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LAMM - Thieves ?


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Hi all,

Lets clear a few things up.


1st and most importantly the map. We are taking it off site as we do not use it and i will do it as soon as i have posted this. The reason that damages name was on it was purley a clerical error which I made.


2nd This thing with JJ kicked off along time ago when LAMM was a small clan. now i cannot remember the particulars, but i do remember that he left with a bad attitude with someone and started spreading rumours and stuff... although we was mad at this we let it slide. There was a time that i remember that i was on one of the academy servers, i knew JJ was there but chose not to get involved with him. But he changed his name came over and started hurling abuse. WTF!!!


3rd All people that join our servers are welcome, but we will not tollerate abuse, we do not tollerate chat killing and we do not tollerate behaviour that is unacceptable or that makes other players enjoyment of the game diminish. These people will be spoken to by the admin of the server and if the behaviour continues then they will be "slapped" as a warning if it continues.. then they will be kicked. Most of the people come to us regullary coz we are very firm on these rules which makes their game play more enjoyable.


4th Not many of you have met JJ which is unfortunate, as you only have his word which he has written on this post. It seems that most of you are with him on this one.. that is fair enuf.. free world, your choice.


5th yes i did boot JJ from the server. why? Because I was asked to by the joint leader Manto. Manto does not ask for people to be booted without reason... infact it is the first time that i am aware of that he has asked this... so there had to be a good reason. I am not going to ask what was going on between JJ and Manto as it was between them.


6th If LAMM is that bad why do we have 20+ ACTIVE members, which is more than most of the other clans within the JK2 community. I think i know why, we are fair, fun to be with we provide training nearly everyday. And we are always there for our members, if they got a question or need help with something. The only thing that DOES let our clan down is the LACK of US members which is a shame for our current US members, but it is something that myself, Manto and our US masters are working on.


7th. I notice earlier in this post a few comments.


1) "I just got a ton of abuse from the clan leader..i'm apparently a "Lying twat". Hmm."

- unfortunatly know one knows you like we have known you so it would be hard for them to get an opinon of you


2) Oh and another thing - I used to be in LAMM, and I left due to RL problems..which gained me alot of abuse. Sort of suggests something about LAMM, huh ?

and there was us thinking that you went straight to join another clan.. oh you DID


3) I was going to join LAMM ages ago, i beat um all so i thought, nah!! Now i know that, they really do sux don't see me putting childish comments in like this.... you welcome to join our servers and try us again.. we have improved much from "ages" ago


4) lmao oh right.. LAMM - Lame and mis-managed. - this is coming from the person that keeps jumping from clan to clan.


5) By the way guys, I would like to clarify I don't actually have a problem with LAMM as a whole, just its leaders. - so what was the acadamey business about then..??? i was not a leader then. comming over and hurling abuse.




so the credits was to damage.. sorry. Map is now comming off as we do not use it.


Opinons on JJ.. well it looks like most of you are backing JJ up.. that is fine. but i will say this....


"Don't judge a book by it's cover"


That is all



Joint leader.

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1. I left LAMM due to RL problems, and joined TI as an ADMINISTRATOR. I was helping them with recruitment and server stuff. I also don't see why it's your business what clan i'm in.


2. I did not break ANY rules on your server. I merely insisted I got credit for my work, and I did so in private messaging, not at ANY point getting abusive.


3. I didn't at ANY time spread things around LAMM in the Jedi Academy. I did talk to people about how you put words in TI's mouth, but that's not my business.


4. When it comes down to bare facts, You stole a map from a person who was kind enough to take a few days to make a map for you.


5. Godlike, the only problem I have with you is the fact that you accused ME of stealing this map....Well, I can prove this is my work by the fact that I have the .MAP file.


Also...can you justify the abuse I recieved by Manto ? Not very leaderlike.

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1) so you left lamm for RL probs but went to TI?? looks like a clan jump to me


2) Manto does not boot people for no reason.


3) I did not once say you spread things, please do not put words into my mouth. i am not going into it again


4) bare fact was i made a clerical error. stole.. hey you posted that it was a gift for lamm... so did we steal or did you give it to lamm, can i please have clarification on this ?


5) Since when have i accused you of stealing this map?? hang on i'll check....... ...... .... ... .. nope nothing there... hang on in your previous point no.4 you are saying that we stole it.... so did you steal it, did we steal it, did you give it to us...???


JJ can you PLEASE make up you mind!!!


What did Manto say?? i dunno... it was over his msm or in private mode.. how am i supposed to know?

It looks like it is your word against his...


the reson i left, was coz i did not want to be drawn into a petty argument.. over a DAMN MAP. it is off now.. end of story


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If you weren't so stubborn and talk to me on msn..this could have been over. But anyway..


You said I was spreading rumours about LAMM, check the post you made.


I made the map, gave it to you, and you didnt give me as much as a mention. THAT is theft. You accused me of not actually making the map on the LAMM server.


I'd like an admin to lock this thread please.

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Originally posted by JumpinJedi

If you weren't so stubborn and talk to me on msn..this could have been over. But anyway..


You said I was spreading rumours about LAMM, check the post you made.


I made the map, gave it to you, and you didnt give me as much as a mention. THAT is theft. You accused me of not actually making the map on the LAMM server.


I'd like an admin to lock this thread please.


Um..Godlike said that you left because....


someone was starting rumors in the clan.


Maybe for once he wasnt talking about you?

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yup... we monkeys will batter you with our bananas!!!! :D



i have asked JJ to make an appology on this forum... so far he refuses..


no more on the map topic for me.


edit.. that previous post has gone :(

now this one does not make sense!

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i'm sick of this!

end of discussion!

u made us a map, gave it as a gift, godlike made a mistake and put the credits to a wrong person, u post, godlike changed.


u dont need to start new arguments all the time jj!

we solve one argument and there u jump to another?

i know yr called jumpinjedi but its not a reason to jump to stuff :p

so come on....

u hate each other? stay AWAY from each other!

nice and easy solution!


now please... have an admin close this post.

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