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Circle Sky Problem


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So THATS why you've been asking me about the pit room in DOTF... Why didn't you just say so?


OK, to get this to work right, you have to change the way you've been building it. First, forget about using a cylinder curve. Use two endcaps fit together to form a circle. DOnt ask why, it will make sence in a moment.


Now, select one of them, and go into your menu. Under the curves menu, select "cap" then "reverse endcap". Another menu will pop up. Select "reverse endcap" again, and click OK. BOOM! THat side is closed up. Repeat for the other side, and viola. DONE! You have a hole to look up through, and those reverse endcap caps will block view around it. :)


YOu could have been more descriptive in your email, dude. :)

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Darn I am very sorry this is too complex for me so I have hopefully 1 last question. I am making a cylinder in the ground. In that cylinder I want to put water. In the middle of the cylinder I want to put another cylider. How do I do this lol.

This is what it looks like if you can't understand me.mspaint


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OK, ,that link didn't work at all... but I dont think I need it.


I am making a cylinder in the ground


Do tht part like the one in the cieling you did. Easy. :)


In the middle of the cylinder I want to put another cylider


Also done like the one in the cieling - the only differancee will be that instead of using two endcaps, use a cylinder here and cap it using the "normal" option. :)


In that cylinder I want to put water.


Trickier. This is basically how it works though -


First, create a brush that fills your cylinder to the height you want the water to be. Texture the whole thing with the "system/caulk_nonsolid" texture. Now, go into the Yavin texture set and find one of the water SHADERS. Not a texture, a SHADER. It'll have a white border (In JK2Rad). Apply the shader to the TOP and BOTTOM faces of the brush ONLY! NO OTHER FACES! Compile, and get out your floaties. :)

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I know it seems that I am an idiot and I am so I must bother you people again : ( . OK I have new Map shots up at http://www.geocities.com/skx_darkblade/map.html

I have glass over the water in the center of the room. I put some lights in the water. But it still comes up blurry. What do I do. I made a brush for the glass and I believe I made it a detail brush.

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I fixed it somehow. Well I have yet another question. I gave my friend a copy of the lvl(bsp form) and he can load the lvl but the light and the shaders don't seem to work at all. he only sees gray and black. Updated pics


What i see: http://www.geocities.com/skx_darkblade/map.html

What he sees: http://www.geocities.com/skx_darkblade/untitled

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I have the problem again : ( I have glass over the water in the center of the room. I put some lights in the water. But the water still comes up blurry but sometimes it isn't and it is transparent but has the water color to it. Also I don't think it is good that my map is over 2 megabytes and it is only 1 room lol.

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OK, first problem is you have a leak near your window. Small one, but still there. If you're using JK2Radient, then you should have noticed that big thick red line... you need to close up the map.


Second - the water doesn't work. I compiled with no changes (Save fixing the leak) and got a grey solid surface. I think you used the wrong water texture. I'm testing out another one - for some reason only SOME of the water shaders work in MP.


Finally, I'm having a hard time'believing' the enviroment. Glass that not only does not shatter, but is suspended in mid air? With no support? BOTH of those need to be addressed.


Also, while it is a good beginning, it needs a central point of focus. Right now, all it really is is a room with a window and and a skylight with a small pool in the center. It needs something as a focus to the room... right now, it doesn't have one.

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