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MSN Zone idiots...


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Ive been Playing on the Zone is frickin annoying some times.


Lately I have been playing the Coruscant map, my game says in bold " GET THE MAP FIRST - GO TO http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com " and idiots still enter the game without the map. I cant stand this. they lag up the game, cant people read?


Also when I join games almost 90% of the time, It starts autodloading some stupid mod, like "vader saberhilt.pk3" or some retarded mod, and of course who wants to wait for it to dload.


Are ppl on the Zone Idiots???

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Originally posted by ZDawg

Its a combo of the Idiots on the Zone and the Zone being totally Idiotic.


JKII Has a built in server thingy, use that... its fast and 100x better


I find half the games in there are either empty or not what im looking for? How do you host a game in the in game console?

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I haven't used the Zone in a few years and certainly never for jk2. However, I imagine that it allows ppl who don't want to or can't create dedicated servers to create non-dedicated servers that other players can join. If this is the case, I might try using it to see if I can rustle up a promod game ... at least I could load up some bots while waiting for players.


Does anyone know if it's possible to register a non-dedicated server with gamespy or the jk2 server list?

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Originally posted by ZDawg

Its a combo of the Idiots on the Zone and the Zone being totally Idiotic.


JKII Has a built in server thingy, use that... its fast and 100x better



Correction, its only about 10 times better. You can still find tons of newbs in there. Mostly since the administrators are never there to administrate (yes i know I probably spelt that wrong). They disable voting so that nobody can vote to get rid of the morons that come into the games aswell.


I once entered a game that had admin mod and the MOTD clearly stated the rules: No kicking. No attacking with saber down. No attacking when people are bowing. Etc etc, and one moron was doing it anyways, nobody even had time to get up to the platform (this was in saber training room).

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ya the zone is full of newbs. but to tell you the truth gamespy's not much better.


for the best FF SABZ go to jkii server

for the best duelz go to jkii server definitely

for the best CTF goto jkii server


for the best FF Deathstar teams game guns the zone has a clan called BSB (bad sith bastards) who own anyone in gunning on the server. the most elite gunners on the server i can beat but the top three bsb owns me. so if you think you are a good gunner go play BSB on the zone



otherwise stay on the server for any sabz


BSB was an old jk1 clan. they were one of the better ones; however, there were many gunners that could beat them. When they swtiched to jkii the other ff gunners played UT and were going for UT 2k3. so BSB of course now owns. they have never lost a team ff guns deathstar game ever

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The zone's fatally flawed. JO is not a peer to peer game, it's not designed to optimise latency peer to peer. It's a dedicated server game, pure and simple. Anyone who grabs a 150ms advantage has a SERIOUS advantage.


As for voting on dedicated servers re: Wolf's comment, if you let people vote to kick other people off, wolf, you just give whining folk the licence to kick people like myself off, because anything that kills them is somehow "cheap." I'm glad voting is disabled on most ded-servers.

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Originally posted by Spider AL

The zone's fatally flawed. JO is not a peer to peer game, it's not designed to optimise latency peer to peer. It's a dedicated server game, pure and simple. Anyone who grabs a 150ms advantage has a SERIOUS advantage.


As for voting on dedicated servers re: Wolf's comment, if you let people vote to kick other people off, wolf, you just give whining folk the licence to kick people like myself off, because anything that kills them is somehow "cheap." I'm glad voting is disabled on most ded-servers.


Well, if you have someone that's just hosting and not playing, it might be ok or if you just wanna play a good friend. Anyway the zone is a good place to test mods if you don't have a dedicated server. That's the reason why there are so many mod-games.

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

for the best FF Deathstar teams game guns the zone has a clan called BSB (bad sith bastards) who own anyone in gunning on the server. the most elite gunners on the server i can beat but the top three bsb owns me. so if you think you are a good gunner go play BSB on the zone



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sigh lol, first of all zone is a joke especially for jk2


why? if BSB hosts a game on zone they have a 0 ping, whilst anyone joining will ping upwards from 100-350 unless u live like next door to them.


secondly, BSB was crap in jk1


thirdly, there is not a clan anywhere who has yet to even win a map against DSbr. sorry kiddos.


to further humiliate rusted(who talks endless amounts of **** to us about how he is the best jk2 player ever) download this demo:




and yes as u may be thinking, it is pathetic how bad he is

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ya i admit BSB could easily be beaten by dP and Dsbr and some WD like phoenix and the only reason every newb knows about bsb is cuz they purposely newb kill everyone. so all the newbs think bsb are invincible. but spanker, me, and some of the others know that most of the people in BSB weren't elite+ (i.e. fragmentor and darklord). and alot of ppl owned mercy. but in jkii they pretty much rule because you guys didn't switch

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kynes im talking about jk2 retard.


zone is newbie for jk2


they do not at all rule jk2 and have called aliased dsbr's hackers after being raped by us


come to the following servers to be taught how to play jk2:


they are spread out, some are west a few are east so ur pings should be fine on a few of them.


in any case http://www.teamwarfare.com as well if u would like to ladder

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