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Circle Sky Problem


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I have made more than half the level now and I have come to a problem I have used more than 442 brushes on a duel lvl lol. It is 3 megabytes and I need to cut it back for everyones sake and for my 11 minute compile time sake. Shadriss or anyone do you know how to make a circle with both an inside and out for texturing and the circle has thickness and high. Look here this is what I am using but I want a circle to delete about 60 brushes. http://www.pcgamemods.com/file.php?id=2421fcb1263b9530df88f7f002e78ea5


Also I have 26 lights lol.

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It's a bit complex, but the thick cirlces CAN be done. It will take something on the order of three brushes to do it, and probobly a little hair pulling for you, but here goes...


First, make a cylinder. Make it the size, ,height, etx that you want thie circle to be.


Next, go to "curves/thicken" in your menu. A window will pop up, asking for the thickness (your choice here( and asking if you want to patch the edges or not (yes, you do).


At this point, it's esentially done. Hoever, it'll "cap" both ends of your cylinder, ,and we dont want that. Select the group, and then deselect everything except the bottom cap, then delete it. JOb done - now just fit it over your stairways.


BTW - 800 brushes isn't too bad foir a duel map... to give you a referance, the DOTF Map used just under 6000 brushes for it's entirety.

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No questions for two days? :) I'll believe THAT when I see it.


No, you can't clip curves. So, what you'll have to do is make a standard brush to hold the opening, another to be the back (these need to be the same width) and then use curves to "cap" the sides and make it look round.

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LoL, I know that was a stupid question. I have decided to destroy what I did with the circles and just do some modifications to the walls. I tried compiling into a pk3 but it didn't show up but I am gonna retry tonight (using a tutorial to compiling). I have been trying to make that light shining through the window where if you looking at the side you see that huge beam of light. Shadriss do you know a good shader that looks like something is being held in place by a antigravity device(rockets or something) so that I can make it the glass platforms more physics like hehe.

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Wahoo time for a stupid question. I am making a pk3 for an alpha test and hey if you have very good detective skills you know I had problems. I put the duel_yavindueltrial.bsp so it goes to /maps, duel_yavindueltrial.jpg to /levelshots, and this is the part that I think messed it up duel_yavindueltrial.arena.txt . I have this inside the duel_yavindueltrial.arena.txt


map "duel_yavindueltrial"

longname "Yavin Duel Trial"

type "duel ffa holocron jedimaster team"


Plz what did I do?????????

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THe problem is your arena file name.


duel_yavintrial.arena.txt is incorrect. The correct filename is duel_yavintrial.arena. NO txt extension. Open it up in notepad (best one for this, really) and SAVE AS "duel_yavintrial.arena"


If it adds the txt extension onto it, simply rename it by left clicking on it and then selecting rename and typing in the correct name.

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