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Dutch Government collapses!

Crazy_dog no.3

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THE HAGUE, Netherlands -- The Dutch government has collapsed after less than 100 days in office amid disagreements in the three-party coalition and feuding within the party of murdered maverick Pim Fortuyn.

Prime Minister Jan-Peter Balkenende made the announcement in parliament on Wednesday following the resignations of the health and economics ministers -- both members of the novice Pim Fortuyn List (LPF).

The collapse has sparked fears that the Netherlands would be unable to support European Union enlargement plans when ministers attend a key summit next week.

The coalition had been divided over a proposal to extend EU membership to 10 Eastern European countries.

"We don't want to get involved in internal Dutch politics but it is very important that next week's Brussels European Council (summit) sticks to the timetable for enlargement agreed in Seville," said a spokesman for the Danish government, which holds the rotating EU presidency.

But a Dutch Foreign Ministry spokesman said an interim cabinet could offer its support at the summit after reaching a decision and getting parliament's approval.

"They (cabinet) have to agree on some sort of procedure to see that the Netherlands can go to the summit with some sort of point of view," spokesman Bart Jochems told Reuters.

Wednesday's collapse of the Dutch coalition makes it the shortest-lived government in the Netherlands since World War II.

In his announcement to the parliament, Balkenende said: "There is no basis for further fruitful and sustainable co-operation within the coalition. I intend to go to Her Majesty the Queen and offer the resignation of the remaining ministers and junior ministers."

The next likely step will be the appointment of a caretaker government until new elections can be held in a minimum of three months' time, Dutch radio journalist Floris Harm told CNN.

Another option being discussed would be for the other two coalition partners -- Balkenende's conservative Christian Democrats (CDA) and the liberal VVD -- to form a "core government," Harm said.

The CDA and VVD "would not have a majority of seats in government, but they would be able to strike a better position amongst others in the international field, which is important when we talk about the EU negotiations on enlargement," Harm said.

Earlier on Wednesday, Eduard Bomhoff, health minister and vice prime minister, told a news conference he had written to Queen Beatrix asking to be relieved of his duties immediately.

Economic Affairs Minister Herman Heinsbroek also resigned.

The pair have been at the centre of a dispute over the party's leadership since Fortuyn was murdered shortly before May elections.

Struggle for leadership of Fortuyn's party brings down the government

The LPF chose former party leader Mat Herben to return to the helm on Wednesday in an unsuccessful attempt to keep the government from collapsing. The Cabinet met in crisis session on Tuesday before breaking off.

Herben had urged either Heinsbroek or Bomhoff to quit to save the government.

The LPF, which took second place in the May vote, was part of a three-way coalition with Balkenende's conservative Christian Democrats (CDA) and the liberal VVD.

The VVD had called on the government to quit.

"I want elections as soon as possible. ...The most natural formula is that the cabinet resigns and we have elections this year," VVD leader Gerrit Zalm told reporters after meeting with Balkenende and Herben.

Zalm said the LPF "is no longer a partner we can trust, and we want new elections, preferably as soon as possible. It's gone far enough with all this bickering. It's time to let the people speak."

Herben said: "The Cabinet cannot continue in its current form." Asked if the game was over, he said, "Yes, it's played out."

Andre Krouwel, political scientist at Amsterdam's Free University, told Reuters: "The cabinet's fall has nothing whatsoever to do with content. It is purely a personal feud within the LPF about power."

Bohoff and Heinsbroek, the two feuding LPF ministers, stopped talking this week and were reportedly only communicating through mediators.

Balkenende said on Tuesday night that his patience with the LPF had run out: "When it reaches the point where two people can't walk through the same door, then it can't continue, because it distracts attention from our true business."

Herben inherited the LPF mantle after Fortuyn's murder, but he quit in August. He was replaced by Harry Wijnschenk, who was ousted on Wednesday in favour of Herben's return.

The LPF won 26 seats in the 150-member parliament in May elections, but recent opinion polls show the party has lost more than two-thirds of its support as the public has become disillusioned with its leadership struggle.

Polls indicate the CDA and VVD would both gain seats in a new election, possibly enough to form a majority coalition without the LPF.

The last government resigned in April following a report detailing the Netherlands' role in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia.


I was looking around CNN.com after 1 of STTCT's posts

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I didn't read the whole post, but I think I know the situation better than you do :D


This is the second time a government falls THIS year. The first time was short before the elections ...


The government was a mess the last few months. We had some N00bs fighting for power (fortunely our prime minister had nothing to do with it). Prime minister Balkenende (often resembled with Harry Potter) pulled the plug today ... and I'm happy he did.


In januari there are new elections ... and I hope the voters have some sense now (I know I have ;))


Maybe I'm a bit vague, I know dutch politics, it's a bit different than the U.S. But I find it hard to explain it in english.

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lol.... you are so sarcastic :D


He set himself up! You hyave to take it when someone sets it up like that!


Anyway to be on-topic... teehee, someone's government collapsed. :D Anyway good luck in getting a government together that works for a long time. :)


Teehee... coming from the people who boasted how much longer there country had been here than ours. I've got one thing to say:


At least our government hasn't collapsed! :p

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