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Tale of WhiteRaider


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Yago: You guys have my explosives if needed. There's a powerful explosive in my backpack, an outlawed one. (I have three of them and their blueprints.) If used correctly, it has a devestating effect, leveling everything ranging from a quarter mile to mile radius, depends on the quality. It's called the NTGP2A-0079 explosive, or by the makers, the mini-nuke. It takes a while to charge up, about 65 seconds for this old type of launcher. If you guys want me to use it, I'll use it. (This nuke is fired in a BIG BLAST, not a projectile.)


Yago: Plus, I think I know what they are up to. This looks like Sith Lightning.......I think there's something about Yavin IV about the force that'll interest the Sith.....A force energizing tube perhaps? I heard a rumor from about it and the ones that told about it had amazing powers, as if they had the force.....If they reach it before us, well we'll have NASTY trouble.....

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Larin: Engine check.


Hopa: Engines are a go.


Larin: Stealth check


Jefa: ITssss A GOsssssss.


Larin: Weapons check


Perin: Good to go.


Larin: And fight controls


Geo: Ready to rock.


Larin: Let go.




*A ship flys fast over head*


WhiteRaider: Crud that is Larin. We must hurry.

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Yago: I think I saw a med bay on the way......Hang on tight! *Opens boosters and speeds to the med bay under 3 seconds.*

Hmmmmmmm, now what?


*Opens comlink* This is Yago, Raider's in the med bay right now. And here's an interesting tibit of info, Raider heard something about Larin using the force......

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Topshot: "And you also have my blades and future sight abilities

as well. We should set up a couple sentry guns when

we setup camp as well, for a good enough warning of

incoming enemies."


*Leaves to Yavin with Craig*



Topshot, over comlink, checks on WhiteRaider's situation with Yago.


Topshot:"How's Raider doing, bud?"

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Craig lands his modified ship in a deserted and unknown area of Yavin.


Craig: Whenever I came by Yavin to stop for a rest, I would come here to avoid spaceport taxes. Its perfectly safe, and no one else knows about it but me. Well, not anymore... *gets out and begins setting up camp*


Craig calls Yago and WhiteRaider: Come on down to Yavin soon, the coordinates for the spot has been set to the navigation system on your ships.

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Topshot to JokeMaster:"I think they are also building up on strength and power. That, or they're still really weak like last time! Why? Did you think that we'd die the next time?"



*Turns to Craig*


Topshot:"Ikann is really powerful. It'd take at least 3 of us to

hold him down. Did you sense the power he was

pushing out? It's like a thunderstorm in our case. We'd

have to take half the damage to reach and attack him."

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Topshot:"Yeah! That's how they want us to be when we fight next time. But we won't get overconfident, trust me."



"I might, but when I do, I try to make it seem funny like the last time I sliced off halves of Geo's body. I was like 'Jeez, when they said Don't play with sharp objects, or else you'll get hurt.' Stuff like that!"

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Craig nods in agreement to Topshot.



Craig: He had much power, but I am sure he did not use all of it. And, I have more power than maybe even him, it will, however, take time to draw out. By the time we fight IKann, I can guarantee, my power in both physical fighting and the Force will be overwhelming. I do not have perfect experiance in the Force, nor do I depend on it, but I do believe it will come through for me.

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OOC: Outpost 24 is on Garin.


*WhiteRaider's ship takes off*


*A hour later*


WhiteRaider: Hmmm. What is that signal? Computer decode.



Larin: My......IKann all of.....new.........is ready. The troopers are standing by...........strike by..........


IKann: I shall........to see this.



WhiteRaider: What are they up to?



Hopa: That is Raider's ship over there!!


Larin: Hold your fire. We don't want to draw anyone here. Hopa what does all this new tecs do?


Hopa: Thought you would never ask.


Hopa: Your upgrate, Larin, will stop all energy and blades. Jefa yours will make you undetecable to anyonenot even a jedi can tell where you are and stops most attacks. Perin, Your will up your running and jumping speed not just your reflexes. And geo you stuff will stop just about everything that can harm a rock. And mine will stop an energy shot and return it back at the attacker.




*WhiteRaider lands and walks to were the group is.*


WhiteRaider: Sorry I am late. Yago should have set the charges a long time ago. He will most likely be here shortly.


WhiteRaider: Listen to this I picked up.



Larin: My Lord IKann all of our new tecs is ready. The troopers are standing by...........strike by..........


IKann: I shall........to see this.



WhiteRaider: I can't decode the rest

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Topshot:"I know the rest of it. I intercepted the same message on my way over here. They've upgraded their powers. Craig, you'll have to upgrade your power in order to fight Jefa. Mine as well. Jokemaster, you'll need more speed and reflexes if you're going to face your enemy. Yago and everybody else must do the same thing."



Topshot:"Even though I've seen the tecs that they'll be using

doesn't mean that they have a weak spot!"

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