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fallenone that just shows how ridiculously stupid you are


the armor respawns every 20 seconds(did u even know that???) the guns at full ammo allow maybe 10 shots, now assuming you hit every shot u might get a kill, however with 20 second respawns it is simple to run from a fight, grab armor rinse repeat, hence any decent players playing guns could go on forever with hardly any frags. lack of ammo and abundance of armor hardly makes this at all like the average game. its crap


and no most of us did not buy this game to run around pretending to be jedi


and none of us will ever again play any game in the JK series because of lucasarts catering to idiots who pretend to be jedi


the fact that your community may be bigger makes no difference


it is talentless


and yes we have played sabers only ctf and it is a waste of time


if you knew anything about fps perhaps i would listen


the guns are hardly set up so any old joe can just play


i could say the same about sabers/guns in ANY OTHER GAME


no **** they are


its the good players who learn the maps, learn control, learn defensive routes, learn how to play like a team etc.


jk1 was a great game because sabers and guns were split yes, but the skill level was still present


there wasnt 1 decent player for every 100 idiot whining saber newbies such as yourself


i understand the game is called JEDI KNIGHT that arguement is retarded as there are guns there are options for sabers only


they are separate, i have never bashed saberists, the fact is though most of them are newbie in how they react and in how they play, there is SOME skill involved, but its the same as a mod like ra3, just timing and aim.


and a LOT of people played guns in jk1, a lot played sabers, as i said i got my jedi bs fix overwith when i was 12, sorry if i grew up :\ a lot of us played guns in jk1 and were looking for even better teamplay in jk2


who do u play ut2k3 for? im sure u suck so plz stfu especially if u think u own pubs

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yea. im sick of hearing people say that "guns suck, use a saber, it's star wars you noob" sure it's star wars, sure it's called Jedi Knight, but it's also a part of the dark forces series, which started out using only guns. People say that jedi never use guns. look a kyle katarn he's always sticking that bryar pistol in everyone's face, especially in the cutscenes of jk1.

yea, there not much teamwork in jk2. i noticed that in ctf everyone goes off to get the flag and leaves the base defenceless. sigh..

and are you sure baout the shields spawn thing, cause i think the server can set it to spawn as fast or slow as he pleases.

and how did this thread go from cheaters to guns/sabers?

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Haze stfu. All you're doing is talking sh*t now. Quit running your mouth and read what I wrote. You think I suck? Prove it noob. Play me in UT2K3 1v1. Hell if you're on the eastern seaboard of the US I'd even consider letting you host the game. I put the challenges out there and in reply get trash talking instead of challenges. That shows me that either 1) you're scared, 2) you're talking sh*t just to talk or 3) You haven't played UT2K3 and would rather run your mouth than come clean. We're trying to have a discussion and oops, here comes the so-called "elite" with their flames. Listen NOOB, I was in VRX for the first UT. We got to #3 on CAL before I decided to leave them, and I heard they played for the top spot. So quit calling everyone noob, NOOB! You don't know any of us. You never will. So quit assuming just because you're an ok gunner in a spammable weapons game such as JK2, that you're "elite". Go away. Set up a UT2K3 server, and as I said before, we'll see just who is the noob, NOOB!


note: sorry that once again some idiot a-hole has turned yet another Lucasforums thread into a flame war. This was not the purpose of my previous posts but it's obvious that the so-called "elite" are only "elite" at running their mouths!

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lol i read fallenone boasting about how much more active sabers CTF is NOW. Well if you had played the game at all you'd know that about every other FF ctf server was full, and there were hardly any sabers only CTF servers. If two teams played a competitive sabers only match and had members with any intelligence it would be deadlocked at 0-0 for a VERY long time.

I know it's nothing like a real sport, but I'll do my best to compare. If CTF FF all weapons were hockey CTF sabers only would be like taking the players sticks away and asking them to move and shoot the puck by kicking it. It just wouldn't work which is the case with CTF sabers only it just doesn't work. Well I guess it does for 12 year olds running around with a saber pretending to be a master jedi and being concerned with honor and the jedi code or whatever, because if people played smart and got enough at it they would be able to hold the flag forever with the proper teamwork.

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Now I know you haven't played UT2K3.


1. Sniper gun replaced with Lightning gun, can not spam shots like UT sniper gun, have to wait for reload.


2. Rocket launcher only shoots 3 max rockets now instead of the 5 that were allowed in UT.


3. minigun has loading time now before you can fire unlike in UT where you could automatically begin spamming shots.


4. GES-bio rifle range reduced from UT


5. Plasma cannon primary fire slowed a bit, alt fire tiwsts and twirls and takes more aiming then striaght stream from UT.


6. Impact hammer changed for no longer being able to camp.


7. Shockrifle about the same.


8. teleporter limited in amount of times you can consecutively teleport.


9. Redeemer is the same


Hmmmm...seems to me that UT2K3 is no where near ten times more spammable then UT. Go play the game ya Noob, before you make assanine statements to someone who's played UT2K3 since it came out, as well as UT. Here's 10 bucks, go buy a clue!

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AS for you Chron...


1. You assume I'm 12 when in fact I'm much older.


2. You assume that I'm about "honor" and "jedi code" and what not. When in fact I give two sh*ts about that. I'm saying I play the game for the reasons it was made, which is not for the guns, but the saber.


3. Funny how with all the clans we've scrimmed in sabers only CTF not once has there been a 0-0 tie for any length of time outside of maybe 5 minutes on Yavin.


4. The point of my posts was to show that just because people play this game for the saber, doesn't make them a noob.


And since you're lame @$$ has decided to chime in and add to the non-sense, I'll make the same challenge to you that I've made to all the so-called "elite" JK2 gunners. Load up UT2K3 and I'll own you. I challenged GEEZus, -vicious, and -matt on the TWL forums to this and they never accepted. I challenged Haze and he spouts off his assanine comments how UT2K3 is more spammable then UT was which is complete nonsense and proves he hasn't played the game. And now I'll challenge you buddy. JK2, whether you like it or not, was NOT designed for the guns. It WAS designed for the saber. It's UNIQUE because of the Saber. The guns were put in to appease the masses for a typical shooter game. So get off your high horses about people who enjoy the game for it's intended purpose, the saber, calling them RPG Noobs, this and that. It's tired and boring. And since none of you have the testicles to accept my UT2K3 challenge, it proves that you're not as "elite" as you claim and are just full of hot air.

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1. Your a Newbie


2. I don't waste time humbling newbies at 1 vs 1 in UT2k3 I've had #s of idiots like yourself challenge me and yes I will admit I'm not that great at 1 vs 1 I don't even play. I play CTF and BR on Offense and am usually running flags or the ball and figuring out ways to score USING SMARTS yes intelligence is useful in team games! DM/1vs1 is full of extremely small spammable maps in UT2k3 in the end it's whoever dodges the quickest and spams the most, no smarts involved at all.


3. You haven't played UT if you think it's more spammy than UT2k3.

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1- Don't call people Newbies and then decline their challenge in a real FPS. It makes you look weak.


2- Don't make excuses as to why you suck at UT2K3


3- UT was FAR MORE spammable then UT2k3.


4- Stop flaming everyone who enjoys using the saber, if you like guns that's great, if you like sabers thats cool too.


5- if you live around Washington DC get me a freakin coffee, I'm in dire need of caffine!

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Yeah ok, I never played UT. With the sniper rifle that maxed ammo was 50 bullets and you could just hold down the attack button and it'd keep firing uninterupted. Or the rocket launcher where you could continuously load 5 rockets at a time to launch them. Or the minigun, that you just touch attack and it fires uninterupted. Or the translocator that you could fly across the board without interuption as well. Yeah I never played it GEEZus. STFU noob. You're so full of crap it's pathetic. We're tired of you so-called "elite" running your mouths. Go away. You have no clue wtf you're talking about. UT2K3 was designed to limit the spammability of the previous weapons moron. Play the two again. I've made valid points that show the differences in the weapons between the two games, you've shown nothing but the crap spewing out of your pie-hole.

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Originally posted by FK|FallenOne


3. Funny how with all the clans we've scrimmed in sabers only CTF not once has there been a 0-0 tie for any length of time outside of maybe 5 minutes on Yavin.



Saber only CTF eh? I don't know what version you are playing but if your team wishes to try its luck at some 1.02 saber only CTF, my clan will be more then happy to schedule a match.


We are VERY good at saber only CTF and would love a new challenge.

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FatalStrike, alas as the patches have come so have we updated our styles. 1.02 was hella fun saber only ctf. But as we've been playing 1.04 since it's release steadilly, it would probably be awhile before we could scrim. If you have patch commander, and can play 1.04 at all (I just reinstalled, will get patch commander and check out your server if you post it) come check us out on our server. It's located in Atlanta through Gaminghost.com.

We have some unique settings that force people to play more team oriented. We took out all health and shields forcing people to use Team Heal and Team Energize more. Check us out. And if you'll post yours I'll come and check you guys out. Damn it's been a long while since I've played 1.02. Oh and thanks for agreeing with me, finally someone aside of this little "elite" clique with the knowledge of other FPS's speaks up supporting what I've said.

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Originally posted by FK|FallenOne

Yeah ok, I never played UT. With the sniper rifle that maxed ammo was 50 bullets and you could just hold down the attack button and it'd keep firing uninterupted. Or the rocket launcher where you could continuously load 5 rockets at a time to launch them. Or the minigun, that you just touch attack and it fires uninterupted. Or the translocator that you could fly across the board without interuption as well. Yeah I never played it GEEZus. STFU noob. You're so full of crap it's pathetic. We're tired of you so-called "elite" running your mouths. Go away. You have no clue wtf you're talking about. UT2K3 was designed to limit the spammability of the previous weapons moron. Play the two again. I've made valid points that show the differences in the weapons between the two games, you've shown nothing but the crap spewing out of your pie-hole.

Most original UT players that tried UT2k3 would laugh at your post. The majority know epic didn't get UT2k3 completely right. Yeah it's a good new game, but the deathmatch style of play just isn't right. I tried it out in the demo and haven't played since. Oh and you **** talkers that automatically assume I suck because I don't play 1vs1 or DM consistently should play me in a BR or CTF match we'll determine what you say after that. Basically your telling me to play a mode I don't even play so how about I do the same how about you play me 1 vs 1 FF or NF guns jk2? Makes no sense for a dueler or whatever you are to play that mode eh.

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fallenone what lans have u attended/won?? being in a clan means nothing


the fact that 2k3 may be less spammy than UT doesnt change the fact that its spammy


and it can be argued that any game is spammy


if u know how to play tho its obviously not


hence why most of the good gunners in jk2 it isnt spam at all


and most good 2k3 players arent spamming


UT and UT2k3 just makes the spam easier


and no jk2 doesnt at all since after 5 shots NO AMMO because of whining babies like urself


the lightsaber was put in this game to appeal to the masses not guns moron

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UT maps were much bigger and suitable for the weapon types while UT2k3 maps are a bit too small for the weapon power I'm not the only one complaining about narrow hallways. Yes you could charge up 6 (oh btw you just said 5 which further proves you didn't even play ut much dumb ass) rockets in UT, but it took forever to charge the rockets up and you can charge up 3 in ut2k3 pretty quickily and they still do mass damage.

ALSO weapon balance in UT2k3 is pathetic for DM play from what I heard the rl accounted for over 50% of kills on stats servers and that says enough right there. Again don't get me wrong UT2k3 is a lot of fun BR and CTF modes are great, but DM stinks.

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The weapon balance is fine, what you are hearing is complaints from the former "l33ts" that are upset that they no longer score a perfect 100 kills in DM. Go to the UT2k3 forums and you will see that most of the community is furious at this highly vocal minority.


The weapons are much more balanced then before and may seem spamable to some because they don't kill as quickly as the weapons in UT. Thus you must fire more often and this may seem like spam to some.


BTW wouldn't a bombing run be cool in JKII.

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not to mention the HORRIBLE netcode in 2k3



and ive heard the same complaints from people who have never played UT


its a known fact the game is simply a flare for their engine


look at how pissy Epic is being about tournaments over 5k and restricting every little graphical detail


they want people to see their pretty little engine so they can make money

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