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Challenge us for CTF


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No one cares if you can kick their ass. It's just a game. It doesn't matter if you win (or lose, for that matter), it's how you the play the game.


The guys reading this might think that you're a real jerk, then they'll come only after you and not your clan, vice-versa, or maybe even both. See what I'm sayin'?



Happened to me lots of times before. I suggest you take my advice, or be prepared to back up your claim. They'll be watching.....trust me.......I'd know...........

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Y'know, Makli, that last sentence in your challenge.............it means nothing. But, I will gladly take up your offer! The time that you give ZBomber is the time I will arrive, so be prepared.






ZBomber, hope you don't mind me using guns in the battle. Just a short time transition back to a Merc, then I'll return to being a Dark Jedi! (I've got a lesson to teach this guy!)

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Originally posted by Hekx Noxu

If it was CTF, saber-only with force powers enabled, I might be able to participate with a clan I'm in.

But I don't play with guns anymore :(


As i mentioned above - we play only full weapons, full force :)

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Originally posted by ZBomber

hey, we'll challenge you. :)


We have been practicing CTF, so beware. :evil2:


when do you wnat to play? :)





i m glad u have accepted my challenge. I m sure we can offer u a good and fair game.


B/c we are based in Europe, i suggest to play on thursday at 22:00 CET (maybe a bit later we will probably have a match at 21:00 and dont know how long it will take), friday at 21:00 (or later if u need) or in the afternoon/evening/night during weekend. Plz let me know if any of these days/times are good for u or suggest a few others u can make and we will pick one.




PPS: I suggest to meet in our IRC channel 15 minutes before match (#tmf.jk2 QuakeNet) - we will decide which server we will play on and so....



Makli aka TMF.Dark One

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Originally posted by topshot

Y'know, Makli, that last sentence in your challenge.............it means nothing. But, I will gladly take up your offer! The time that you give ZBomber is the time I will arrive, so be prepared.


ZBomber, hope you don't mind me using guns in the battle. Just a short time transition back to a Merc, then I'll return to being a Dark Jedi! (I've got a lesson to teach this guy!)


Hey topshot, good to see u accepting challenge :) the only thing i dont understand is if u are a member of ZBomber's clan or if u want to play 2 clans against us in time ;)


Anyway i m looking forward playing with u.




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Originally posted by Bilbo Skywalker

well i am part of [JA], a long standing clan (now with all new members though) full force, full guns CTF clan, we are always looking for scrimms and will gladly play either MK or CM for fun/practise, so any info lemme know in PM please.


Z i'd love to play against you :p



Hi, i know JA from TWL and public servers :) I thought u broke up (as Detritic went to eSc) if u are interested in match agaisnt us the easiest way is to come to our IRC and discuss date/time with us ;)



Makli a.k.a. TMF.Dark One

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Originally posted by topshot

You talkin' 'bout a challenge in Quake, or just a Jedi Outcast battle?



And for the time thing, you go by European time, I go by North America Central Time, so I hope that we can find a much more suitable time for everyone to be in the match!


I dont play Quake, and b/c this forum is about JO i supposed it was obvious that i m challenging for JK2 CTF game.


About time: We play on american ladder too and when we try to find the best time for both clans we usually play at friday or in weekend at about 5-6 pm EST. Plz let me know if u can make any of these times or suggest a few other times/days (as soon as possible in your time plz). I will apreciate if u would answer to my e-mail: tmf.dark_one@bigfoot.com ;)




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Originally posted by makli


I dont play Quake, and b/c this forum is about JO i supposed it was obvious that i m challenging for JK2 CTF game.


You never know. We had a guy in here named Marth? who wanted to challenge others. He told us MOHAA challenge which many of us thought was a clan but it turned out to be the game Medal of Honor and then he insulted us/me for not knowing what MOHAA was. Well here it is the




So with people like that around you never quite know. I am a member of Crimson Masters also and I can tell you right now we cannot play this week because we need more practice and we need to know who can come which takes a short while. We should be able to do it on the 22nd. That should give us enough time. If this is alright with you guys I will talk to my clan and we will try for then.


Question: Can we still use the saber or are they not allowed period? How many members per side? usual 20 minute 8 flag senerio? Mods? Ducks?


If you have some questions Email me at sexyprz@hotmail.com.


OH! I don't think any of us have IRC. Do you have MSN or AIM?


Have Fun!



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jeeeeeez, sorry yeah i know you i played with and against you a few times, my head must have been up my ass, it just never clicked it was you :confused::D


yeah det left before i joined but me and virus have kept it going, and have recruited more players.


so yeah we'd be up to scrimm, cos we need the practise. :)


ill probably see you online soon ;)



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Originally posted by BigTeddyPaul

We should be able to do it on the 22nd. That should give us enough time. If this is alright with you guys I will talk to my clan and we will try for then.


22nd would be good if you will be able to make it at about 5-6 pm EST (or sooner ;))


Originally posted by BigTeddyPaul

Question: Can we still use the saber or are they not allowed period? How many members per side? usual 20 minute 8 flag senerio? Mods? Ducks?


use your sabers if u want, timelimit 20, no cap limit, friendly fire on or off, its up to u.



Originally posted by BigTeddyPaul

OH! I don't think any of us have IRC. Do you have MSN or AIM?


Have Fun!




http://www.mIRC.com ;) all clans use IRC



Originally posted by topshot

P.S.: I'd like to get an accurate gauge of your strengths and weaknesses before the CTF match we'll have. In other words, I'd like to see how good you are in a gun duel!



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Originally posted by ZDawg

Me and some Fellow clan members play CTF alot... and we are very good at it... but i dont really injoy playing people with a huge ego about a game... or people who act as if they are unbeatable.


can we paly also? Hehehehehehehehe.. hehe.... he.. yeh. :(

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