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Anime and Sci-Fi


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Two things we all love, right!? And wouldn't it be perfect if these two things could come together in a perfect melodious blend? Well now they have! ^_^ Yay.

I feel no shame in this.

I have just made a new message board called The Anime And Sci-Fi Basement (and for anyone wondering, it's not an EZBoard).

We're a thriving little community that loves visitors and new members, so do come over and check us out!

Oh yeah, on top of the awesome combination of anime and sci-fi, there is also a "Technical" section, which has places to show off or get advice on graphics that you've made, html help, and also a forum for promoting and getting feedback on your website! Can you get any better than that?

Have I sunk low enough yet? See what I've been reduced to. ^_^ So you gotta come at least once, so that my grovelling won't be in vain. :p


p.s. Oh yeah! for the veteran XWA'ers there will be a special surprise... n_~

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