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what must MI5 be called


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Monkey Island

The Fellowship of the Monkey


Monkey Island

The Two Monkeys


Monkey Island

Return of the Monkey


Monkey Island

A New Monkey


Monkey Island

The Monkey Strikes Back


Monkey Island

Attack of the Monkey


Monkey Island

The Phantom Monkey


Monkey Island

The Sound of Monkey! (how the hell did that get in there?)

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  • 4 weeks later...

ha ha they sound cool Niel

i would have a boring one like the final chapter where :sweating: goes through all other lucas arts games, for example he helps ben in full throttle, he helps the guys on the dig get home, he kicks ass with :sam: and :max: that would be so cool dont you guys think!! how about this one :sweating: and :indy: beating lechuck at the end!!!

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  • 6 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Though I would dearly hate for this to be the truth, perhaps a name such as "Monkey Island: One Last Run" would fit. I do like all of the others that were mentioned, and I would at least like to make a suggestion that could possibley strike inspiration into someone, making a really good name. I can only wish.


Or perhaps they could go all out and blow us away with "The Secret to getting your Revenge on Escaping the Curse of Monkey Island."

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some less obvious choices;


how about...

I know what you did last monkey


crouching tiger hidden monkey


gybrush - from russia with monkeys


gybrush - the man with the golden monkey


lock. stock and two smoking monkeys



dr. gybrush or: how I learned to stop worrying and love monkeys


the day the earth stood monkeys


gangs of new monkeys


or how about..

10 things I hate about monkeys


10 monkeys I hate about you


10 things monkeys hate about you


10 things I monkeys about you



the list could go on forever

but it's grown far too long already

so I'm stopping now. :)

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Originally posted by Jman_124

I think the new MI game should be called:


Episode V: The Monkeys Strike Back

This is actually a good name, it shows humour. I also like the plain "Return to Monkey Island" which we all expect it to be called (I think).


I'd like Monkey Island 5 to do a lot what CMI and the first two games did, take the piss out of whatever you can alwell as having a good storyline.


I'd still like Guybrush to be a kid. It's a great idea when you think hard enough about it ;)

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yeah exectly what you say,and by the way ,Mi never had a real mature serious well trought thoughed name.Why is the return to monkey island not good,or return of the threeheaded monkey .Lucasarts is mostley based on these sort of names

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Ahhh...imagine the possibilities of "The Secret of Porcelain"


It all started out (and ended) in a small, dusty room. Coming from far away, we hear a low voice mutter


"And with mixing the clay into the pot at the same time as the food coloring, the porcelain can be molded more easily by....."


(stay tuned to see further updates)

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Had Mojo been up, I'd link you to the interview we did where Purvis "explains" it and Tiller probably really explains it. Purvis says something about it being related to the fight with Fester Shinetop, and Tiller says it's all a joke that doesn't mean or is based on anything.

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More suggestions:


Star Trek title spin-offs:


MI5: The Wrath of Monkey (or LeChuck, but there already was his revenge)


MI5: The Search for Elaine


MI5: The Voyage Home


MI5: The Final Frontier


Monkey Island: 5-Game Contract



Indiana Jones movie title spin-offs:


Guybrush Threepwood and the Raiders of the Lost Monkey


Guybrush Threepwood and the Temple of Monkeys


Guybrush Threepwood and the Last Melee


Indiana Jones game title spin-offs:


Guybrush Threepwood and the Fate of Monkey Island


Guybrush Threepwood and the Infernal Monkey


Harry potter title spin-offs:


Guybrush Threepwood and the Voodoo Lady's Stone


Guybrush Threepwood and the Chamber of Monkeys


Guybrush Threepwood and the Prisoner of Big Whoop


Guybrush Threepwood and the Goblet of Grog


Guybrush Threepwood and the Odor of the Monkey



MI:5 Monkey Impossible


Threepwoodnater: Rise of the Monkeys


The Monkey: Reloaded


(again) Return to Monkey Island


Pixar animation studio's movies' title spin-offs:


Monkey Story


A Pirate's Life


Monkey's Inc.


and Finding Guybrush

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