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Originally posted by Hellbeard

Imagine if there was some LucasArts 20th aniversery game where all the characters from the previous LEC adventures teamed up to beat all the bad guys! It would be like Mickey Mouse's house of mouse! That would be cool!:p


Umm... I don't think that's quite possible considering planets and eras and such.

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Originally posted by BooJaka15m


Umm... I don't think that's quite possible considering planets and eras and such.


Not important, look at Super Smash Bros Melee.


However I have a story were I can get most of the Lucasart Adventure charicters together and have it all make sence. Two words, Chrono Johns.


Brief plot out line....


An older, aging, Indiana Jones is on a arciological dig on Monkey Island in 1990(remember his life is extended a bit from the holy Grail he drank out of in Last Crusade). He's brought a bunch of college students along so Anne(Zak McKracken) is there too, as well as her boyfriend Zak McKracken(who's hoping to get somesort of story out of all this). Indy accidentaly uncovers LeChuck, buried for centurys under the Giant Monkey Head. LeChucks got a mad on for Guybrush who traped LeChuck down there years before. But traped in the Future Guybrush is long dead so LeChuck has to find a way back in time. Snaching one of Zak's NAtional Inquistors(or what ever the paper he belongs too is) from Zak LeChuck reads an artical about Dr. Fred's Chrono Johns. LeChuck makes a bee line for the Freds Mansion. Allong LeChucks trail of distruction he swats Sam and Max's crusier of the road. Being Consterened citzens(and all so hoping mad that their car is totaled) S&M follow LeChuck the Dr. Fred MAnsion. Just as LeChuck is about to go back intime S&M show up and disrupt the Time travel sequence and LeChuck, Sam, and Max all get pulled into the future.


LeChuck needs to get the Chrono John fixed so he grabes a Motorcycle thats sitting nearby and drives off. Guess whos bike it was? Ben's pissed to the point of crazy ness and sets off with Sam and Max to get his bike back. A few crazy antics and wacky hijinks later they catch up with LeChuck and his repaired Chronojohn. LeChuck makes the mistake of taking Ben's bick with him so Ben followes. Sam and Max get left behind.


Finaly back in the Caribine LeChuck leaves Ben stuck on a island while LeChuck goes to find Guybrush and make him pay. Ben does the adventury thing and gets off the island and catches up with LeChuck and meet Guybrush Threepwood. Hillarity Insues.


With LeChuck defeated(agian) Ben and Guybrush set out to put everyone back where they belong.


The End......



see It could work....

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Originally posted by The Adventurer


Not important, look at Super Smash Bros Melee.


However I have a story were I can get most of the Lucasart Adventure charicters together and have it all make sence. Two words, Chrono Johns.


Brief plot out line....


An older, aging, Indiana Jones is on a arciological dig on Monkey Island in 1990(remember his life is extended a bit from the holy Grail he drank out of in Last Crusade). He's brought a bunch of college students along so Anne(Zak McKracken) is there too, as well as her boyfriend Zak McKracken(who's hoping to get somesort of story out of all this). Indy accidentaly uncovers LeChuck, buried for centurys under the Giant Monkey Head. LeChucks got a mad on for Guybrush who traped LeChuck down there years before. But traped in the Future Guybrush is long dead so LeChuck has to find a way back in time. Snaching one of Zak's NAtional Inquistors(or what ever the paper he belongs too is) from Zak LeChuck reads an artical about Dr. Fred's Chrono Johns. LeChuck makes a bee line for the Freds Mansion. Allong LeChucks trail of distruction he swats Sam and Max's crusier of the road. Being Consterened citzens(and all so hoping mad that their car is totaled) S&M follow LeChuck the Dr. Fred MAnsion. Just as LeChuck is about to go back intime S&M show up and disrupt the Time travel sequence and LeChuck, Sam, and Max all get pulled into the future.


LeChuck needs to get the Chrono John fixed so he grabes a Motorcycle thats sitting nearby and drives off. Guess whos bike it was? Ben's pissed to the point of crazy ness and sets off with Sam and Max to get his bike back. A few crazy antics and wacky hijinks later they catch up with LeChuck and his repaired Chronojohn. LeChuck makes the mistake of taking Ben's bick with him so Ben followes. Sam and Max get left behind.


Finaly back in the Caribine LeChuck leaves Ben stuck on a island while LeChuck goes to find Guybrush and make him pay. Ben does the adventury thing and gets off the island and catches up with LeChuck and meet Guybrush Threepwood. Hillarity Insues.


With LeChuck defeated(agian) Ben and Guybrush set out to put everyone back where they belong.


The End......



see It could work....

Wow, that works perfectly! If that was a game, you would be able to control all of the characters at least once! But you might of wanted to include more of the other Villains.


Btw, Where's Bobbin, Manny, and the Dig guys?

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But who would you play? The only character in the plot consistently is LeChuck! So you'd have to play LeChuck going after Guybrush... how could you have a satisfying ending (you win, guybrush dies or you lose and guybrush lives!)?


Maybe it could just be a comedy ending, where you get a Virtual Pet Guybrush as a reward for completing the game, and you can torture him in silly and amusing ways! :) (Which would set you up for a sequel where GB has to escape evil Windows world, naturally! ;))


Sounds like a fine idea for a fan game... if such things existed anymore :(


~ John

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Yeah, but you forgot about the bit where they're sent to Mars in the future and end up playing some crazy shenanigans with E.Z. Wheeler. And then they all die at the end, and Manny has to give them a travel package (before the start of Grim Fandango).

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You can't fit Everyone into it, I've tried. Manny and Bobin just don't fit into such a story (allthough I'm sure such a story could be writen) and I figured I'd mention the Dig in passing, such as on the front page of the National Inquisitor or Indy talking about how he was contacted by the United States to be on hand incase any alien artifacts were found on Attila(the astroid).


Also I have in my head, this realy funny scene at the end of the game, when Guybrush and Ben are monkeying with the Chrono John trying to get Ben home. For a few seconds they teleport all around the Lucusverse and you briefy see cameos by Bobbin, Manny, Willow, and Chewbacka all in their respective worlds. It'll be funny and unexpected.

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Originally posted by Hellbeard

Perhaps there is a battle in the UnderWorld with LeChuck, and Manny is the Referee!


THATS IT! LeChuck, in his diobolical skeam sends Guybrush and Ben to the 9th underworld(prequeling the events of Grim Fandago) and Manny explains that they're both dead. Granted this doesn't gel well with them so they sent out to find there why home, (Which IS possible because if I remember right, getting sprotted gets you reincarnated)

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Originally posted by BooJaka15m

I always figured getting Sprouted made you just stop there and disappear, not start all over again.


No I'm pretty sure it sends you back to life to start over in a new body(reincarnation) In life flowers = Life. and Skulls = death. In death Skulls = Life and flowers =death. So.......When you die in life you become a skull and go to the afterlife. and in death if you get sprouted you become a flower and get reborn. Or atleast thats how I read it.....

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