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A first look at ProMod 3.0


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Have you guys played the style over substance beta ? Obviously the force foresight is out of the question which makes you dodge all opponents swings, just for the shear annoyance of everyone else slowing down when you turn it on. But, what about ther force safe fall (I think thats what its called) The old spork mod for JK took out all falling damage, this force power doesn't do it to that extreme, but makes you judge when to turn it on, and floats you safely to the ground. Whatcha think ?

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Originally posted by ArtifeX


Honestly, I'd let everybody know what it is, but I haven't coded it yet. I've got all the specifications written out, but it remains to be seen whether the transition to code will go exactly as I plan, so there's a good possibility whatever I told you wouldn't be quite correct.


There's also a second power I'm thinking about, but I've yet to see if it's possible or not. This is one you've seen in the movies, but hasn't been in a jk game yet.


MORE force powers?!? ArtifeX - if you keep up with all the new stuff i'm gonna have to buy another keyboard just to be able to map everything in need :p


Oh, and my guess for one of the new force powers is force Throw (old skool JK style, with the jagged pointy rocks too)

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Originally posted by perkz


MORE force powers?!? ArtifeX - if you keep up with all the new stuff i'm gonna have to buy another keyboard just to be able to map everything in need :p


Oh, and my guess for one of the new force powers is force Throw (old skool JK style, with the jagged pointy rocks too)


Hehehehe. Yeah, considering that the new power is going to be a push-and-hold button, some people are going to have to develop yogi-like finger dexterity. :D


The other one I'm considering would be a toggle button.

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Just to let everyone know how things are going:


Lazarous, VeX and I have beta tested the second iteration of the jetpack, and I have to say its turning out really well. So far, the physics, controls, fuel gauge and menu binding has all been coded and is working fine. The balance of fuel to thrust responsiveness seems to be dead-on, so I don't think I'll need much in the way of tweaking there.


We tested it on ctf-bespin, and we found that the jetpack will save you from a fall into the main pit many times, but if you're slow to react or get hit by an especially strong push, you probably won't have enough time to alter your velocity before your fuel runs out.


Next up is adding sound effects, thruster effects and (hopefully) toonces' jetpack model bolted to the back of the player.

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I... have... bin..... wachin..... u...... frum..... yor.... bedrum..... windoe............. for....... a ..... munth...... now....... mi..... p.....ashence....... iz..... runnnin.......... thinnnn.........


arti.......fexxxxxssssssss.............. u.... must.... pro.... .vida......... prooooo..... mod..... 3.0..... to........ me........ or.... I..... may...... start...... to................................... combust......... and...... my.... guts...... willl................sppplattter........ on..... yor...... window...................





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Originally posted by MMXP

Agreed, rocket/repeater jumps are utterly useless thanks to one factor.. Force Jump. There's just no point to either in JO. 100% self damage I sa, I'd love to finally be able to waste Merr-Sonners with their own rockets.


If you weren't completely wrong about rocket/repeater jumps being useless I would agree with you.

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Originally posted by Doctor Shaft



I... have... bin..... wachin..... u...... frum..... yor.... bedrum..... windoe............. for....... a ..... munth...... now....... mi..... p.....ashence....... iz..... runnnin.......... thinnnn.........


arti.......fexxxxxssssssss.............. u.... must.... pro.... .vida......... prooooo..... mod..... 3.0..... to........ me........ or.... I..... may...... start...... to................................... combust......... and...... my.... guts...... willl................sppplattter........ on..... yor...... window...................







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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ


If you weren't completely wrong about rocket/repeater jumps being useless I would agree with you.


I can see them being useful for hybrid jedi/gunners, but remember, you'll need level 2 guns minimum to use the alt fire on a weapon. That means you'll lose access to level 3 jump, which gives you twice the height of level 2 jump anyway. If you're a gunner specialist (level 4 guns) then you'll have access to the jetpack (if you buy level 4 gadgets), which will allow you to get just about anywhere.


Of course, the rocket launcher at level 1 will still fire an explosive for a rocket jump, but again, if you've got level 3 jump, why waste the 50 health for an extra few feet of height?

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Originally posted by Syfo-Dyas



What kind of effects were you thinking of? I'd be happy to do 'em for ya.


Well, if you'd like to get me some sound effects, that'd be great. I'm after jango's jetpack sound from ep. 2. I imagine that's going to be kinda hard to extract with all the background noise though. Ideally, I'd want the sound to be suitable enough for looping without sounding obvious. Boba's jetpack from ep. 6 would probably work too.

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1


yeah, as soon as its out, lets get a forumys only game going....


broadbandbill here can host:D


Sounds like a plan. I've got the official server that I can dedicate to a "grand release" party. Once 3.0 is ready to my satisfaction, I'll post a new thread here in the Valley for a time/ip/pw.


I've still got to finish up the cosmetic stuff for the jetpack, and add the new force power, so it'll still be a few days, minimum. The good news is that a bunch of the stuff I figured out while coding the jetpack is pertinent to adding the force power code. That should speed things along.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX


Well, if you'd like to get me some sound effects, that'd be great. I'm after jango's jetpack sound from ep. 2. I imagine that's going to be kinda hard to extract with all the background noise though. Ideally, I'd want the sound to be suitable enough for looping without sounding obvious.


It won't be difficult. I'll make it from scratch. It basically sounds like an F-16 jet with some cool sounds layered in for character.


The loop part won't be hard either, but what would really help is if we could do the sound in three parts -just like the saber was done:

1 A launching sound (As in: Turning Saber 'ON' sound)

2 A 'cruise' sound (As in: The saber 'Hum' sound)

3 A shut-down sound (As in: Turning Saber 'OFF sound)


Is this kind of thing possible with the jetpack? It would be very cool if it was.

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Originally posted by Syfo-Dyas


It won't be difficult. I'll make it from scratch. It basically sounds like an F-16 jet with some cool sounds layered in for character.


The loop part won't be hard either, but what would really help is if we could do the sound in three parts -just like the saber was done:

1 A launching sound (As in: Turning Saber 'ON' sound)

2 A 'cruise' sound (As in: The saber 'Hum' sound)

3 A shut-down sound (As in: Turning Saber 'OFF sound)


Is this kind of thing possible with the jetpack? It would be very cool if it was.


Yes, actually. That would be ideal. Go ahead and get me those 3 sounds and I'll put them in to see how it works out. Shouldn't be much more difficult than putting just one sound in.

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OKay ArtifeX, I think I have something that will work well for the jetpack. I'm about 80% done. Sounds like a fighter jet -well, for the most part it is- with engine whine and all that. I still need to clean it up a bit, and reduce the sample rate to something acceptible for game usage.


Basically I wanted to give you an progress update. But I also wanted to know what kind of thrust the JetPack has? Does it catapolt you into the into the air? Or does it work against gravity -thereby making your accent a little slower?


The importants of this has mostly to do with how long my "launch" and "shut-down" samples can be. I'm trying to keep them short, but I need an idea of HOW short?


Depending on if what I have is looking like it will work, I should be able to get the samples out to you Sunday.

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Originally posted by Syfo-Dyas

OKay ArtifeX, I think I have something that will work well for the jetpack. I'm about 80% done. Sounds like a fighter jet -well, for the most part it is- with engine whine and all that. I still need to clean it up a bit, and reduce the sample rate to something acceptible for game usage.


Basically I wanted to give you an progress update. But I also wanted to know what kind of thrust the JetPack has? Does it catapolt you into the into the air? Or does it work against gravity -thereby making your accent a little slower?


The importants of this has mostly to do with how long my "launch" and "shut-down" samples can be. I'm trying to keep them short, but I need an idea of HOW short?


Depending on if what I have is looking like it will work, I should be able to get the samples out to you Sunday.


Keep both the start and end sound pretty short. I'd say somewhere between a quarter and a half a second would be all that was needed.


The responsiveness of the thrusters is fairly gradual. If you've played Tribes 2, then you know exactly what the jetpack feels like. Players using it are going to figure out quickly that a jump just before igniting the jetpack is going to help them immensely.


Get those to me ASAP, as I'm at the point where I could definitely add them in.

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