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AOL's new PC!

Darth Groovy

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Five simple things to remember about AOL when you need help from them



1. AOL tech support love Baby Ruths. Use them to butter them up.





2. AOL tech support also love to speak in riddles. Be careful!





3. AOL tech support sees the world differently than the average person. Be precise!





4. AOL tech support works around the clock to better serve you. Talk clearly and loudly!





5. Their servers are already unstable enough without you goofing off on them!



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10.) Pigmy Snack Trays.


9.) Sun Catchers.


8.) Midget Frisbies.


7.) Hupcaps for spare tires on foreign cars.


6.) Repackage them and cell them as big band CDs to the elderly.


5.) Beer coasters.


4.) Pizza cutters.


3.) Slingshot fodder.


2.) Safety collars for very, very small dogs.


And the number one use for AOL star up discs is:


1.) Christmas presents for distant realatives who insist on sending you fruitcakes every year!:D

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I love it when they send me those little frisbees...


oh yeah, if AOL made cars:


Everytime you got in, a voice would say, "Welcome!! You've got GAS!!"


It would be capable of going on all the roads, but you couldn't get on some roads for unexplained reasons and sometimes you wouldn't be able to get on a road at all.


After getting your car, you'd have to update to version 2.0 to get the radio to work right


While waiting for the next town to load, you can talk to fellow travelers, which would require you to download and install "Window" (which would be free unless you wanted it to be powered)


Occasionally, you'll be forced off the road and your car will come to a complete stop for no apparent reason.


While driving, a sign will pop up directly in front of your car, which will come to a screeching halt. The only way to start again will be to get out, walk around front, and push the sign down again (if you're lucky while you are doing this, another sign will pop-up as well)

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