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Don't Download Jediplus!!!


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Ok there is a simple solution to this.



Run jediplus just as before and the minute anyone starts messing with the server via a backdoor, then you take off jediplus and use another mod.




I aint getting involved in the argument, but it does seem people are rather quick to draw conclusions. So far i have seen no hard evidence, and frankly of all the mods out there its the best one, so I shall carry on until I either have concrete evidence of a 'backdoor' or something better comes along.

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Originally posted by Jaii der Herr

If someone hasn't enought money to lent his own server and tries instead to use all using his mod I for myself would say that it is a big evidence.


well i havent seen 'evidence' of it yet. all i have seen is rumours and hearsay, once evidence is available then i can make decision until that point I have an open mind on the matter.

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Originally posted by NITEMARE

now i'm disapointed in you Jah Warrior. i hereby dissallow you to use our mod (Duel_SE). because i say so. and what i say on a board means beans, hehe.

it's sad these days, a mod like jediplus is called "the best mod"...



frankly nitemare I dont appreciate comments liek "seig heil" on our guest map you nazi!!:mad:


And if you are gonna pull that 'you cant use my mod' crap then believe me It will NEVER be used on our server.


Besides Duel SE has some horrendous bugs with the yellow finisher. Whats with the name too? you cant even use it in duel mode LOL

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bofh you are so pretentious .....

if you had nothing to fear, you would have absolutely no problems in "allowing" poeple to decompile your qvms....


For the source you could release it fully ,cause don't be afraid of someone stealing all your new exciting improvements...


you added none...

it s that simple the admin mod is really easy to code and has already been done by someone else .

everything else was coded by someone else...

you always ask the other coders to o the job for you ...

don't say it's wrong cause you already asked darth_syrup, jai and me many times (maybe others...)


however giving the source code is useless cause you could remove all the possible backdors before...


by the way you threathen to sue the one who will

decompile your mod ,but are you aware that all the server admins could sue you too , and you'll have greater problems...


cause it s higly illegal to create a mod like this....


well i m tired of this stupid behavior....

i won't ever help you anymore...

and i forbid you to use any line of code written by me in your mod.

so i expect you to rewrite all the model scaling and rgb saber code....

and send me this code so i can check that you didn't use my work....

if no then it will be my right to prosecute you.....

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Ok since we are on the topic of backdoors and unwanted access to a server does everyone know that Nitemare and Jaii der Herr have added passwords to the password list that comes with duel_se


87654321 -|U|-NITEMARE

12345678 Jaii der Herr



this can be found in th pwnames.cfg file and with these names and passwords anyone can join a duel se server....


tut tut tut...


its a case of the pot calling the kettle black here.

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Hey guys BOFH is right.. Making written accusations without any proof is a form of defamation of character and is considered Libel(written slander). As for the others out there who are complaining... I still have to say... WHERE IS THE PROOF!?!?! I HAVE YET TO SEE ANY PROOF, WETHER IT BE SCREENSHOTS, OR A SNIPPET OF THE CODE... ALL I SEE NOW IS A WITCH HUNT. SHOW ME PROOF I DEMAND THEN I WILL BE MORE LIKELY TO BE IN YOUR FAVOR AS OF NOW ITS INNOCENT UNTIL I SEE OTHERWISE.

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Oh and another thing.. Some are calling this a virus(not all, some are just saying there was a virus on the compressed file).. a virus is a program that replicates itself.. another thing... IF this program does have the backdoor its not to give the person access to the system but manipulate the JK2 server program(execute server commands such as kick, status, g_addip, etc.)

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All I can say is the sooner jediplus is gone the better. All it has done is split up the mod-playing community into tiny little pieces with totally useless updates. It's now next to impossible to find any decent amount of servers playing the same version. I use pure and true jedimod. No crappy saber effects, no new poor quality sounds, no unecessary commands, and I actually have trust for the people who have created it.


edit: cough::firstamendment::cough

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i sense much hostility and distrust around here. what is it with some of you guys? just won't get my sarkasm. i just wanted to point out some clichee on your site since many people tend to think all germans are nazis and stuff. THAT WAS NOT SERIOUS! goddamnit.

and the login feature in our mod is just like the useless banfeature in standart q3 with the difference that it has a "who's in" list instead of who's out. and it sets the player name so they can't fake it.

everyone has to decide for them selves what i more important to them and their servers. fun features or security and ballanced gameplay.

bofh finaly did something worse than releasing his mod. he made this community go nutts. so it seems...

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D.L., Tchouky, I bow to you.


BOFH... Your claim to fame is shamable, you take the work of those developers who work so very hard to make us happy, and you do is in a matter that it benifits yourself in a claim to fame, as well as several evil purposes. Hesitence to simply release your source code is further proof of this. Are you afraid someone might... *gasp* rip off your mod?! Oh the irony!


Just ask yourself, is JediPlus' primary purpose for you, or for the JK2 gaming community?


Every time you do something like this, you deny it, later say sorry, claim to remove it in your next version... You are just not learning.


As for the people who keep accusing me of such, you had better stop as I will start sending e-mails to server admins, forum admins and the file sites, notifying them of your repeated false accusations which are also known as harassment.

Ohh, I am scared. You think your a big boy, eh, got all the contacts? Would you like an opinion on how many minds could be changed with the evaporation of ignorance? I'll gladly have you banned from all servers I have influence on, if you continue to make threats from under your shell.


So, don't make me laugh with your big words. Put your childrens thesaurus down, throw your training wheels away, make something useful, and don't waste our time.

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jkiifiles.com has yet another new version (4.1) of JediPlus for download.


I have always used JediMod official 1.2 because it was obvious to me that Jediplus was a ripoff of JediMod. Also Jediplus has a new version released every time you turn around.


My questions are:


1. How can bofh use everyone elses work, without their permission?


2. WHY does a certain filesite keep posting them KNOWING they are a rip off of another mod?


3. To be sure this guy can not be serious thinking he owns a copywrite to other peoples work?


What a kettle of fish this is...

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1. Dest, being a very kind man, released his source code, as well as gave BOFH permission to make a spin-off of his mod... Things went rocky from there. You should see some of the logs Dest has posted...


2. Supply and demand...


3. He is just an idiot. Nothing else to say here.

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Well Jedi Mod's source code was released, so it is not a ripoff its an incorporation/continueation(sp?).. Also a ripoff of another program is nothing new.. hmmm Windows & Mac OS, IE and Netscape, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, ICQ, etc. Kazza & Napster, Songspy and Napster, Napster and Hotline, etc.? Hmm....Also as for the copyright of other peoples work.. How do we know he uses the same code(WE DONT, OTHERS ARE ASSUMING), he could see someone featuring an option in a mod then replicate it himself via his own code.. Hell if hes changed 30-40% of an existing set of code(i think that is what the rulings have been in previous court cases.. its something around that..) he can claim it as his own.

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You are ignorant... you do not know the whole story here. It's not that BOFH release a crappy rip-off mod, it is that he has lied and used the mod for serving of unjust personal purposes.

Over. And over. Again.


Also, please do assemble sentences is caps, it comes off... neophytistic.

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Hell if hes changed 30-40% of an existing set of code(i think that is what the rulings have been in previous court cases.. its something around that..) he can claim it as his own.


well jedi mods source code doesn't even change 10% of jk2 source code...

and bofh maybe added let s say 10% of jedimod's code....


i don't think he can call it "his" mod.....

and btw most code he added wasn't even wrotte by him....

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Well Jedi Mod's source code was released, so it is not a ripoff its an incorporation/continueation(sp?).. Also a ripoff of another program is nothing new.. hmmm Windows & Mac OS, IE and Netscape, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, ICQ, etc. Kazza & Napster, Songspy and Napster, Napster and Hotline, etc.? Hmm....Also as for the copyright of other peoples work.. How do we know he uses the same code(WE DONT, OTHERS ARE ASSUMING), he could see someone featuring an option in a mod then replicate it himself via his own code.. Hell if hes changed 30-40% of an existing set of code(i think that is what the rulings have been in previous court cases.. its something around that..) he can claim it as his own.


Acid, the point is he hasn't changed it 30 to 40%. He STILL takes idea's and code from other real dev's, and what he cannot take he begs for. It's also sick that he feels the need to release a new version every few day's just to keep his mod on the top 10 d/l's, and to keep his fan base hooked on updates.


Why the 2 major file sites allow his 'mods' to be posted is beyond me, especially since their nothing more then stolen code thats been choped up and fitted togather with his mod.


Also I don't doubt he added a backdoor into his mod, altho I guess the poor server op's that choose to run his half-assed mod deserve to be messed with.

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Guys theres absolutely no backdoor in this mod. First, im not stupid enough to release a mod like that into the public. Second. no one has any physical proof.. I will also be releasing the source to 4.2 to make sure there are no mixups at all.


From this point on, unless you have proof that theres a backdoor. SHUT UP.

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First, im not stupid enough to release a mod like that into the public.
Is that your final answer?


How about this.


You release the sourcecode to the last version of JediPlus publically, we look at it, and compile to make sure you didn't change anything.


What's your excuse for being hesitant for releasing this publically?


BOFH told us to shut up. *giggles*

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I dunno BoFH, theirs just something about you that makes you a very untrust worthy person. Perhaps it's the constant code stealing you do, or it's the fact that you don't give credit where credit is due, could be the fact that you post maps on your site that were not meant to be released. All in all your a PoS, and I hope that the other Dev's out their will stop spoon feeding you code so their will be a stop to the half-assed horror that is Jedi"PLUS".

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