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Worries about a new sw RTS


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I don't know about you guys, but I am starting to hear rumors about Star Craft 2 and that Blizzard Entertainment might release it next year or in 2004. But as we all know the guys at blizzard tend to take a lot of time releasing their games and it might come out in 2005 or maybe even the same time as Ep. 3 and maybe...a new SW RTS!


If Star Craft comes out the same time as the future SW RTS(SWGB 2 or whatever), Star Craft will surely crush it!


It's just to tell you...

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I haven't heard nothing from Lucasarts about another Star Wars RTS game being made in 2003 for the PC. It is a scary thing. I don't want to wait till 2005 for another Star wars RTs game but it looks like Lucasarts is pushing for it. With them concentrating on console games and non-star wars games it doesn't look good.

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Joe, even if LucasArts do make another Star Wars RTS, I'd be willing to bet it won't come out until Episode III. It would be a bit silly to do so, especially if this RTS includes Republic and Confederacy forces. A whole movie full of new units will come out and suddenly the game will be very dated.

Think about how many new units we saw both the Rebels and the Empire get with each movie, and the biggest amount of (Star Wars) time between them was three years. Between Episode II and III 4 years will elapse, so no doubt we'll see a lot of new stuff to fill an RTS with.


Too bad this new StarCraft game is a FPS, another StarCraft RTS would rock! It's my all-time favourite game, even more than SWGB.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Personally, I thought that SWGB was to 'test' the market to see if fans wanted a star wars rts game, after the their most recent outing in Force Commander - the worlds worst RTS game and Rebellion/Supremacy.


Using the AOE engine probably was a cheaper way of doing things and it saved LA alot of time in creating their own engine, like they did for Force Commander..look what happened there!


Apart from actually making the artwork for the game (a job in itself), using the aoe engine gave them the time to focus on this and save even more time!


Who knows whats gonna happen next...but like I said in a post '2002, the end of RTS 2-d isometric games', when and if a SWGB 2 comes, it HAS to be 3d. The batch of upcoming releases shows that 3d is here to stay.



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Personally, i prefer SWGB to Star Craft (although Star Craft is awesome as well).


Ewok, i agree that AoM will be the new benchmark for RTS in the short term. I think that WCIII is lacking the gameplay options that the AoK engine is, and the graphics don't make up for poor gameplay. At this point 2D is still king of RTS, but who knows what is to come...

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Originally posted by Admiral Vostok

Joe, even if LucasArts do make another Star Wars RTS, I'd be willing to bet it won't come out until Episode III. It would be a bit silly to do so, especially if this RTS includes Republic and Confederacy forces. A whole movie full of new units will come out and suddenly the game will be very dated.

Think about how many new units we saw both the Rebels and the Empire get with each movie, and the biggest amount of (Star Wars) time between them was three years. Between Episode II and III 4 years will elapse, so no doubt we'll see a lot of new stuff to fill an RTS with.

Perhaps, though could could release something about 6 months before the release of the movies, then when the movies come out release and expansion pack that would include the new units (and perhaps new civs), like that did with CC.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Noticed how I didn't mention WC3..personally I find it a boring uninspiring game to play.


Limited options makes it the perfect bed time play. *zzzzzzzz


Although maybe another 2d SWGB game would ok, it would be just that...ok... With major releases over the coming months of superb 3D rts games, SWGB 2 in 2d wouldnt not be able to compete.


Medievil Total War has set the standard for 3d rts gaming..its excellent (need good graphics card of course), C&C Generals looks brilliant also, as does AoM.


Hell, even Sim City 4 is going 3d!



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Star Craft 2 (Starcraft:Ghost) is going to be an fps, not a strategy game.


Actually I was referring to the actual Star Craft 2 not The ghost one(which seems to suck anyway). I saw on a local TV show that talks about video games that an actual Star Craft 2 was gonna be released and one thing I can be sure of, they don't lie.

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Guest DarthMaulUK
Originally posted by MadrixTF

DarthMaul - have these 3D RTS games that you mentioned been released already? - i live in a country where games are released later than the rest of the world...


I thought AoM wasn't released yet and i haven't seen C&C Generals anywhere...



Im juding by peoples reactions to AoM testing, screenshots of Generals can be found on the official website of Westwood or EA, as for Medievil Total War is already out and I believe was released in the USA before Europe, but they still released it here with that 'crash to desktop bug' which spoils the game for me.



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DMUK, I agree that WarIII is a bit of a sleep-inducing game. I've only played it a couple of times at a friends place and although everything in it seems to point to an exciting, fresh game, it isn't. I can't explain it.


One thing I will hand to Blizzard is that they rule in the area of cut-scenes. Wouldn't it be cool if the next SWGB had CG cut-scenes the likes of StarCraft and WarCraftIII? Live action ones like the Westwood games would be even better, if they had the excitement of the Blizzard ones! I remember when I'd finished all the levels of StarCraft and was bored of Battle.net, I'd watch the cut-scenes over and over. They were so well done.

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Actually, I misunderstood what they said on the show. They were actually talking about making the second star craft with the warcraft 3 engine(but with some modifications).



One thing I will hand to Blizzard is that they rule in the area of cut-scenes. Wouldn't it be cool if the next SWGB had CG cut-scenes the likes of StarCraft and WarCraftIII? Live action ones like the Westwood games would be even better, if they had the excitement of the Blizzard ones! I remember when I'd finished all the levels of StarCraft and was bored of Battle.net, I'd watch the cut-scenes over and over. They were so well done.


That's true I was really deceived by swgb on that point. I expected them to do really great cutscenes but the only thing we got is some crap.

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I think what people were meaning were the cinematics. Even though the actual in-game cutscenes are remarkably good.


No matter what you might think or hear about Warcraft III, you have to admit that the graphics are really good, and I doubt anyone would complain if an upcoming SW RTS had similar graphics.


According to the Blizzard website, Ghost is definitely not Starcraft II. I don't think SCII is under development or anything yet, but is definitely going to be made sometime.

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