanger.”


“Yes, master.” Kvan nodded a goodbye and turned to leave.


“Kvan.” Rhett called after him. Kvan stopped but did not turn to face him. “I know how you feel, but I’m counting on you.”


“I know.” Kvan said solemnly as he continued to walk away.




Tie Guy was waiting in his quarters when Kvan walked in. “Took you long enough, what were you doing anyway?”


Kvan didn’t respond. “Come on, we’re leaving.”


“On a mission?” Tie asked, clearly not excited.


“What else?” Kvan said sarcastically. “Yes, we’re going on a mission. We’ve been instructed to investigate an abandoned Sith base and find out all the information we can about the Sith world of Korriban.”


“Sounds boring.” Tie remarked.


“I would have thought a man in your line of work would have a greater appreciation for the value of information.”


“I’m a mercenary, all I do is fight for the highest bidder. Information means nothing to me unless it brings in credits.”


“There must be more to you than that, don’t you have any sense of right and wrong? What if you are hired to destroy good people?”


“What is good and evil, right and wrong? There is no such thing, its just two different perspectives. Both sides think they are right. You Jedi think you’re all high and noble, but the Sith don’t think they are wrong either. As long as they are willing to pay, I don’t care who I fight for.”


“So that’s it, huh? Whoever pays the most is right? Some hero you are.”


“I don’t want to be a hero," Tie clenched his hand in a fist, "I just want my friends back.”


“I know how you feel, Tie, but revenge isn’t going to bring them back; you know that.”


“What do you know about losing friends?”


“Don’t say that, Tie.” Kvan said, his expression changing from one of frustration to one of somberness.


“I’ve lost everything to Sith! You have no idea!”


Kvan hesitated, not willing to recall the memory. “No, Tie, I’ve lost much to the Sith. My parents, our parents, were killed by the Sith in cold blood before my very eyes. I was left completely alone, with no one to turn to. I had no friends, no family, no one I could trust. I, too, as young man, vowed to take revenge on the Sith. But then Master Rhett took me in, and I became a Jedi. Rhett taught me that revenge was not the way to restore my parents, but that I could honor their lives by helping others. But don’t think it stopped there. Ten years have I been with the Jedi, and in that time I’ve lost countless friends to this stupid war. The Sith took my life, but I found a new one among the Jedi, just as you can.”


Tie stood in a dumbfounded silence, all the emotion draining away from his body. Kvan bowed his head, his eyes closed. Tie thought he saw a tear run down the grown man’s cheek, but then he looked up, took a deep breath, and broke the silence once more.


“Come on,” He said. “We’ve got a mission to accomplish.”




Tie and Kvan entered the massive Jedi hanger without having said another word to each other. Kvan merely pointed to a small transport ship in the far left corner of the bay. All around him mechanics scurried about, carrying various tools, working on various ships. Seeing the mechanics reminded Tie of Havoc, his old friend. He couldn’t help but remember his vision of Havoc and the Sith. I will save him., Tie said firmly to himself. He was almost there, he just needed a little more time.


The two approached the ship but stopped just in front of it. Kvan looked up aimlessly, as if in exasperation and disbelief. Tie simply eyed the ship. It was an elegant craft, its hull shaped with flowing curves, not the sharp angels most craft boasted.


Kvan leveled his head again, but instead of going forward he turned to Tie and pulled out something from inside his cloak. “Here,” he said.


“Another lightsaber?” Tie responded.


“This one is real, be careful.” Tie just nodded and the two entered the ship. The boarding ramp closed with a mechanical hiss.


Minutes later the craft blasted out of the hanger and into the twilight sky of Coruscant.

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: On the Rocks


Young David walked in a daze. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. He tried to remind himself that it wasn’t just for the credits, but his casino would have been lost, his whole life’s work gone. Surely, that would justify his actions, but try as he may, he couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt in the pit of his stomach. It ate away at his thoughts, making it hard to concentrate. He had known the Dark Eyes for years. They were a constant reminder of why he started the casino. Young David could only clench his fist as his own anger rose above the guilt and shame.


Though deep in thought, Young David was still keenly aware of where his feet were taking him, the gambling floor, what once was a source of delight and pride for the young business man, now held a somewhat more bleak outlook for him, but he knew what he had to do, and no matter what, he was going to follow through with it, and he found himself walking faster and faster until he was in full sprint.


Rogue Nine and the others were still sitting at the bar, when Young David arrived at the gambling floor. Upon seeing Young David, Rogue Nine waived the businessman over to where he and the flyboys were. As Young David approached the Dark Eyes he saw the grin on Rogue Nine’s face as someone who trusted him and called him friend, “If he only knew”, Young David whispered to himself as he weaved his way through the tables, each step drawing him nearer to the moment he dreaded most.


Just as Young David stepped within earshot of the bar, Silenthunter raised his glass to the businessman, “To Young David, our faithful comrade and our most recent savior!” The other Dark Eyes followed suit.


At that, Young David finally lost it, he smacked the glass out of Silenthunter’s hand sending the glass reeling through the air end over end and as the glass shattered on the gambling room floor Young David knew this chapter of his life was over, “Stop it, you have no idea what you’re saying!”


Too puzzled to react, the Dark Eyes stood dumbfounded. Rogue Nine was first to speak, “What the hell are you talking about?”


Young David took a deep breath, “There’s no time. You have to get out of here! The Crimson Blade have taken Havoc and Leon prisoner and they are on their way to kill the rest of you!”


Kylilin dropped his own glass as Jediduo nearly inhaled his ale through his nose. Rogue Nine was still confused, “What? The Crimson Blade here, but how could that be without you knowing?”


Young David hung his head, “I did know! I set it up…”


Before he could finish Rogue Nine’s fist had already landed squarely into Young David’s jaw, “You bastard, I’m going to kill you!”


Though Young David hadn’t anticipated this turn of events, he regained his footing and quickly continued his sentence ignoring, as best as he could, the fact that he was just fisticuffed, “Look, I know it doesn’t mean much, but I’m sorry. I understand how you feel, but if you’re going to get out of here alive, you’re going to have to shut-up and listen!”


“Why should we trust you now?” asked Jediduo.


Young David looked squarely at the rookie Dark Eye, “You have no choice, the Crimson Blade will be here any second, and you certainly can’t trust them!”


Rogue Nine was next to speak, “We’re not leaving Havoc and Leon! We’ll stay and fight!”


“It’s suicide! There’s at least fifty Blades on board this casino, and you and I both know you’re pilots, not soldiers!” Young David quickly reminded the Dark Eyes.


Rogue Nine stood his ground, “It doesn’t matter. It’s what they wou..”


“There’s not enough time to argue about this! Havoc and Leon are safe for now, the Sith want them alive.” Young David ignored the looks he got at the mention of the Sith and continued with his plan, “If you guys can escape from here, then we can regroup, and attempt a rescue, but we can’t do that if you’re dead!”


Though it pained Rogue Nine to admit it, Young David was right, “Alright, but how do we get out of here. I’m sure they have our ships locked down?”


“I’ve already thought of that.” Young David assured the men, but before he could elaborate further, a dozen Crimson Blades burst onto the gambling floor guns raised and looking for a reason to pull the trigger, “Hit the deck!”, was all Young David could get out as he leapt behind the bar.


The Dark Eyes lunged over the bar spilling ale and sending bottles flying. The blaster rifle fire that immediately followed obliterated what wasn’t spilled or broken by the Dark Eyes’ frantic leap for cover. Innocent bystander gamblers of all species dove for cover behind whatever they could find to escape the wild blaster bolts that ensued.


The Blades spread out around the large room and locked all the doors, and before the Dark Eyes knew what was happening they found themselves pinned down behind the bar. Rogue Nine looked to Young David, “Well, know what?”


Before Young David could formulate a reply the enemy fire suddenly ceased and a voice was heard, “So, Young David, you tried to go straight eh? Hannibalscipio figured you would. That’s why I’ve been sent to make sure you didn’t tip off the Dark Eyes. I see I’m too late for that, but no matter. They’ll still die and now you with them.”


Young David looked to Rogue Nine, “Well, looks like we’re in this together.”


Suddenly the blades reopened fire on the pinned down Dark Eyes. As shards of the bar and splinters of broken glass rained down on the men, Rogue Nine looked to Young David, “How about getting us out of this together?”


Rogue Nine got on his knees and peered just above the bar’s counter top, but quickly ducked back down as a blaster bolt incinerated the spot where his head had just an instant before rested, “Blast! I don’t know how much longer we can hold out here. There better shots than I gave them credit for!”


Young David thought a moment, but found it hard to concentrate with the blaster fire, he might have been a shady businessman, but he hadn’t been in many firefights before. Suddenly, Young David remembered the emergency alarm button under the bar’s counter. He had Dash Rendar install it so that if something happened on the gambling floor or at the bar the bartender could notify security quickly and discretely. He slowly moved towards the section of the bar where the alarm was located, crawling on hands and knees trying not to get in the way of the Dark Eyes who were frantically trying to get off some shots to keep the Blades at bay. After what seemed an eternity Young David came to the spot where the alarm was located, and was greeted by the sight of a small red button located beneath the counter. Not wasting another moment, Young David pressed the alarm and was elated to see that the red light next top the button began to blink indicating that the alarm was not damaged in the firefight.


Young David shouted over to Rogue Nine to be heard above the din of the blaster fire, “I just set the emergency alarm off! Help should be on the way!”


Rogue Nine didn’t celebrate just yet, “What kind of help?”


“My chief of security and a security detail.” Young David shouted his reply.


“No offense, but what is a private sector security detail going to do for us!”, shouted Silenthunter as he squeezed off another shot blindly.


Young David bristled at the comment but humored the pilot, “Well at least they could take some of the heat from us!”


Rogue Nine shook his head, “I’m not so worried about how good they are, but if they can even reach us!” , he fired a couple more shots across the bar, “If the Blades anticipated your turning on them, wouldn’t they have went after your men too?”


Young David hadn’t though about that. He slumped back down, too defeated to even try to think of another way out of the situation. Suddenly, it seemed to Young David that the oppressing blaster fire subsided a bit. At first the business man didn’t think much of it, he figured they were just conserving rounds for better shots, but then he swore he heard a couple screams come from the Blades. He looked to the Dark Eyes who were also a bit perplexed, “Who hit their target?”


The Dark Eyes shook their heads, none of them had hit anything. They had been firing blindly. Suddenly the blaster fire subsided all together and the room became eerily silent. Rogue Nine motioned to the others to be quiet as he slowly sat up and peered over the bar top. He was greeted by a familiar voice, “Come on out. They won’t be bothering you again. I made sure of that!”


Rogue Nine grinned ear to ear, “Xwing Guy, am I glad to see you! How’d you know?”


Xwing guy replied as the rest of the Dark Eyes stood up and brushed the dust and debris off themselves, “How could I have not known. This whole station is crawling with Blades. Of course, it didn’t hurt that you could hear the commotion in here a system away!”


Jediduo just stood in awe as he surveyed the room and the now dead twelve Crimson Blades, “I heard you were good, but I had no idea!”


Kylilin looked at the rookie, “Not good, the best!”


“It doesn’t hurt that I really hate these guys!”, Xwing Guy added.


Suddenly, a side door exploded sending shrapnel across the room narrowly missing the Dark Eyes. After the smoke and debris settled, the cause of the explosion was seen. Dash Rendar and Wraith 8 stood with two other casino security officers, blasters in hand. They ran over to Young David’s side. Dash spoke first, “Sir, sorry we took so long. We got delayed by a few Crimson Blades on the way.” He then noticed the dead blades around the room, “Looks like we weren’t the only ones. They’ve all but taken over the entire Casino, sir!”


“I know”, Young David replied, “It’s my fault, but we don’t have time to discuss all that. We need to get these gentlemen to some ships and get them out of here before the Hannibalscipio finds out what’s happened.


“But we don’t have our fighters, we came in the Pringled Can and the Red Rabbit. We’d be sitting ducks for sure!” Rogue Nine lamented.


Young David looked to Rogue Nine, “Like you said earlier, I’m sure they’ve locked those down by now anyways, however, Like I said earlier, and now that I can elaborate on it, I have plan. Come on, I tell you on the way!”


Rogue looked at the Dark Eyes, who nodded their approval. They had no choice but to trust the very man who got them into this mess. Rogue then looked to Young David, “Alright, let’s go! Xwing Guy you take point! Dash, is it? You and your men watch our backs! Young David, you lead the way.”


The small group then darted out the door from which Dash, Wraith 8 and the men had come in, leaving the petrified and confused gamblers laying on the floor still wondering what had just happened. Suddenly the Dark Eyes found themselves in the dark and running blindly.

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Wow! Incredible chapter, Havoc. That was awesome. (and no one else is at home so i read it all aloud, the way its supposed to be done :D)


Originally posted by Young David

You can continue without me ...


It was fun :D



Come on, YD, you gotta write at least one more, for the end if nothing else.




I guess i'll take the next one then. Hmm...not quite sure when it will be up, got kinda alot of homework and work work. I'll try to get it up as soon as possible.


Again, most excellent, Havoc.

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Wow, it took me practically all day and night, but it got it finished.




Chapter Thirty: Dark Encounter


“This sure is a backwater planet.” Tie Guy remarked as the tiny world of Ossus grew in the viewport.


“I’m sure that’s what the Sith were thinking, too.” Kvan replied. “You know, this is the place where the Jedi Order was supposedly started.”


Supposedly? You mean you don’t know it was started?”


“Oddly enough, no. The Jedi archives date back to over 20,000 years ago, but it never mentions why or how or where we were founded. Still, pretty ironic that the Sith made a base here, isn’t it? And it wasn’t just any base, either; this was their main supply base for everything going to Korriban.”


“On such a remote planet?” Tie asked, perplexed.


Kvan let out a short laugh but then his tone saddened. “The Sith weren’t always as powerful as they were today, Tie. It all started with one man. Viper. He used to be a powerful member of Jedi Council, but he had much anger in his heart. Before the Jedi could confront him, he fled to a remote world I’m sure you’ve heard of, Korriban. He began to delve deeper and deeper into his dark ways, until it consumed him. He obtained a power beyond which the galaxy had ever known, and he swore his hatred of the Jedi. With his dark talents he enslaved the people, and became the Dark Lord of the Sith.”


“Thanks for the history lesson, I’m sure it’ll come in real handy.” Tie said sarcastically.


Kvan sighed, and then turned his attention back to piloting the ship through the foggy Ossian atmosphere. “Prepare for reentry, Tie. We need to get started as soon as we land.”




As the small craft broke through the thick cover of clouds, the true face of the plant was revealed to the two brothers. The planet, it seemed, was composed entirely of swamps. The planet’s rotation took it fairly close to the system’s small white dwarf, just enough that there was almost no ice cap, indicating a hot yet humid atmosphere. Tie saw no visible oceans, which told him that they were either all given over to the swamp or that the trees somehow grew on top of the vast depths.


Tie punched a small button on the screen in front of him and brought up the life form scanner. Just as he had suspected, the readings were off the charts. Mostly he read smaller species, but a few large spots did show up on the map, indicating some larger and potentially deadly animals.


As they approached the surface of the planet, Tie couldn’t shake off a feeling of uneasiness in the Force. He accredited it to this being his first mission with the Jedi. It felt odd not to have Havoc at his side; the two had always taken the important missions together.


“Get ready, Tie, we’re approaching the compound. I don’t sense any people in the building, but there still could be dangerous things down there that aren’t sapient.” Kvan said, interrupting Tie’s feeling. Tie nodded and checked his lightsaber one more time. He also fastened his blaster at his side. Kvan had been upset with him bringing it along, but he had done everything but sleep with it on for as long as he could remember. He felt naked and helpless without it.


When the ship neared the ground, Kvan cut the sublight engines and shifted completely to repulsorlifts. Kvan carefully maneuvered the craft down onto a cracked and crumbled slab of duracrete that Tie figured had once served as a landing pad. With no more than a slight jolt, Kvan set the shuttle down on the broken surface, causing the craft to lean slightly to the right. The doors hissed and whined as the shuttle depressurized into the Ossian air and extended its boarding ramp. The two men walked side-by-side down the ramp onto the shattered duracrete landing pad.


Both figures stood silently at the bottom of the ramp, eyeing the immense compound before them. The compound was a series of domes, all of different sizes arranged in a seemingly random order. Tie guessed the tallest of them was ten stories high.


Kvan took a deep, calming breath then started towards the building. “Come on,” he said, motioning for Tie to follow, “we’ve got a lot of work to do here, we’d better get started.”




Kvan and Tie had only been searching for approximately an hour, but Tie was already about to quit. It was not at all what he had expected for his first mission, he had hoped for more excitement, a little action. There had been a small pack of some vicious species that had made their home in one of the computer rooms, but even that had been quick and unentertaining.


Tie punched a few buttons on the terminal in front of him, but was frustrated to find that his search yielded nothing. He smashed his hand down on the metal casing of the terminal. “Argh! There’s nothing here, we’re wasting our time! Most of these are half destroyed anyways.”


“Patience, Tie, we will find what we are looking for soon enough. I agree though, there isn’t anything here. Lets move on the back of the compound.”


“Finally,” Tie murmured as the two exited the room.


Tie and Kvan walked quietly through the great domed structures that, to Tie’s surprise, were all comprised of a single story, some simply higher than others. It was not long before they entered into what Tie guessed was the largest of the domes. It was at least one hundred meters in diameter by his estimation. There was, however, nothing of import to the two brothers in the room, so they simply walked across it to the exit on the other side. But Kvan suddenly stopped when they were about half way across.


“Did someone call my name?” He asked.


“I didn’t here anything.” Tie said in reply.


Kvan shook his head. “That’s odd…maybe I’m just paranoid.”


They continued across the dome, but Kvan again stopped after only a few more meters. “I know I heard someone call my name that time,” he said. Tie looked at him strangely, not knowing what was going on. Then a menacing laughter filled the chamber. A dark man stepped out of the shadows in front of them, clothed in a black cloak that shrouded his entire body.


“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the famed Jedi Master Kvan and his apprentice, Tie Guy. Homer’s quite obsessed with you two, you know.” The dark man said, more than a touch of evil in his voice.


“I’m honored,” Tie said sarcastically.


Again the man laughed sinisterly. “He’s going to be angry that I found you before he got the chance to kill you.”


“He’ll get his chance yet!” Tie retorted, a will to fight creeping into his voice and stance.


Kvan held up his hand to calm Tie. “Who are you?” He asked.


The man pulled back his hood, revealing his face. “It’s been a while, Kvan.”


“Rommel!” Kvan shouted in surprise.


“So you do remember me, I see.”


“I remember the man you used to be, the one who was my friend, my companion. Now you’re nothing more than another one of Viper’s lapdogs. The dark side will betray and destroy you eventually, you must know that!”


“Ha! You say that now that I’ve obtained more power than you could possibly imagine!”


“Its true, only a fool cannot realize it! The dark side corrupts everything!”


“Please, Kvan, there is no dark side, can’t you see it?! I’m the same person you once knew, I’ve only obtained a higher knowledge of the Force, one those idiots at the temple are afraid of.”


“No, you may be the same flesh and blood, but the man I knew had a conscience.”


“Spare me, Kvan. The weak don’t deserve to live, you Jedi included. We were all wandering around in the night thanks to those incompetent fools like Rhett and Aristotle. We had the power to control the galaxy, to bring order upon it. But they wouldn’t let us use it.”


“Death can only bring death, Rommel, you should know that by now.”


“Is that so? Then why are you Jedi fighting with us?”


You are attacking us! We have to defend ourselves as well as all the people of the galaxy. But tell me, do you really think Viper will share his power with you or anyone else? Once he finishes with you you’ll just be tossed out like the garbage. Is that the power you seek?”


“Ha! You are ignorant indeed! Viper is a wiser man than any of those self proclaimed ‘Jedi Masters’ ever will be, including you. He realizes he needs us to maintain power.”


“Even after all the Jedi are defeated? Face it, Rommel, he’s using you! You’re nothing more than a lifeless tool for him.”


“You say that, but you don’t know the full power of the Force! I can become more powerful than any man, even Viper!”


“Tell me, Rommel, when did you trade sanity for greed?!”


Rommel let out a booming laughter that chilled Kvan to the bone. “I was going to give you a chance to join me, but I see I was mistaken about you all along. You are too weak to be a Sith. Homer wanted you alive, but you don’t deserve to live another day!”


“I don’t want to fight you, Rommel, now get out of our way. Tell Homer he can come get us himself.”


“What’s the matter, can’t kill an old friend?”


“I can!” Tie shouted as he drew the hilt of his saber into his hand, igniting it.


“Shut up, Tie!” Kvan flashed.


Darth Rommel raised his hands, letting his cloak fall to the ground. He reached to his waste and grabbed his deadly lightsaber. He lifted the cylinder in front of his face, bowed his head slightly, his eyes closed, and ignited the fiery red blade. He looked up, opening his eyes and staring vibroblades at his opponents around the menacing red glow of his lightsaber.


Kvan reached for his own blade and ignited it, bringing it up in a defensive position. “The man I once knew is truly dead, rotted from the inside out. Only his shell remains, agonizing in a pain he cannot see. If I must, I will put him out of his misery.”


Rommel’s anger boiled inside of him. He jumped forward and slashed powerfully at Kvan’s left side. Kvan caught the blow on his shaft, then immediately inverted his blade to catch a second blow from the dark lord. Tie took advantage of the situation and came in fast at Rommel’s legs. But Rommel jumped, doing a back flip in the air and landing three meters away from the brothers.


Tie rushed forward, attacking Rommel with a barrage of quick strikes, but all of them were blocked. Rommel pressed the attack, and drove Tie backwards on his heels with a series of crushing overhead blows. But Kvan joined the fight and attacked Rommel’s undefended flank. Rommel swung his saber around to block the blow, but it forced him to be twisted and off balance. Kvan attacked again, this time high, but Rommel moved his blade into a lateral position in time to parry the swing. He counterattacked with a quick slash at Kvan’s right, but Tie, who had just reentered the duel, intercepted the shaft before it ever had the chance to come around. Tie redirected his saber to Rommel’s knees while at the same time Kvan swung high. But the Sith knocked Tie’s saber out of the way and deftly ducked under Kvan’s attack. Rommel took advantage of Kvan’s miss and tried to land a kick to his midsection. But the Jedi Master stepped to the side, evading the kick and then landing his own kick on the calf of his former friend’s outstretched leg. The attack should have knocked him onto his back, but he used the Force to fling himself around in a complete flip, bringing his blade up just quickly enough to catch both his opponent’s green sabers on his own red one. The three held the lock position for a brief second before Rommel pushed the other two back and disengaged.


Kvan and Tie both stumbled backwards. They each caught their balance quickly, but neither attacked. Instead they faced Rommel, who also held his position.


“He’s pretty good, Kvan, but not nearly enough to save you.”


“We’ll see about that!” Tie sharply replied, bringing his blade back up into attack position. He feigned an overhead attack and then propelled himself high into the air with the Force. He flipped over Rommel and turned to slash at the Sith’s back, but the dark man had already turned, ready to catch his attack. Tie, knowing his attack was hopeless, reverted to a defensive position, waiting to intercept the planned counterattack from his opponent. But the attack never came. Kvan had run into battle and swung at Rommel, forcing him to abandon his plan and turn to block Kvan’s attack instead. Seizing the opportunity to slash his opponent’s undefended back, Tie swung at Rommel’s midsection. Kvan also counterattacked Rommel’s blow from the opposite direction, leaving the Sith few options. Tie was sure they had him now; he couldn’t possibly block both blades in time. But to Tie’s surprise, the Sith didn’t try to block either attack. He simply ducked under both blades, letting them hit each other with a brilliant flash of light.


Rommel swung his hand through the air, hitting nothing. But a huge wave of Force energy blasted through the room, making the very foundations of the building tremble. Kvan took the brunt of the attack, getting thrown through the air and smashed against a wall of the far side of the room. He attempted to move but did not get up. Tie did a quick spin to get out of reach of the dark lord and then turned again to face him.


“Give up now and maybe I’ll spare you.” Rommel said, turning once again to face Tie.


“I’d rather die than give in to you! Kill me if you can, but after I defeat you the first thing you’re doing is telling me where Homer is.”


“Do you not fear me?!”


A flood of memories came pouring back to Tie. He remembered vividly his battles with the Sith, the final screams of his friends over the com. Anger swelled within him as fire burned in his eyes. “I hate you!”


Tie launched into action with a flurry of blows, knocking Rommel off his feet. But the Sith Lord would not go down so easily. He parried a blow to his side and then counterattacked to Tie’s lower left, but Tie intercepted it and made a counterattack of his own. His hands and feat raced, moving faster and with more power than he had ever known. He slashed heavily at Rommel’s right shoulder. The dark lord blocked the blow and cut in a horizontal motion that would have cleaved Tie by the head. Tie caught the blade on his own with a quick flip, then caught another as Rommel attacked on the same plane but from a different angle. In the back of his mind he sensed that Kvan had finally reached his feet and was moving dizzily back towards the battle. He refocused on the duel just in time to catch another blow from Rommel. A series of quick attacks pushed Tie back on his heels until he stumbled backwards a step, completely losing his balance and control.


Rommel took advantage of Tie’s momentary vulnerability and brought his fiery lightsaber up in preparation for a crushing overhead blow that would end the battle. He rose up on the balls of his feat and then brought his saber down in a swing that would have overpowered any block Tie would have managed. But at the last second Tie let go of his saber with his right hand. With his left he swung his saber, trying to deflect the attack wide, while also sidestepping to the right. The blow came within centimeters of severing Tie’s left shoulder, but it just missed and cut deep into the ground. Tie’s hand flashed to his waste, accelerated by the power of the Force. He grabbed his blaster and brought it instantly in line with his opponent, firing a single bolt. The blast impacted the unsuspecting Rommel squarely in the stomach, flinging him to the ground on his back. Tie stood still, his hands on his knees, gasping for breath.


[The Fallen Sith/Funeral Pyre Theme] - Low Quality (midi) (15k)

[The Fallen Sith/Funeral Pyre Theme] - High Quality (mp3) (4.73mb)


Kvan, just recovering from Rommel’s crushing Force attack, limped over to Tie, and then looked towards Rommel. Kvan walked quietly to his former friends side, reaching down and taking his foe’s lightsaber, just to be safe. Tie joined Kvan and both men stood silently over the body of the fallen Sith. Rommel remained still but opened his eyes slowly, struggling. Tie again pointed his blaster at the Sith.


“Put it away, Tie. He’s harmless now.” Kvan said, putting his hand up to move the blaster.


“Kvan…” Rommel struggled, each breath burning in his lungs. “You…were right……Viper…was just…using…me.”


“Then why did you fight us?” Kvan asked.


“I…wanted…the power…for…myself. You made me…feel……guilty.” Rommel again struggled.


“Stop, that is enough. Its over now.”


“No. It’s…too late…for…me……but…my ship…has…what…… you’re searching….for. Take it……Kill……Viper. You…can ……defeat him……he…has…fors…forseen it.” With the man’s final energy expired, he closed his eyes and let his hands fall limp.


A single tear crept down the face of Kvan, dripping onto the open wound of his friend. Kvan collected himself, fighting off the wave of emotions that bombarded his mind. His head bowed, he silently whispered a promise to himself, then buried his face in his hand. “Rommel may not have been the man I once knew, but that doesn’t change what he was. He was…my truest friend at the temple. We did everything together; he was like a brother to me. Greed may have eaten away his heart, but his soul remained the same. Yes, buried deep under the layers of darkness was the soul of a great man and a noble friend. Come, that is the man we will honor today.” Kvan bent over and picked up the body of Rommel in his arms. He walked silently out of the room, leaving Tie alone to his thoughts.




Tie stood silently beside Kvan as the soft light of the pyre splashed across his face. It wasn’t the first man Tie had ever killed, but this one was not like any other he had ever known. He had killed in revenge, and he had expected it to be so sweet, but all he felt inside was emptiness. One look at his brother’s quiet passion melted his icy heart; yet at the same time his serenity had a powerful impact upon him. Tie had exploded in anger at the loss of his friends in the Dark Eyes, but he had always had Havoc. Kvan had lost his only true friend to the power he had sworn to defeat. He had just fought that same friend, who was then killed. Yet Kvan had never lifted a finger in anger, he remained calm, gripped with grief rather than hatred. Before, Tie might have seen that as a sign of weakness, but as he saw his brother’s pain and felt the emptiness in his own heart, he began to wonder. He didn’t think he was ready to give up his anger yet, it was all that drove him, but it was something that deserved careful consideration. After the deaths of his people no longer weighed upon his shoulders.


Kvan broke the silence of the small memorial, tears glistening on his face in rhythm with the dance of the flames. “Goodbye, my friend. You saved my life, being there at time when I was coming apart. It’s too late to save you now, but your memory will live on in me. I will defeat the evil that consumed you, even if it cost me my life.” Kvan and Tie stood in the warm glow of the fire until the last ember died.




Tie awoke the next morning in the small sleeping quarters of the shuttle. He hadn’t gotten much sleep. Kvan opened the door and entered the room. Tie started to speak, then paused, as if trying to find the right words for something he had never said before.


“Kvan…I’m sorry. I killed him, I didn’t know he was your friend,” he finally managed.


“You’ve changed, Tie, a little. It’s alright; the man who fought you and me was not my friend. His greed consumed him, ate him away. If you have power, you seek to use it. If you use it, you want more of it. You are caught in a never-ending cycle that destroys your life. He needed to be free of that cycle, and death was the only answer, though he never realized it until his final moments. That’s something you’ll do well to remember.” Tie nodded, and Kvan continued. “But that’s not what we need to do today. I’m going to go check out Rommel’s ship, and you need to go find yourself an Adegan crystal.”


“A what?”


“An Adegan crystal. They are used in the creation of lightsabers. They are very common here, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find one. Remember, tradition states that Jedi should only use blue or green crystals, so make sure you find one of those. Building a lightsaber is your final trial. When we arrive back at the Jedi Temple, I intend to speak with the Council. I think you are ready to become a Jedi Knight.”

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Originally posted by Silenthunter

Eheheh, decided to throw a little LotR in there, eh?...That IS what it is, right?



Yeah, but I really haven't seen that movie in a while. So when i was thinking about the line i realized it was from LOTR, though i never intended it to be. I'm sure i knew where it was from all along but wasn't thinking about it at the time. So it was like indirectly influencing me. I went ahead and did it anyways, after all, Tolkein is one of the greatest story tellers of all time.


If you noticed, which i'm sure you did, i also included the "Then my father is truly dead" line. I did know that was from SW when i was writing it, but it fit so well i couldn't resist. :D I tried to make it sound differently than when Luke said it, but there just weren't many ways to say it.



Anyways, i may go back and insert a little piece of theme music that goes particurally well with the death/pyre scene. Its "The Oath" from final fantasy 8. I wanted to add it regularly but i was up late writing it last night and didn't have time. Plus, its rather large.....



Alright, i went back and may a few minor changes in grammar and spelling and such. Plus i added the themes to the last part. I found the midi so i put that one on as well as the mp3. The mp3 is alot better and also longer so i recomend that one, but the midi is better than nothing for all you 56kers out there.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Anyways, i may go back and insert a little piece of theme music that goes particurally well with the death/pyre scene. Its "The Oath" from final fantasy 8. I wanted to add it regularly but i was up late writing it last night and didn't have time. Plus, its rather large.....



Alright, i went back and may a few minor changes in grammar and spelling and such. Plus i added the themes to the last part. I found the midi so i put that one on as well as the mp3. The mp3 is alot better and also longer so i recomend that one, but the midi is better than nothing for all you 56kers out there.


Nice touch, Tie! Where on Earth did you get such an idea? ;)

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