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Ow no! He's back!


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Guess who's back! :)


Anyway, a few months ago I said I would return a few months before the release of SW:G. And so ehm, here I am...

(Thanks to Wraith who told me it was out soon and I needed to get my ass back on the forums again!)


And for those of you who dont know me, or quite simply forgot me ( grr :mad: )


My name is Ascari, im in the Associates (the leading PA on this forum when I took my leave). and ehm.. thats it :)


Did I mention I love b-wings ? No? Well I do.



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LOL, noone died :D , but Set has gone missing.


There's tons of new stuff:


All professions have been revealed.

Tons of in-game stories from Holocron and Co.

Beta 2 has just started.

And a bunch of new people have joined here.


Eh, anything else new? :confused:


Anyway, welcome back Ascari.


For me to poop on! :D

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